Hello, Everyone. A week seems to zipp by these days!
I recently tackled my first fine(r) sort-of-craftsman-like kit. It is of a CPR-style water tank made by Kanamodel who have shops in Port Coquitlam, just minutes out of Vancouver, BC. This was a challenge I had been putting off, and for me a necessary prelude to Keystone's Danby Sawmill. It did present me with some struggles, but I learned that my greatest liability was my reluctance to get on with it. So, in its glory, and with me quite happy how it turned out, here it is.
(For the sticklers, please try to suspend disbelief....the K4s was just passing through this yard...for some reason.)
I finished remotoring and updating the drive of my Athearn SDP40F A unit and repowered the B unit with a Proto 2000 E unit chassis. Both run as quiet as any Atlas or Kato unit I've seen. I've yet to patch them for the L&A. I installed Digitrax DZ125 decoders in both units and acceleration/decelaretion rates have been set.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I see we're off to a fine start this weekend..... love that tank, Crandell!
Here's my entry for the weekend..
I Love it, Crandell.
This weekend, I am hoping to get some paint on the coaling tower that you were helping me with this spring.
Thanks for inspiring us to keep moving forward.
Anything is possible if you do not know what you are talking about.
Thanks, Sue. I look forward to seeing how you do. I expect that it will be very good if I am to judge by your early works. (No, not meant to pre-judge or to put you on the spot...I have no such desire. )
Jarrell, thanks to you as well. You continue to give me tips and help with my imagery, and this latest one of yours merely reinforces my belief that I am lucky to have you as my mentor. BTW, that is some nice eye-candy you have hissing and panting on the radials. It is so apparent how large the A Class is next to the others. In my own case, I expect the y6b was a large enough engine, but it looks tiny compared to the C&O H-8 Allegheny...that thing is a monster! I also like how you are doing with the turntable and the rails to the edge. It is a bit of work, isn't it?
Hi all: It was a quiet day in Columbia, till the bear showed up. He was probably looking for an easy meal. The local police force quickly surrounded him. "Get your hands, er paws up, ordered the Chief. "Uh, his paws are up, whispered the Sgt". "Oh, OK said the Chief, maybe we should wait for the Deputy Game Warden, he'll know what to do". Crandell, nice job on that tank, and a great yard shot, including the switch stand. Jarrell, that's a fine line up of locos.
My current project, I'm stll waiting for a few decals.
Pueblo & Salt Lake RR
Come to us http://www.westportterminal.de my videos my blog
selector I recently tackled my first fine(r) sort-of-craftsman-like kit. It is of a CPR-style water tank made by Kanamodel who have shops in Port Coquitlam, just minutes out of Vancouver, BC. This was a challenge I had been putting off, and for me a necessary prelude to Keystone's Danby Sawmill. -Crandell
I recently tackled my first fine(r) sort-of-craftsman-like kit. It is of a CPR-style water tank made by Kanamodel who have shops in Port Coquitlam, just minutes out of Vancouver, BC. This was a challenge I had been putting off, and for me a necessary prelude to Keystone's Danby Sawmill.
Hi Crandell,
Thanks for getting us off to a good start. Your water tank looks really good. I built a Keystone Danby Sawmill a few years ago - it's a great kit. Exercise lots of patience and follow the instructions carefully and your success is practically guaranteed. If you plan to put lights in it, I suggest integrating them as you build the structure, it will be tough to hide the wires after it's built.
That kit, like many of my structures, has a corrugated metal roof and I'm still not satisfied with my methods for making the corrugated metal look aged but not hammered. I like my structures to look like they've been around for a while, but that they have been cared for. Anyway, if you or anyone else, has a good method for aging corrugated metal, I'd love to hear it.
Again, you do great work!
Phil, I'm not a rocket scientist; they are my students.
shayfan84325 That kit, like many of my structures, has a corrugated metal roof and I'm still not satisfied with my methods for making the corrugated metal look aged but not hammered. I like my structures to look like they've been around for a while, but that they have been cared for. Anyway, if you or anyone else, has a good method for aging corrugated metal, I'd love to hear it.
Great job Crandell, like shayfan says about the Danby kit, the roofing was hard for me to get "right" . I'm not complete, but have most of it behind me. I may decide to use Paper Creek Model Works "Medium Rust" instead. For the carriage, I chose to use HOn3 rail, I felt it looked better that the bulky casting that came with the kit. Please keep us updated on your project.
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."-Albert Einstein
Thanks, Fellas, for your encouragement.
We can try to sort out the corrugated tinned roof in another thread, but was it that it flattened too much after the painting/weathering? I'm thinking coarse hair combs, two of the same kind, tines facing each other from their spines, and nested with the roofing sandwiched between them so that the corrugations stay in place. Anyway, thanks again, and we can explore cures anytime you wish to. I appreciate your tips. (Gulp!)
Lots of good work this week.
Jarrell, That TT looks like it gets a lot of use. Nice.
Shayfan, I agree the PaperCreek is nice to work with.
Hi all , great start to the weekend, can't wait to see what the rest of the weekend brings.
I have started buying ME flex track and switches for my soon-to-be layout but need lots more. I just want to show you all what I bought at Zellers(Canada) for $15 yesterday. I thought it was a heck of a deal.
Keep up the great work everyone,
Wow Crandell really nice work on the water tower
See my Web Site Here
Since it's now obvious you're not going to be seeing them in the magazine, I am posting a couple of the shots that I submitted to last spring's MR photo contest. The centerpiece of both is my scratchbuilt model of the Silver Plume Depot on the Georgetown Loop tourist RR.
I have figured out what is wrong with my brain! On the left side nothing works right, and on the right side there is nothing left!
Approaching autumn storm:
Last weekend I went to "International Railfair" hear in Roseville to see what I could find, and I came away with a few things but I was really happy to find a Proto 2000 ATSF GP30. About a month ago I bought a Athearn GP30 also in Santa Fe so I decided to compare the two and see which one looked better.
I dont think it helps the Athearn that it was made in 1964.
I've started a new diorama, it will have a huge fall forest in the back, and a country road at one end. I've gotten the basic ground cover down, rails down, and just ballasted them and added the basic road. Yes, the glue is wet, but haven't started on securing the ballast yet:
took this before I ballasted:
Also bought some woodland scenics fall foliage to experiment w/ last weekend:
Also picked up this Atlas Trainman Atlantic & Western ACF 50' 6" boxcar:
Sorry for the poor quality of the first three, took them in a hurry b/c I thought the camera was about to die.
Sawyer Berry
Clemson University c/o 2018
Building a protolanced industrial park layout
Great to see we're off to a good start this weekend. I wonder how many Danby Sawmills will show up (Crandell's getting ready to begin construction on his):
Hi Crandell, here are a few shots of my Danby Sawmill. It was my first craftsman kit; I'm confident that you'll do fine with yours:
I built it about 4 years ago. I re-did the roof a while back, but I'm still not really satisfied with it. After detailing the interior, it's almost a shame to put a roof on it. Good luck with yours.
My more recent project is this freight house:
I'll be weathering it over the next few days. I may extend the dock and add a Durango Press crane to it (those little kits are quite a challenge, but they make a nice product).
Finally, I want to show you a couple of prototype depictions. This station used to serve the Utah and Idaho Central RR. It is located in the little town of Mendon, Utah (3 blocks from my house). It is a very nice restoration and it currently serves as our city meeting place:
In its previous role, it was our station for the electric railway that ran from Ogden UT to Preston ID (about 9 miles, took 8 hours). This painting shows one of the trains:
It was a pretty rural interurban line. I just thought some of you might like to see our old short line in the Rockies.
I started with this ancient and venerable Atlas/Rivarossi N scale Pacific...
Started with the tender...
Went to work on the boiler details...
Added some weight and some electronics...
Got the light to work, and went to work on the pilot... Have to make a plow...
Added an oil bunker, some paint and decals...
Then turned her loose on the railroad!
No, really... I like diesels... but this was a fun project.
Route of the Alpha Jets www.wmrywesternlines.net
I love all the realistic scenes. The Interurban scheme is very nice.
wedudler My current project, I'm stll waiting for a few decals. Wolfgang
Is that Scratch? It;s cute. That's a healthy gap in your rail though.
Here;s my project for the week. I painted and decalled a set of Athearn coaches for the Indiana Transportation Museum with custom decals.
This is the Prototype
Phil, thanks for showing me your handiwork. It turned out very well, particularly for a first model. I can see a nice layout in the background, too.
I will tackle the sawmill over Christmas, I think. As you say, the instructions are quite detailed.
"Being misunderstood is the fate of all true geniuses"
Yeah that edited for content.
Great job!!! Very realistic, although it bugs me that realism includes duplicating vandalism. Still, you got it dead on.
I hope you don't mind me asking, what's your technique for getting the overall faded look? Also, the rust on the upper portion of the car looks real; how did you do it?
Here's some from the club
Cravens yard
scrap line
Here's a link for some video of 9 of these engines running (Yes their all powered)
Northbound Santa Fe Pig train
BN southbound tank train
BP&R 2-6-6-2 Northbound
DM&IR ore train southbound
Hi Guys,
Great work here, grampytrains, you've got that bar set pretty high!
Here are the results from a couple of background buildings I've been trying to finish, one needs decals added as you can see.
I seek peoples opinions, in real life buildings aren't generall up against each other but for backgound buildings it seems to finish the scene better when that are up against each other?! I was going to space them out and put some fencing and trees between them to try and help the look?! Which looks more realistic?
Woo hooo!!! I got an attaboy from Aggro. Yyyyessssss!!
Thank-you, Sir!
Like Phil, I find myself admiring your ability to get just the right look. It is so good that I know you have the prototype nailed...I'm seeing it! Good work, Aggro.
Flashwave wedudler My current project, I'm stll waiting for a few decals. Wolfgang Is that Scratch? It;s cute. That's a healthy gap in your rail though.
Yes, I've built it from brass sheet. Now I'm installing the decoder and looking for places to add some lead.
Is this a Genesis version or blue box version (I'm assuming it's an Athearn)? I ask because I would like to know what color you used to touch up if is was a blue box. I have two blue box 50'ers with the same name to which I want to replace the side ladders and stirrups. Awesome weathering on this car (reference to the other two pics I omitted from this post).
"If we never take the time, how can we ever have the time." - Merovingian (Matrix Reloaded)