Hum, sorry the PIC's are so big. Loaded them a driffrent way I will not uses again.
See if this is smaller
Cuda Ken
I hate Rust
Fergmiester wrote: dragenrider wrote: howmus wrote: jacon12 wrote: My ugly mug...Hey... it's modeling!!JarrellHow do you find anything?Jarrell you have inspired me! I decided if you can do a photo like that of yourself, what is to stop me from doing it. I mean just because I don't have the Artistic abilities you have doesn't mean I can't come up with something good by myself. So I put on some good clothes, went down to the layout and cleaned my workbench thoroughly, got everything in order and came up with a couple outstanding shots of myself busily at work on a project. Here they are! Hope everyone enjoys these!!!!I call this one: "What the heck am I supposed to do with this?"And this one is titled: Maybe if I put this in line....Wonder what it is?"And you talk about UGLY!?! What a riot! Give me a minute to catch my breath from laughing so hard! Wow! Men After my own heart... and M.E.S.S. ! Drag your bench is almost as bad as mine! I's show a pic but I don't have a wide enough angled lense to prove it.Fergie
dragenrider wrote: howmus wrote: jacon12 wrote: My ugly mug...Hey... it's modeling!!JarrellHow do you find anything?Jarrell you have inspired me! I decided if you can do a photo like that of yourself, what is to stop me from doing it. I mean just because I don't have the Artistic abilities you have doesn't mean I can't come up with something good by myself. So I put on some good clothes, went down to the layout and cleaned my workbench thoroughly, got everything in order and came up with a couple outstanding shots of myself busily at work on a project. Here they are! Hope everyone enjoys these!!!!I call this one: "What the heck am I supposed to do with this?"And this one is titled: Maybe if I put this in line....Wonder what it is?"And you talk about UGLY!?! What a riot! Give me a minute to catch my breath from laughing so hard!
howmus wrote: jacon12 wrote: My ugly mug...Hey... it's modeling!!JarrellHow do you find anything?Jarrell you have inspired me! I decided if you can do a photo like that of yourself, what is to stop me from doing it. I mean just because I don't have the Artistic abilities you have doesn't mean I can't come up with something good by myself. So I put on some good clothes, went down to the layout and cleaned my workbench thoroughly, got everything in order and came up with a couple outstanding shots of myself busily at work on a project. Here they are! Hope everyone enjoys these!!!!I call this one: "What the heck am I supposed to do with this?"And this one is titled: Maybe if I put this in line....Wonder what it is?"And you talk about UGLY!?!
jacon12 wrote: My ugly mug...Hey... it's modeling!!Jarrell
My ugly mug...
Hey... it's modeling!!
Jarrell you have inspired me! I decided if you can do a photo like that of yourself, what is to stop me from doing it. I mean just because I don't have the Artistic abilities you have doesn't mean I can't come up with something good by myself. So I put on some good clothes, went down to the layout and cleaned my workbench thoroughly, got everything in order and came up with a couple outstanding shots of myself busily at work on a project. Here they are! Hope everyone enjoys these!!!!
I call this one: "What the heck am I supposed to do with this?"
And this one is titled: Maybe if I put this in line....Wonder what it is?"
And you talk about UGLY!?!
What a riot! Give me a minute to catch my breath from laughing so hard!
Wow! Men After my own heart... and M.E.S.S. ! Drag your bench is almost as bad as mine! I's show a pic but I don't have a wide enough angled lense to prove it.
Not sure on what I think about the work I did on K-10 Mining section. To say it did not turn out the way I was hoping is a under statement. Cliffs under the mine turned out lighter than I wanted, but that is a easy fix. After sanding some of the foam that is the ground of the mining company I added some brown latex paint. Brown paint was a little darker than I wanted so I added some white, it turned pink? Added black to the brew and got really nasty looking, but it is a mine so what the heck.
I added a little white glue on top of the paint and added real dirt that I sanded down with 36 grit sand paper. Left a few bare spots so I could added dying grass color foam, thinking the dirt would have soaked up the glue and only some would grass would stick. I ran the shop vac over the grass, all most all the grass stuck? Well, it looks sort of OK but it is no longer pink!
To the left I added a small hill to divide the C-line and the spur. Pretty happy with it, but I need to find away to hide the seam where I glued on the foam. I thinking either drywall compound, latex caulk or white glue then ground cover. Ditch between the spur and main is new as well.
Where you see the pink on the hill, that will be carved and made rock color.
For Crandall, does this make me a real modeler?
dragenrider wrote: howmus wrote: jacon12 wrote: My ugly mug...Hey... it's modeling!!JarrellJarrell you have inspired me! I decided if you can do a photo like that of yourself, what is to stop me from doing it. I mean just because I don't have the Artistic abilities you have doesn't mean I can't come up with something good by myself. So I put on some good clothes, went down to the layout and cleaned my workbench thoroughly, got everything in order and came up with a couple outstanding shots of myself busily at work on a project. Here they are! Hope everyone enjoys these!!!!I call this one: "What the heck am I supposed to do with this?"And this one is titled: Maybe if I put this in line....Wonder what it is?"And you talk about UGLY!?! What a riot! Give me a minute to catch my breath from laughing so hard!
howmus wrote: jacon12 wrote: My ugly mug...Hey... it's modeling!!JarrellJarrell you have inspired me! I decided if you can do a photo like that of yourself, what is to stop me from doing it. I mean just because I don't have the Artistic abilities you have doesn't mean I can't come up with something good by myself. So I put on some good clothes, went down to the layout and cleaned my workbench thoroughly, got everything in order and came up with a couple outstanding shots of myself busily at work on a project. Here they are! Hope everyone enjoys these!!!!I call this one: "What the heck am I supposed to do with this?"And this one is titled: Maybe if I put this in line....Wonder what it is?"And you talk about UGLY!?!
Wow! Men After my own heart... and M.E.S.S. ! Ray your bench is almost as bad as mine! I'd show a pic but I don't have a wide enough angled lense to prove it.
If one could roll back the hands of time... They would be waiting for the next train into the future. A. H. Francey 1921-2007
The Cedar Branch & Western--The Hillbilly Line!
Aaah, that's a bit more like it, Ray. I can relate to a workbench that you have to move three things before you can use a razor saw to clean up the end of a stem to make a tree.
jacon12 wrote:My ugly mug...Hey... it's modeling!!Jarrell
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
Hi folks. Took some pics of my aiken Locomtoive works for a contest on another site. here they are:
And yes, I know, I know, not the best pics. Hey, it is Weekend photo fun.
Sawyer Berry
Clemson University c/o 2018
Building a protolanced industrial park layout
Driline, the A/C unit is sitting on a 1970 Plymouth Super Bird, looks to be B-5 Blue! Hey, it is car stuff but is related to Trains!
Ever notices that layouts have way to many cool cars? But, how wants to shale out $20.00 on a 70 Buick 4 door? Time to carve up some foam.
Not much modeling so far this week, I spent my week in WV on the CSX line. That's just as good
The Dixie D Short Line "Lux Lucet In Tenebris Nihil Igitur Mors Est Ad Nos 2001"
Well, we're having the first rain of the season out here in SunnyCal, so I guess it's time to run the cattle train to pick up the herds from the high country and bring them back down to the foothills before the snows set in.
Here's 2-8-0 #1159 and 2-8-2 #1204 doing the honors this year as they head up the East Line around Bullard's Bar toward Bassett's Meadows and Sierra Summit with a string of empties to set out along the way. They'll be back in a couple of days with nice fat noisy cattle bound for winter pastureage in the foothills around Nevada City (yah, that first car is a BLI with sound).
Tom View my layout photos! One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
Athearn BB F-7 with details installed by me:
Athearns really can look good.
Oh if you only knew. I'm gonna take a picture one day that shows what a wreck this place usually is. Try as I might I'm THE ALL TIME CHAMPION at not putting stuff away after using it. That or putting it away so good I never find it again!
Well, that's not quite true. I find it right after buying a replacement.
selector wrote:Jarrell, I am still basically annoyed about the way you do things. Even with the dark background I can tell you have everything put away in its proper place behind you, the floor is swept, no clutter or things to knock off the bench with your elbow...and you call yourself a modeller.Tsk!
Jarrell, I am still basically annoyed about the way you do things. Even with the dark background I can tell you have everything put away in its proper place behind you, the floor is swept, no clutter or things to knock off the bench with your elbow...and you call yourself a modeller.
How are you today?
I've just picked up some pictures from my Photobucket's album to join you today and latest pic from kit car by Athearn reefer Carnation Milk, it looks the same as gkhazzard's picture accept the truck which looks more modern than mine. ( i just guess. )
And i did'nt have a chance to add my post with last WPF that those cars are HO Scale.
I only weathered trucks to look rusty, later the body work will begin.
Here there are...
Well since my camera takes lousy pictures and do not want any comments about how bad they are so I will just tell you want you did.
First I finished painting my 2 gp-9s, gp-40, and franken rs in varaying shades of mil orange. I then did a crappy job weathering around the exhaust on one of the gp-9s then did a rust coat using the qtip meathod mentioned above. I then reassebled the gp-40 remembering that one of the light lenses broke so I went to the lhs to get some acrylic tube to repair it. I also touched up some places on it.
Next I fitted my roundhouse rs-3 with a decoder and put in 2 grain of wheat lights wired to a resistor and fitted them directly into the lense hole. This looks awesome. A very clear lense that puts out just the right light at the right color. My dummy rs-3 from roundhouse got the same treatment.
I also painted a rs-2 and weatherd it lightly with smoke around the stack and rusted the trucks. All weathering used is artist chalk.
Today I made up some templates for all the gp's so I could airbrush the fans and intakes without spraying the rest of the body. Also got some grease at the lhs to grease all the gears. I also had to rebuild the roundhouse gearhouse because the gears were loose and sloppy so I stole them out of the dummy gp-9 from athern and put them in the roundhouse rs. Runs great now. And funny enough the old gears fit great in the athern trucks with no slop.
alco's forever!!!!! Majoring in HO scale Minorig in O scale:)
Personally, I think it's just a stunt man. The real Jarrell is lurking in the shadows somewhere...
Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
gkhazzard wrote: lvanhen wrote:Overall pretty good!! Only 2 points I'd make, 1. bottom muddy: it's actually not "muddy" enough - there are brush marks visable - try useing a Q tip to blend the coloring smoother - practice on scrap using a dry & then a slightly moistened Q. 2. roof a bit shiney - spray can of dullcoat or Krylon matt sprat. Again, pretty good!!Thanks for the tips. I'll give the Q-tip a try. And it occurs to me that when I took those photos I hadn't yet hit the car with the dullcote. It looks a lot less shiny now. LOL.
lvanhen wrote:Overall pretty good!! Only 2 points I'd make, 1. bottom muddy: it's actually not "muddy" enough - there are brush marks visable - try useing a Q tip to blend the coloring smoother - practice on scrap using a dry & then a slightly moistened Q. 2. roof a bit shiney - spray can of dullcoat or Krylon matt sprat. Again, pretty good!!
Thanks for the tips. I'll give the Q-tip a try. And it occurs to me that when I took those photos I hadn't yet hit the car with the dullcote. It looks a lot less shiny now. LOL.
Ahhhh, very good. I forgot to hit mine too, thanks for the reminder.
spectratone wrote: painters are busy restoring the old depot.
painters are busy restoring the old depot.
Do I spy an airconditioner sitting atop your charger?
Rounding the bend of Iowa's favorite trailer park....Look closely and you may see "Earl"
You know, I was thinking about that too, give me a sec I'll try to reload them.
Ahhhhhhhh, much better................well maybe. :)
Nice work so far.
I've started to build my trestle which will cross over a new pond on my layout - about a 425 scale foot run at about 10 scale feet off the water:
The green color is only an outline of the pond for now. It will eventually get painted over and then topped by a gloss coating (with all sorts of brush, weeds, etc. mixed in).
I constructed a test pile-bent (less stringers) and painted it camo-brown (pictured here with the ME bridge track that will sit on top of it):
I'm still deciding if the color works (I'd add in some fading). I was going to use a dark wood stain, but as the bent is using three different types of wood, the stain will likely not set in evenly.
Overall, I'm hoping for a final version that looks a lot like this:
AltoonaRailroader wrote:
Maybe increase the picture size a bit so we can appreciate the details.
"If we never take the time, how can we ever have the time." - Merovingian (Matrix Reloaded)