espeefoamer wrote:I would be an SD40-2. Old but still working every day.I don't stand out from the crowd,but I keep plugging along getting my job done.
Well said and my feelings exactly. In my case, I would add that maintenence is becoming more frequent and costly but the total cost of ownership is still quite reasonable Jamie
- Luke
Modeling the Southern Pacific in the 1960's-1980's
B&M 4-4-0... Kinda hard to explain...
Since I don't know a lot about steamers, I'd either be an 0-6-0T saddle tanker switcher, or (more likely) a venerable SW1200 or GP7, keeping plugging away for years...
Hey, it's my dream!
Jim in Cape Girardeau
I'd be a 2 ft gauge Forney - a little odd but chugging up and down the line.
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
howmus wrote:Uh........ I'd be a Big Boy......... Don't think I should explain either.
Now, now, this is a family site
-G .
Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.
HO and N Scale.
After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.
For the steam era I would be a B&A Berkshire, capable of doing dirty work where no one else can do it.
For diesel I'd say a BN F45 for the same reason
Modeling whatever I can make out of that stash of kits that takes up half my apartment's spare bedroom.
Maybe a Shay--
Kinda old, slow, hard-working, ...and a little rusty, too.
I'd be a 2-8-0 consolidation hauling freight on a quiet, lone, Texas panhandle prairie in the early 1930s. That's my favorite steam loco and era.
Probably some steam locomotive that is incredibly ineffecient- full of hot air and not worth much to anyone ;)
Seriously, I've always loved the Js from N&W. More specifically the 611 because I had the pleasure of seeing it operate as a kid. To me, wonderful paint job, sleek sytling, wonderful whistle and the fact that it was engineered to be one of the fastest locomotives in the world (110+MPH) was always something that attracted me.
Modeling the N&W freelanced at the height of their steam era in HO.
Daniel G.
i would be the first train taggert transcontinental ran on reardon steel rails.
really i would be a soo line gp40 like my first decent athearn.
N&W Y6B locomotive in the scrapyard.
fifedog wrote:A GP-30, of course. Big shoulders, small frame, and still goin' after 40 years...
Uh, can I change mine to the GP30. It was awesome. It looked like royalty w/ the bulge in the hood.
Sawyer Berry
Clemson University c/o 2018
Building a protolanced industrial park layout
Your friendly neighborhood CNW fan.
BigBlueConrail wrote:
NICE shiny loco!
A Southern Pacific AC-12 Cab Forward, mainly because I like 'em, but it's also the way I am configured, face at the front, exhaust at the rear!
I wouldnt be, because I'd be a lifeless lump of steel...
Have fun with your trains
Well I like "Classey" So I believe I would be and F7 in silver and orange, gleaming in the sun pulling a load of smiling people through the most beautiful Canyon in America. If you still don't get it look at my Avatar.
Steam wise, It would be a Classey" CP Selkirk. Ya just got to love them.
Johnboy out............................
from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North..
We have met the enemy, and he is us............ (Pogo)