It all looks good so far.... I don't have anything to post but I admire the photos
I snagged this one at work, where I play with 1:1 trains!
SD70M-2 no. 2708 and two SD80MAC on an empty coal train sitting in Enola Yard.
Scott - Dispatcher, Norfolk Southern
My N scale Allegheny & Cumberland was built for railranning & that's why I enjoy modeling the early '90's .... you never know what paint scheme will be passing by next. On this day, we're lucky enough to find a C&O GP38 still in good original paint on point leaving Sand Patch Yard. It's where the past catches up with the future ( YN2's with their coal loads ) .....
Here's a UP track-testing train.
Thank you Don and Crandell!
Samuel, I'm not seeing your photos. Maybe you didn't add the .jpg at the end?
Some pictures of a scenery test board I am building.
Don Z wrote: Jarrell,Thanks for kicking off the Weekend! It's always a pleasure to look at your photos; crisp, clear and always great subjects!Don Z.
Thanks for kicking off the Weekend! It's always a pleasure to look at your photos; crisp, clear and always great subjects!
Don Z.
I'll say! I'm seriously thinking of staying out this week.
Wow, Jarrell.
A very short, and probably untrue story (Tom W. can set me straight probably) that I read was that there was a competition in Europe a couple of centuries or so ago among some of the top musicians and composers. Two notables were Domenico Scarlatti and Georg Haendel. The two first came face-to-face in a contest of violin playing where the eventual decision was in favour of Scarlatti. A day or two later, Scarlatti slipped into the doorway of a church where Haendel was rehearsing at the organ for the next competition. After only a few minutes, Scarlatti hied himself to the judges and withdrew from that competition.
We have some towering masters in photography here, and your name is foremost in my books, Jarrell.
Research; it's not just for geeks.
Here are some videos I took.
Metronome BR146 leaves Hamburg HBF with a string of doubledeckers.
A ride in a DB ICE-2 BR402 at about 180-200KMH.
Both as a mix.
Let's get the ball rolling on the WPF!
A few from me and, hopefully... from you..
and last, but not least!
Engineer Al