"I like my Pullman Standards & Budds in Stainless Steel flavors, thank you!"
Bill Carl (modeling Chessie and predecessors from 1973-1983) Member of Four County Society of Model Engineers NCE DCC Master Visit the FCSME at www.FCSME.org Modular railroading at its best! If it has an X in it, it sucks! And yes, I just had my modeler's license renewed last week!
Modeling BNSF and Milwaukee Road in SW Wisconsin
QUOTE: Originally posted by gthomp10 Does anyone remember the legal battles with Software Enhancements Associates' (SEA) ARC compression program and Phil Katz and his PKARC program in the early days of personal computers?
QUOTE: [i]Originally posted by rails5 (also coupler activation but as an HO modeler that's Greek to me
QUOTE: Originally posted by HighIron2003ar I..... I consider myself an "Ant".
QUOTE: Originally posted by Doggy NO wonder evey thing is so expensive in Amercica so I'll Move to Canada when I can DOGGY
QUOTE: Originally posted by AntonioFP45 Gsetter,[8D] It's great to know that a company like Lenz is committed to expanding, enhancing and improving the DCC world.[^] You worded your responses to Mr. Edelman's comments were exceptionally well writtten, point by point, without the "vague jargon" often given in situtations similar to this one.
QUOTE: Andy Edleman Vice President - Marketing M.T.H. Electric Trains First and foremost, with the exception of a counter suit against QS Industries (QSI), M.T.H. has not sued any DCC manufacturer for violations against any M.T.H. patents. There are many rumors floating around in cyberspace that M.T.H. is threatening or is suing all DCC manufacturers. That is simply not true
QUOTE: Secondly, M.T.H. is not claiming any patents on the concept of Back EMF as has been reported recently. Back EMF has been in existence for years and is not applicable to our technology. It was simply referenced as an existing form of speed control in our patents and some folks misread these patents and assumed we are claiming it as our own invention.
QUOTE: Third, M.T.H. did recently send out letters to DCC manufacturers in the model railroading community who are developing or utilizing technology that may violate our U.S. Patents. These letters were meant to advise them of possible conflicts with our patents that cover 2-way communications and speed control in 1 scale mile per hour increments. These are the only issues we have alerted the DCC community about.
QUOTE: Fourth, not one of the DCC firms has yet to respond to our letters or has inquired about the possibilities of a potential licensing arrangement. Frankly, any DCC firm that has informed consumers that M.T.H. has filed suit against them is not revealing all of the facts and one should at least question their motives if they have indeed told you this was the case.
QUOTE: Why is Lenz releasing this technology to the NMRA DCC Working Group? Three reasons. 1) The future of multi-manufacturer DCC depends on all manufacturers working closely with the NMRA DCC Working Group to enhance DCC in an orderly fashion. To fully realize the full potential of RailCom will require multiple manufacturers to implement the protocols. 2) To gain the full potential we will need some additional packets and we feel that these should be created in a joint fashion. 3) NMRA DCC is not a static control system, but one which can grow for many years to come. To gain the benefits we have all enjoyed for the future means that we must plan for the growth now. But don't you loose your competitive advantage by releasing your intellectual property to the NMRA DCC Working Group? We have no problems competing in an open market. We believe that standards help the overall market grow and as the market grows we also grow. While it is true that we have invested a lot of time and resources into the development of RailCom, we believe our investment can best be realized by worldwide adoption of this technology. What if the NMRA DCC Working Group changes the technology? No problem. If the NMRA improves on the technology, then of course we will adopt it.
QUOTE: A review of the patent's language will enlighten those who feel our claims are baseless and indicate the level of prior art we provided to the U.S. Patent Office to substantiate the claims in the first place.
QUOTE: M.T.H. encourages each DCC firm (or any individual for that matter) to bring forth evidence now that our claims are in fact invalid.
QUOTE: M.T.H. invested over $3.5 million dollars in the development of our Proto-Sound 2.0 and DCS Digital Command Systems.
QUOTE: We developed these products because we felt that the current technology standards at the time were no longer innovative enough to attract new hobbyists into model railroading.
QUOTE: To stand pat and allow any and all competitors to develop or utilize similar products based on the ground breaking developments we created would be an incredible waste of our efforts
QUOTE: If our efforts are as unique as we believe, they should be protected under patent law.
QUOTE: Finally, M.T.H. would encourage consumers to stop and consider that there may be a better way to operate and enjoy model trains than what exists today.