That's my favorite TV show right now. Great to see it back.
The show's CBS website has some info on staging the crash scene. Don't have the link handy, but Google is your friend. I think they used a G-gauge loco to stage it, then CGI-ed the tank into it.
BTW, Hawkins bailed out before the crash. The dude is one cool character!
Mike Lehman
Urbana, IL
Im sure the collision would be devastating for the tank and the people inside it, and it may well derail the locomotive (locos have derailed from hitting cars, so im sure a tank could do it also)
Would it explode? I doubt it. As has been mentioned a steam explosion could well result, but i dont think a "hollywood" type kaboom would happen.
Tanks are built low and heavey,so would do some serious damage to a K4. The loco would definately be derailed and would require a major rebuilding.The engine might even require scrapping,but would probably not explode.
boiler explosions have lifted the boiler straight off the chassis and land far away leaving the wheels still on the rails. If the collision ruptures the boiler it could go any which way, but I still doubt Hollywood would get it right anyways, its still all for effect.
I have never seen a boiler explosion but I doubt it would be lots of fire explosions unless the tender used oil. It would be more like a lot of steam flashes the area as water escapes and expands to make steam as its under pressure and flood the near area with steaming water making a dense fog for a short while till it all cools. All the water could stifle the burning coals in the firebox.
Anybody watch the show "Jericho"? The new episode began with a tank being driven in front of, get this, a Pennsy steam loco...I think a K4. (There was a keystone on front) I am sure this was all computer generated, but the loco hit the tank and flew off the track in a blaze of hollywood glory.
Now for all of you train mythbusters out there, I was wondering if a real Pacific type loco (with train) traveling at say, 40-50 mph, hit a modern battle tank would it explode or otherwise fly off the tracks??? Even with all the weight of the tank, I don't think it would knock a locomotive completely off the tracks. I've seen videos of modern engines split semi trucks (and other trains) like water balloons. I can imagine some major damage to the K4, but complete destruction???? Oh, the drama!!!
Well, I guess it is clear I don't have anything better to do!! ----Rob