It has come to my attention that the Model Railroader forums could really use a dedicated forum for Electronics, Wiring, DCC, Sound, Lighting, Annimation, Automation, MRR Circuits, circuit and project help...etc.
I think this would be a good addition to "our" forums and have sent Bergie an email asking about it. I understand Bergie is a busy guy so I'm not sure if I will hear back from him or not. I was going to cc the email to Tom and Crandell too, but don't have their email and they are strangely absent for once!
Anyway, what do the rest of you think about the idea? Obviously I am in favour of it. I think it would be a welcome resource here. I have mentioned this to one other member of the forums who is an Electronics Engineer and he agreed it would be a good thing. I think he would contribute of his free time and know-how to help others and I think there are other guys who would do the same. I would certainly help wherever I could too. So what say guys? Do we want it or do we not?
Thanks for your support!
There was a small movement years ago to form a DCC sub forum. I think the idea was generally squashed at the time for fear of fragmenting the forums too much.
But I still think it's a good idea.
Don - Specializing in layout DC->DCC conversions
Modeling C&O transition era and steel industries There's Nothing Like Big Steam!
DigitalGriffin wrote:There was a small movement years ago to form a DCC sub forum. I think the idea was generally squashed at the time for fear of fragmenting the forums too much.But I still think it's a good idea.
I think a DCC specific forum would be a little overkill too. A general electrical/electronics forum encompassing any and all facets of the hobby using power...wiring, lighting, DCC, sound, computers & MRR, DC control, annimation, automation, detector circuits, CD Power supplies, flashers, signals, control panels, powerpacks, memory wire...did I miss anything?
Anyway...hopefully the thread sees a few more responses later as guys get done in the layout room. So far only two commetns out of 80 + views. Not exactly what you could call strong support.
I think a DCC/electrical forum would be better than DCC only.
Jake: How often does the train go by? Elwood: So often you won't even notice ...
I have to say No. Fragmenting the forums only means less answers. Just look at the already available sub forums. Ask a question in the prototype section and you might never get an answer.
Lillen wrote:I have to say No. Fragmenting the forums only means less answers. Just look at the already available sub forums. Ask a question in the prototype section and you might never get an answer.Magnus
Ok, well I don't see it that way. What I see is that with only just over 3000 threads not as many people visiting the MRR forum are all that interested in prototypical information. For example, in my case,I have never even bothered venturing in there because my interests lie in a different direction and I would have nothing to offer.
Electronics/Electrical on the other hand, is a subject that includes every model railroad layout out there...except the ones made of wood that kids push around. Also, while many modellers today and plenty of "newbies" may not have a keen interest in prototypical operation, electrical/electronic topics are part & parcel and interest in the electronics side of MRR is ever growing. Just my though. Don't shoot the messenger.
Then there is the 70th anniversary forum...with 90 threads...what a waste of a forum IMO.
That's it? A few yay's and one nay?
OK, I'm in. I think it's a good idea. I understand the fragmentation argument, but I also see the large number of topics in this forum and how fast they disappear; often I find it hard to keep up. And another forum or two wouldn't cause a huge fragmentation issue.
CMLewis wrote:OK, I'm in. I think it's a good idea. I understand the fragmentation argument, but I also see the large number of topics in this forum and how fast they disappear; often I find it hard to keep up. And another forum or two wouldn't cause a huge fragmentation issue.Chris
That was what got me going on this. A thread can get buried in minutes in the general section and nearly as fast in Layouts. My other thought was, with the large number of general wiring questions, soldering, and DCC related threads just seems logical to break it up a bit. I agree with the fragmentation theory, and for that reason I don't think there should be a benchwork forum, a scenery forum, a track laying forum etc. I just felt there were so many sub categories of an electrical/electronics forum that it would be an improvement to separate them out. Then a couple of sticky threads with the "cream of the crop" threads linked, say a DCC links thread for were cooking with gas!
I too would be willing to contribute to answering questions, assisting with designs and other similar topics time permits.
Engineer Jeff NS Nut Visit my layout at:
I have to say that I fully support this idea. An electronics/DCC area would really clear up the general discussion area. Perhaps this new one could replace the MR 70th anniversary forum (more like ghost forum )?
I am in a great deal of pain because I can't seem to get off the fence on this topic.
I understand that several members fear that the forum might end up diluted if we do this. I believe that Bergie has offered this himself, but he is sure to answer in time. I am a member of about 5 other fora, and all but two have multiple forums that are specialized. I only look at the ones upon log-in that show traffic, and even then I tend to lurk most on their Gen Disc, Engines, DCC, and scale-specific forums (sub-forums, really). My point is that while my surfing at each of these places is that much more efficient, it is at the same time less satisfying. I must jump to three or four fora, often finding the same two active threads only, or that a single new one has been initiated. Whereas, on Atlas and here, how many threads are begun in a 24 period...50? How many answered? This is what keeps me here...the critical mass under the one banner...okay, three since I also go to Layouts and often to Gen Disc.
That's point number one. Secondly, if we agree to Electronics, why wouldn't we also demonstrate our good will to all the kitbashers out there, and while we're at it, how about Structures and Weathering...they're huge in our hobby!
These are strictly my personal feelings about it. I accept freely that some of you are not going along with this at all. C'est la guerre.
If I were the Big Cheese on this forum I would agree to placing the topic, clearly stated, as a sticky for perhaps a week, at most two, with the expectation of aiding it build a critical mass of interested parties. At some point, ideally and for the benefit of those who would like it, the thread would become sufficiently self-sustaining that it would be bumped up often to the first page where it would enjoy continual prominence.
In favor of course, I might even answer some questions and put my EE to good use.
The mind is like a parachute. It works better when it's open.
What's interesting to note is that the MR group of forums totals 4 including that 70th anniversary one. If you total up ALL the other forums from all the other groups, MR would probably be close to their total numbers together or perhaps exceed them.
It looks like the 70th anniversary forum has been around since 11/25/2003 -- a bit over 4 years. In that time there has been a TOTAL of 90 threads and a TOTAL of 553 posts. Yeah, a real lot of activity requiring its own forum.
The Trains Mag forum has 6 forums and not one is the anniversary car.
For my vote, it would surely help to have a DCC and electronics forum. I can't believe things would get diluted by it as people should quickly learn that's where you go for ANYTHING electrical and/or DCC and the forum description should so state it as such.
As things are now, if you don't watch this forum every day, there are so many posts and topics and things roll off the most recent page so darn quickly, it's quite likely you'll miss some posts just because of the sheer volume. At least for me, with a breakout, it might be easier to skim the topics for interest a lot easier than the huge main forum we have now.
Of course, we have to remember that we have these forums because of the ongoing support of MR. It's their game and their rules which we have to live by.
CPRail modeler wrote:I have to say that I fully support this idea. An electronics/DCC area would really clear up the general discussion area. Perhaps this new one could replace the MR 70th anniversary forum (more like ghost forum )? EDIT:
What a pointless excuse for a forum heading that one is!
selector wrote:Secondly, if we agree to Electronics, why wouldn't we also demonstrate our good will to all the kitbashers out there, and while we're at it, how about Structures and Weathering...they're huge in our hobby!-Crandell
Secondly, if we agree to Electronics, why wouldn't we also demonstrate our good will to all the kitbashers out there, and while we're at it, how about Structures and Weathering...they're huge in our hobby!
I disagree. Not every model railroader is a kitbasher. Not everyone does weathering. Not everyone scratchbuilds. I suppose everyone probably eventually has structures but I can't see the need for a dedicated structures forum really. HOWEVER. Every model railroad layout has power and wiring! Without electrical your layout is dead in the water, both figuratively and physically. Who is doing much of anything with their layout before wiring their track etc.? Unless I suppose, you are doing the wooden track and push cars railroad in which case this forum is not the place to come for help IMO. Electrical is a fundamental aspect of all our layouts. Without it you have no layout. In the early days of MRR when wiring your layout for DC was the only facet of the electrical aspect other than adding a few light bulbs, I would not have thought there was a need for a dedicated electrical forum. In this day and age, where electricity, electronics, annimation, automation, and computer control are becoming so much a part of the average guys layout and the average guy is soldering or trying his hand at building a detector circuit, CD Supply etc. well it's a different scenario alltogether. I say it's time to move past this "doomsday" attitude regarding diluting the forum and add ONE new forum heading!
I'm with ya Kevin. I myself always have issues with electronics and my m.r.r. I'm fairly knowledgeable but still I have questions. There are alot of really smart educated guys in our group that I'm sure would help out answering questions. Then for our general info. we still have our General Discussion Forum that we can use. I will continue to use it along with the other forums. So yeah, let's go for it!
kenkal wrote:It looks like the 70th anniversary forum has been around since 11/25/2003 -- a bit over 4 years. In that time there has been a TOTAL of 90 threads and a TOTAL of 553 posts. Yeah, a real lot of activity requiring its own forum.
Yeah, it's a real gem alright!
Funny, that's my take on it too...
Actually, I watch the forum more often than daily. Even at that I see topics hitting page three on the high activity days.
Of course, we have to remember that we have these forums because of the ongoing support of MR. It's their game and their rules which we have to live by.Ken
That's true Ken. But here is another way of looking at it...from the customer service point of view. Model Railroader IS because of the ongoing support of US! Without us Model Railroader isn't. Without us the staff of MRR are looking for work. Without us there is no MRR forum. We might have to live by MRR's rules on this forum but without us MRR doesn't live. In reality it's OUR GAME because without us who is supporting Model Railroader? Just my as always.
BNENGR wrote:I'm with ya Kevin. I myself always have issues with electronics and my m.r.r. I'm fairly knowledgeable but still I have questions. There are alot of really smart educated guys in our group that I'm sure would help out answering questions. Then for our general info. we still have our General Discussion Forum that we can use. I will continue to use it along with the other forums. So yeah, let's go for it!Paul
Thanks for the support Paul. I'm fighting for it as hard as I know how but the tone I am getting from the mods who have replied to my PM's is not very encouraging to say the least. We need all the support we can get or the idea is going to be shut down again, as I have been told it has everytime it has come up in the past. I really don't see the need to split the forums we have up into little splinter groups. I think that is a mistake. But this one forum would encompass so many related facets of the hobby...well it just seems like a no brainer to me. Lets not even add to the four forums we have. Lets just trade the anniversary car for something useful and potentially interesting.
I agree Kevin. There are so many facets involved in model railroading electronics it's just HUGE!
It would'nt take anything away from this forum. There is enough other topics relating to our hobby for it to handle. A new electronics based forum would'nt be just a fragmentation of this forum. It would be a HUGE forum all by itself. I think it would be a great asset for all of us.
Make sense?
BNENGR wrote:I agree Kevin. There are so many facets involved in model railroading electronics it's just HUGE!It would'nt take anything away from this forum. There is enough other topics relating to our hobby for it to handle. A new electronics based forum would'nt be just a fragmentation of this forum. It would be a HUGE forum all by itself. I think it would be a great asset for all of us.Make sense?Paul
You said it Paul! I think the addition of an electrical/electronics forum where a model railroader could come and get help with a circuit from guys who are actual electronic engineers or to seek an answer to an electrical problem from other savvy modellers might actually start to draw members and increase forum activity. I really don't subscribe to the theory that the General Discussion or Layout Building forums will suffer. Selector suggests running a sticky and while I appreciate his support I don't think that does the topic justice at all. The topic needs a venue.
Kevin, I check this forum and the layout forum in the am & pm's. I'm always looking for new ideas and help to make my hobby better. If I see a topic that I think I can contribute to I will respond. The bottom line for me is that our forums have become a daily ritual for me because I have received so much help from them and I'm always looking for more. Since I've joined, I've learned so much and received a wealth of information that would have taken years reading journals and magazines with just a "click" of the mouse. Personally I don't see what the big deal is regarding a new forum. If it has the potential for a favorable outcome ( it does ) with more positive than negative results, I say it should be allowed.
While I wouldn't be interested in seeing a pure DCC forum, I WOULD support a separate forum encompassing electrical systems, devices and control. Segregating the electricals from the mechanicals and the benchwork/trackwork/scenery would make browsing all three a lot easier.
I would still skim down all of the sub-forums (even Classic Toy Trains,) but those who have already made their peace with their electricals and don't care to participate in such discussions wouldn't have to skip several electrical threads to reach one on scenery or tracklaying.
Count me as a Yea! on a pure electrical forum.
As for 'Where's the Box Car," it should be shipped over to the Trains Magazine forum where the railfans could play with it. I'm sure it would see a lot more action there.
Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)
Put me on the yes side.. I do have to wonder though, would such a subtopic make more work for the moderators, moving 'electical' threads to the appropriate forum? Or would they just let it float to the bottom behind all the beer barrel (or whatever it's called) and elliots diner threads?
Wouldn't bother me a bit to see this site broken into more specialized areas. After all, how much work is it really to click a mouse on a link?
Lackawanna Route of the Phoebe Snow
I think it's a good idea. The other forum I frequent is broken down into many sub-forums. From the entry page, one click displays all sub-forums that have had activity since I last visited. Not being a "Chatty Cathy," I generally ignore most of the socializing topics (not dissing them - just generally not why I'm there) and go to the sub-forum topics that are of interest to me.
Model Railroader's four forums, on the other hand, are more a cacaphony of topics with no rhyme or reason to them, other than a trend to "some prototype stuff," "some layout construction stuff" and "everything else, including the other forums' topics if someone didn't bother to go there before posting." The Annuversary car forum, as others have indicated, is generally dead.
Would it be a good idea to change the forums around? I think yes.
Will it happen? I think no.
Mark P.
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