Tracklayer,I know a guy that has a small (about 4" long) milleniumfalcon hanging over his layout.
I wouldn't take that comment to heart..
Remember,its easier to debunk the unknown then to accept the unknown..
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
wm3798 wrote: That's what I was thinking... What prototype were you following when you built the model space craft? Your friend was probably just irritated that you didn't use the right paint scheme, and the dynoflectors were more appropriate to the phase three model, when the serial number was clearly that of a phase 1. Lee
That's what I was thinking... What prototype were you following when you built the model space craft? Your friend was probably just irritated that you didn't use the right paint scheme, and the dynoflectors were more appropriate to the phase three model, when the serial number was clearly that of a phase 1.
I PM'd him the blue prints to the one I arrived in. And everyone knows dynoflectors are obsolete.
TwinZephyr wrote: Regardless of whether or not one believes in UFOs... How would one determine the proper size for an N scale flying saucer?
Regardless of whether or not one believes in UFOs... How would one determine the proper size for an N scale flying saucer?
Simple. Measure an N-scale cup.
As far as UFOs - the acronym means UNIDENTIFIED flying object. If there is an identifiable model of ET's ship hanging over the layout, it doesn't meet the definition.
During WWII a UFO was called a 'bogey.' If identified as an enemy aircraft, it became a 'bandit.' If identified as anything else, it was named accordingly. (You might ask your picky relative if he's ever heard of a UFO called a, "Bee-one-Are-Dee." Regardless of the reply, have a couple of Audubon 'feathered friends' prints handy. Only a confirmed birdwatcher can quickly identify a flying critter at long range.)
Layouts are entirely exercises in imagination. Who, other than the builder, has a right to say that a dinosaur, Paul Bunyan's ox or an O-scale yardhand on an HO layout is all right, but a hypothetical spacecraft isn't?
Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - without Godzilla)
Route of the Alpha Jets
UFOs? Dinosaurs?
I thought we were trying to be prototypical modellers here.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
DavidGSmith wrote:Cant even have a little fun. How many guys have a dinasaur hidden on the layout. Most visitors just laugh and go on.Dave
Cant even have a little fun. How many guys have a dinasaur hidden on the layout. Most visitors just laugh and go on.
I have two, one on the roof of a structure and the other one likes to take an occasional ride on a flatcar.
Semper Vaporo
Evening folks.
Several months ago I built an N scale size flying saucer about three inches in diameter, painted it silver and hung it over in the corner of my layout. Then the other day a family member comes over to visit and sees the saucer and starts in on me saying - You really don't believe in UFOs do you?... Uhhh, yes. As a matter of fact I do. I just can't believe that out of that vast galaxy of ours out there filled with with billions of stars that we're the only intelligent beings there are, let alone the billions of other galaxies in the universe. However. I do realize that because of the great distances and the speed of light limit that we may never meet oneanother or even be able to communicate because of the differences in out technology. Anyways, from there it went into religious beliefs and all of that and we had to shut the subject down. Oh well. Each to their own.
By the way. As for the speed of light limit, they use to think that the sound barrier (750 mph) was as fast as an aircraft could fly. We found out that's not true...