Okay, okay...
About your frito-munching, beer-chugging alien problem.....
Make a trail of Reese's pieces out your backyard (Fritos& beer optional) until you get them to the spaceship.
Negotiate nicely with them like say buy them an engine, a few cars etc. and send them on their way in exchange for everything they have learned and know (may come in handy)
Kill them and throw their bodies in your in-laws car trunk and alert the Feds.
Most importantly, do not let them hack your forum ID or they will see all this
TheK4Kid wrote: Perhaps someone should call into Art Bell and raise this UFO over the layout topic of discussion. The only problem I had was when these guys landed in my backyard, and snuck downstairs and saw my layout, now I can't get them to leave, they seem to be fascinated by MODEL RAILROADING!!!!Does anyone know how I can get them to leave?????They are REAL WHIZZES at putting decoders in engines, etc, but they are all still down there, all wearing engineers hats and still playing with my trains!They also have penchant for Budweiser and Frito Lay corn chips! They drank my Bud supply and and I'm almost out of chips! HELP!!!!!TheK4Kid
Perhaps someone should call into Art Bell and raise this UFO over the layout topic of discussion.
The only problem I had was when these guys landed in my backyard, and snuck downstairs and saw my layout, now I can't get them to leave, they seem to be fascinated by MODEL RAILROADING!!!!Does anyone know how I can get them to leave?????
They are REAL WHIZZES at putting decoders in engines, etc, but they are all still down there, all wearing engineers hats and still playing with my trains!
They also have penchant for Budweiser and Frito Lay corn chips!
They drank my Bud supply and and I'm almost out of chips!
Those aren't aliens, they're someone's exs.
bb4884 wrote: Dallas Model Works wrote: Speaking of controversial layout items, have you guys seen the Sexy Scenes products from Noch?For those that haven't, they contain one piece of furniture and two figures.I'll let your mind fill in the rest... W.O.W.
Dallas Model Works wrote: Speaking of controversial layout items, have you guys seen the Sexy Scenes products from Noch?For those that haven't, they contain one piece of furniture and two figures.I'll let your mind fill in the rest...
Speaking of controversial layout items, have you guys seen the Sexy Scenes products from Noch?
For those that haven't, they contain one piece of furniture and two figures.
I'll let your mind fill in the rest...
Yup I got one with the guy & girl doing the nasty over a chair. I only place it on the layout when adult friends come over for a laugh. Alot of them say it brings back memories
Ok Tom, this thread has run its course. UFO's? HO people having sex? Go on and do your thing sheriff
Kenfolk wrote:Odd, the thread started out about UFO's over a layout...
Well, at least this topic is still unidentified.
depends where you'r lookin'
sleeper33 wrote: I thought only PRIESSER MADE THOSE TYPE OF FIGURE? CAN U GET THEM IN 'N'?Gav
Yes. I;ve seen them in shows, look real hard
1train1 wrote: Can a Model Railroader with no imagination considered a 'rivet counter'
Can a Model Railroader with no imagination considered a 'rivet counter'
Somtimes. does this Model Railroader complain everytime another modelrailroader runs Superliners behind a Shay (or do something else)? Can this modelrailroader take a picture from a magazine and tell me 10 things wrong with it.
Can a Model Railroader with no imagination considered strictly a 'rivet counter' ?
That must be a new one. I've seen the bed, the easy chair, and the desk.
Semper Vaporo wrote: That certainly fits the definition of a UFO...in reverse order...It does appear to be an ObjectIt appears to be FlyingAnd from my viewpoint, it is Unidentified.Guessing I'd say it is part of a Bar-B-Que burner.You say "It actually flies." Is that "flying" as in the way a "rock" flies, or is there some sort of selfcontained propulsion system?
That certainly fits the definition of a UFO...
in reverse order...
It does appear to be an Object
It appears to be Flying
And from my viewpoint, it is Unidentified.
Guessing I'd say it is part of a Bar-B-Que burner.
You say "It actually flies." Is that "flying" as in the way a "rock" flies, or is there some sort of selfcontained propulsion system?
No, It's actually some kind of remote control model. Don't know what kind of propulsion. There's a video of it on the web. It's about 10-15' long and lifts straight off the ground. It flew around for about 1 minute and landed. It's got a bunch of weird hieroglyphics on the bottom of it. Someone recognised them as some old Japanese language. They say it's for a movie or video game that's coming out in Japan. Looks pretty convincing if you don't know it's a 10' model.
concretelackey wrote: Tilden wrote: Did I mention you don't really exceed the speed of light when you use "Warp" speed?Tilden "MAYBE NOT ON YOUR PLANET, EARTHLING"
Tilden wrote: Did I mention you don't really exceed the speed of light when you use "Warp" speed?Tilden
Did I mention you don't really exceed the speed of light when you use "Warp" speed?
Lois McMasters Bujold, in her Miles Vorkosigan stories, seems to prefer wormholes.
Just what the galaxy needs - superphotic worms.
OTOH, several of her planetary cultures seem to be making good use of monorails for surface transportation.
Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - writing about happenings in the 23-37th centuries)
Autobus Prime wrote: Tracklayer wrote: Several months ago I built an N scale size flying saucer about three inches in diameter, painted it silver and hung it over in the corner of my layout. TL:Flying saucers? What flying saucers? I commend you on your excellent model of swamp gas, mass hysteria, and the planet Venus.Now, if you're modeling Mars, PA you have every reason to include an alien spacecraft:http://www.purvisbros.com/mars/saucer.jpgI haven't gone in much for alien craft, although I have been known to include 1:72 Saracen horsemen visiting the gas station, and some of my scale vehicles are indeed "more than meets the eye". (for instance, look at my blurry house photo in the Cheap Trains thread)
Tracklayer wrote: Several months ago I built an N scale size flying saucer about three inches in diameter, painted it silver and hung it over in the corner of my layout.
Several months ago I built an N scale size flying saucer about three inches in diameter, painted it silver and hung it over in the corner of my layout.
Flying saucers? What flying saucers?
I commend you on your excellent model of swamp gas, mass hysteria, and the planet Venus.
Now, if you're modeling Mars, PA you have every reason to include an alien spacecraft:
I haven't gone in much for alien craft, although I have been known to include 1:72 Saracen horsemen visiting the gas station, and some of my scale vehicles are indeed "more than meets the eye". (for instance, look at my blurry house photo in the Cheap Trains thread)
oOOHH Bud-ump-bum.
Although, I was gonna try a similar idea involving the ark on the way to Tehachapi.
"You know, I've decied one thing about these humans, and that's that there isn't any intellegent life."
Yeah? why?
Well, for 200 years there's been a railroad running past us, and they still haven't noticed the crashlanded spaceship...
Semper Vaporo
I found this model interesting. It actually flies.
Somebody did some nice work.
bladeslinger wrote: Tracklayer wrote: Anyways, from there it went into religious beliefs and all of that and we had to shut the subject down. Oh well. Each to their own. This part of you message says a lot. I take it this family member is highly religious, and I believe to each his own, but I've also had run in's with people who are basically religous zealots (or however you spell that word). they always want to throw in the religious aspect and how you can't be a proper christian if you believe in extraterrestrial life. but why not? could not the same god have created multiple civilizations through out this universe? I don't know why people want to insist that we are all there is, because if this is the case then it's the biggest waste of space (literally) ever. Also I'm a firm believer in evolution as well, but most people who are religious extremists absolutely refuse to even consider that possibility, to which I always say...wouldn't it be more glorious, more prestigious to think that mankind has evolved from lesser forms of life into the intelligent being he is today, rather than to think we were always like we are now, and have not progressed one bit except for technology.I respect other's rights to believe whatever they believe whether it's the Holy Bible taken literally word for word, or some other religion such as Buddism, Wiccan, Judism, Hindu, Moslem, Satanism, Athiesm, or even the Church of the Subgenius...but I have found that all too many so-called christians don't respect others in the same manner.I personally have a belief which is modelled on Christianity not taken so literally as some do, I am comfortable with it, and if I saw your UFO hovering over your layout I'd definitely appreciate it. If you told me that your religious beliefs involved worshipping at the altar of a giant watermelon from another dimension...I'd atleast listen to what you had to say...who knows you might have a point!
Tracklayer wrote: Anyways, from there it went into religious beliefs and all of that and we had to shut the subject down. Oh well. Each to their own.
Anyways, from there it went into religious beliefs and all of that and we had to shut the subject down. Oh well. Each to their own.
This part of you message says a lot. I take it this family member is highly religious, and I believe to each his own, but I've also had run in's with people who are basically religous zealots (or however you spell that word). they always want to throw in the religious aspect and how you can't be a proper christian if you believe in extraterrestrial life. but why not? could not the same god have created multiple civilizations through out this universe?
I don't know why people want to insist that we are all there is, because if this is the case then it's the biggest waste of space (literally) ever. Also I'm a firm believer in evolution as well, but most people who are religious extremists absolutely refuse to even consider that possibility, to which I always say...wouldn't it be more glorious, more prestigious to think that mankind has evolved from lesser forms of life into the intelligent being he is today, rather than to think we were always like we are now, and have not progressed one bit except for technology.
I respect other's rights to believe whatever they believe whether it's the Holy Bible taken literally word for word, or some other religion such as Buddism, Wiccan, Judism, Hindu, Moslem, Satanism, Athiesm, or even the Church of the Subgenius...but I have found that all too many so-called christians don't respect others in the same manner.
I personally have a belief which is modelled on Christianity not taken so literally as some do, I am comfortable with it, and if I saw your UFO hovering over your layout I'd definitely appreciate it. If you told me that your religious beliefs involved worshipping at the altar of a giant watermelon from another dimension...I'd atleast listen to what you had to say...who knows you might have a point!
Just be glad you don't have to press "2" for English.
Rotorranch wrote: Autobus Prime wrote: I haven't gone in much for alien craft, although I have been known to include 1:72 Saracen horsemen visiting the gas station, and some of my scale vehicles are indeed "more than meets the eye". (for instance, look at my blurry house photo in the Cheap Trains thread) I can't find that thread?Rotor
Autobus Prime wrote: I haven't gone in much for alien craft, although I have been known to include 1:72 Saracen horsemen visiting the gas station, and some of my scale vehicles are indeed "more than meets the eye". (for instance, look at my blurry house photo in the Cheap Trains thread)
I can't find that thread?
Nevermind...I found it.
Jake: How often does the train go by? Elwood: So often you won't even notice ...
UFO's were here but they left...........................................couldn't find any intelligent life.[:o)
After some consideration, my take is that your relative suffers from terminal insecurity. What else would cause a person to consider an improbable model of an implausable prototype to be an attack on that person's belief/value system?
If a model flying saucer (note that I did not say UFO!) gets him all pushed out of shape, how does he react to other ethnic people in their native costumes, doing their ethnic activities (many of which involve THEIR beliefs and value systems?) If he truly expects the rest of the world to jump into the same narrow-necked funnel he has chosen to travel, he is doomed to disappointment.
As a sometime writer of science fiction, I have no problem with millions of populated planets, each with its own dominant species, multiplicity of divergent cultures, ambitious politicians, honest (and otherwise) businesspeople, fanatics and would-be Galactic Emperors. My problem is with people who assume that they already know everything, and close their minds to the inevitability of change.
I've run into the same kind of thinking among model railroaders who, after seeing one of my wild feats of imagineering (with TTT herald and reporting marks,) berate me because, "There's never been any such thing." Well, I beg to differ. Since I built it, it exists. So be it.
Chuck (modeling Centrel Japan in September, 1964 - but not fanatical about it)