How much will they charge for flex track and their custom line turnouts? That's about the only thing I care about Atlas? Seeing how price is their biggest plus over other brands of just these products if the increase is to high I can see this hurting them.
Driline wrote:Might as well make the stuff in the USA if prices are going to climb that high. Looks like the Chinese have finally outpriced themselves
I'm thinking the cheap chinese labor still make it more economical despite the crappy US dollar and the increased fuel prices - for now.
Lucky for me (or not) Atlas rarely makes a loco I need - Rio Grande being all EMD during the late 60's to 1990. I am buying some rolling stock like the new 89' flat cars, which I notice are MSRP $32!!! But I'll get my usualy 30% off from my pusher.
Rio Grande. The Action Road - Focus 1977-1983
I received this Atlas E-News Flash just a few moments ago. I just thought I'd share the news with anyone who's concerned with the high(er) cost of model railroading.
Ted Marshall
Welcome to the Atlas E-News Flash!
January 4, 2007
Dear Atlas Model Railroad Customer,
Direct and indirect costs have increased significantly both domestically and overseas during the past two years. In particular, worldwide commodity prices, especially oil and metals, foreign exchange rates, and traditional labor and benefit costs have taken a sharp rise which will cause us to increase our prices in early 2008. The increase will affect all Atlas track, structures, layouts and accessories.
Because the increase will not go into effect until February 2, 2008, there is still time to order at the current prices.
Contact your Atlas dealer and stock up on track, structures, layouts, and accessories. Order now before supplies run out.
We appreciate your continued support of the fine products available through Atlas Model Railroad Company and look forward to sharing with you a wonderful 2008.
New Catalog!
The new Fall 2007 Atlas Quarterly All Scales Catalog is here. It features three months worth of products and is available in a new, magazine style format and also in a pdf located here.
For a free subscription to the 2008 Atlas Quarterly Catalog, click here.
The Nov/Dec 2007 Issue of The Atlas Modeler is now available.
To view it for yourself, please click the following link to view it or right-click the link and select "Save As" to download it.
Atlas Modeler Issue #5
- Thank you, Atlas Model Railroad Co. Inc.378 Florence AvenueHillside, NJ 07205
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Ted M.
got trains?™
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