I am with you Philip, currently an N scaler but if I had to switch it would be HO without a doubt and for the same reason..There is just SO MUCH available in the HO world.
I can see the day coming when my eyesight will give me no choice, then I will move to O and someday perhaps go 1:1..
Modeling the N&W freelanced at the height of their steam era in HO.
Daniel G.
If space and money were not factors then of course I would simply get a two foot gauge railway like they use to have in Maine [and some have been resurrected]:D Place it on my property so I suppose that is less then one half scale?
I don't know LOL. But I would go large:D
AltonFan wrote:I'm in N scale now, and not likely to switch.If time, money, and space were no object, I would probably go into Proto:48, with full size passenger cars and big steam locomotives.I'll confess to some passing interest in S scale.One thing though. When I read through some of those old track plan books, I see a number of layouts that I wouldn't mind building. If I had the resouces and space, rather than build one big layout, I might build a bunch of little ones...
I'm in N scale now, and not likely to switch.
If time, money, and space were no object, I would probably go into Proto:48, with full size passenger cars and big steam locomotives.
I'll confess to some passing interest in S scale.
One thing though. When I read through some of those old track plan books, I see a number of layouts that I wouldn't mind building. If I had the resouces and space, rather than build one big layout, I might build a bunch of little ones...
Although I model Large Scale indoors, I'd also probably would build a few layouts in other scales from those older track plans if I had the space. Although the track plans in the books 101 Track Plans, HO Railroad That Grows, and Practical Guide To Model Railroading may be archaic to some, I still find many of them fascinating. I'd rather have a few smaller layouts in various scales than one large one in one scale.
I'd go from HO to N and hire a teenager to do the close work
You could hire me. Haha.
I did have to switch...health considerations and the resulting fixed income made having room for a meaningful continious running HO layout a very very highly unlikely proposition. For a while I just gave up on the idea of any layout...but then N caught my eye, and got approval from SWMBO. Yeah, it's a compromise, but compromise is better than nothing.
I've kept my HO stuff, and periodically attempt to wrap my brain around the idea of a a dead end switching shelf layout, and that may happen someday....but if miracalously I some how stumbled into a good sized space, and of course the money, I'd be tempted to skip HO and go to O.
Reality...an interesting concept with no successful applications, that should always be accompanied by a "Do not try this at home" warning.
Hundreds of years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...But the world may be different because I did something so bafflingly crazy that my ruins become a tourist attraction.
"Oooh...ahhhh...that's how this all starts...but then there's running...and screaming..."
You can have my HO scale when you pry it from my cold, dead hands HAHA!
If I had to switch though, I've been thinking about doing a British layout for years. OO is technically a different scale
Colorado Front Range Railroad: http://www.coloradofrontrangerr.com/
pcarrell wrote:The last question I had about the perfect layout size was quite revealing. It got me to thinking........We all love the scale of models that we picked, for whatever reasons, but if you had to change scales, what scale would you choose now and why?Myself, I'm an N scaler, but I might give Z scale a good hard look because of the vastness of scenery that can be accomplished, but in the end I'd probably go with HO because virtually everything is available or S scale because I like the "heft" of it!Now how about you?
The last question I had about the perfect layout size was quite revealing. It got me to thinking........
We all love the scale of models that we picked, for whatever reasons, but if you had to change scales, what scale would you choose now and why?
Myself, I'm an N scaler, but I might give Z scale a good hard look because of the vastness of scenery that can be accomplished, but in the end I'd probably go with HO because virtually everything is available or S scale because I like the "heft" of it!
Now how about you?
given all the room, size and money, 1 1/2 inch scale live steam
Well, I'd choose 3 rail O just so I could run this beauty!
Go here for my rail shots! http://www.railpictures.net/showphotos.php?userid=9296
Building the CPR Kootenay division in N scale, blog here: http://kootenaymodelrailway.wordpress.com/
I'm a rabid N scaler, but I've got a couple of HO pieces drifting around. If I changed scales, it would most likely be to HO, but it would also mean a radical change of theme. I'd drop the big Class 1 railroad and do a sleepy branch line, probably the Ma & Pa Maryland Division.
Route of the Alpha Jets www.wmrywesternlines.net
I'm in HO now and if I were to do it again I'd probably go On30.
I ammodeling in Nscale since It exist, something around 1970 and still be very happy with it.
We have now good runner locomotives, in diesel or steam type, and a great choice of cars, structures very accurate.
As far I am concerned, here in europe there is a lot of Z scale, but I never seen convinced layout i this scale.
Yes You could made very big scenery where the trains dissapears but if you look at the details, the structures are not very accurate, thickness of wall or windows or the look of people are not so fine than in N scale or in the greatest scale and I don't speak about the running qualities of this small trains.
So I beleive if you want to have and operate a layout in good conditions with a fine scenery and good running capacities N scale is the minimum where you can go.
made a switch from AC to DC about three years ago. Also changed railroads and countries. If I had to change again then it would be G scale and a garden railway, of course it would need an operating snow blower to keep things running all year round.
"If you need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm."
Modeling NS One Locomotive At a Time
Have fun with your trains
Ex-Southern 385 Being Hoisted
I've switched scales many times and an currently in Large Scale indoors. I started with Lionel in the early 60s, switched to HO which I found too small, then onto N scale that never worked properly(this was the 70s) and is more oriented to contempory railroading (I love small older steam). I then dabbled in Sn3 which was (and still is VERY expensive) which is too bad for I think S scale would be the ideal size - certainly more logical than HO- for the smaller scales. I then tried On3 which was also expensive then got into On30 when Bachmann came out with their excellent and affordable line of equipment. I then caught the G scale bug when I discovered how much easier and enjoyable it was to scratchbuild in and I loved the heft and detailing potentials. Although I still believe On30 is one of the greatest things that ever happened to narrow gauge modeling, I got spoiled with narrow gauge G scale. Despite trying to convince myself to go back to On30, I just cant. I also find the Large Scale community very laid back and flexible when it comes to an individual's choice of modeling and I like their willingness to share their modeling techniques to both newcomers and advanced modelers. I find the price of G scale equipment, with the exception of track, is no more costly than a lot of the high-end (non-brass) locos in HO. The price of some G scale kits are on par with a lot of the HO "limited" craftsman kits and there are always big discounts on locos, rolling stock, and track. Of course if you pay MSRP, G scale and all other scales for that matter are VERY costly. As far as changing scales, I'm very happy with Large Scale but if I had a room the size of the Cow Palace in SF, I'd love to try 7/8 scale.
I am in HO and if I had to switch I would NOT be into model railroading at all. Sorry no other scale is right for me
I'm into N right now, but if I had to change and had the room, I'd like to go back to HO so I could enjoy detailing more....
Bob Berger, C.O.O. N-ovation & Northwestern R.R. My patio layout....SEE IT HERE
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