zgardner18 wrote: Well, Bob my friend ask if he could have a set to take back to his triplet boys. So I found a nice starter Lionel set and set it with him. Bob was so excited and kept saying that his boys are going to love this. So I'm happy that hopefully I planted a seed.
Well, Bob my friend ask if he could have a set to take back to his triplet boys. So I found a nice starter Lionel set and set it with him. Bob was so excited and kept saying that his boys are going to love this. So I'm happy that hopefully I planted a seed.
Just watch that it doesn't show up on E-Bay in a week or two...
Budliner wrote: guess you guy's never tell people your into model railroading
Never had a problem.
I was amused to note that my boss, seeing my benchwork and track (no scenery yet) even said, "Ah, HO scale!"
Budliner wrote:most people just seem to think its for little kid's and cant see a grown man spending time and money on itguess you guy's never tell people your into model railroading
most people just seem to think its for little kid's and cant see a grown man spending time and money on it
guess you guy's never tell people your into model railroading
Most people I've met could care less what anyboby does with their time or money. As far as spending money, I've seen some grown men spend over one hundred dollars in one weekend in a bar.
I had a good experience yesterday. A working buddy of mine come over with his business partner to pick up some woodworking equipment that I gave to him and as he walked into my garage he right away noticed my diorama just sitting there. Both of them ate it up. Questions flew all over the place. He then noticed that I had a pile of Lionel trains that I received from my grandfather. Both guys mention that both of their dad's had some Lionel's and they remembered playing with them when they were kids. Well, Bob my friend ask if he could have a set to take back to his triplet boys. So I found a nice starter Lionel set and set it with him. Bob was so excited and kept saying that his boys are going to love this. So I'm happy that hopefully I planted a seed.
So in my mind, Model trains are both: Toys and a serious hobby.
And just when you thought that someone might think that you are a big dork for playing with trains, they turn out saying how cool trains are. Let's all keep an open mind.
--Zak Gardner
My Layout Blog: http://mrl369dude.blogspot.com
That's the responses I get...but I tell them that it's my hobby and it brings the family and some of my closer friends together...that makes it not a waste of time (which is what I hear alot of and bugs me the most)
Bob Berger, C.O.O. N-ovation & Northwestern R.R. My patio layout....SEE IT HERE
There's no place like ~/ ;)
I is also very serious about model realroading!
At least until mommy tells me to clean my room and brush my tooth.
Okay, this subject comes up on a regular basis in one incarnation or another. What is the purpose? We're preaching to the choire.
Budliner wrote:whats up with model railroading, people just don't take it serious.it's not a toy... it's a tradition back to you
whats up with model railroading, people just don't take it serious.
it's not a toy... it's a tradition
back to you
It's a hobby.
Hobbies are pasttimes you do for fun.
When model railroading (or any other hobby) ceases to be fun, it's time to start looking for another hobby.
Model railroading is anything from Thomas or Lionel to the utmost prototypically correct model, as long as you're enjoying yourself. I love building things to scale but I also like to play with the trains I build. People play baseball, golf, football etc so what's wrong with people playing with trains?
SteamFreak wrote:So who's not serious?
I'm always serious. And don't call me Shirley.
loathar wrote: jktrains wrote:Loathar, lets be a little more specific - Another useless thread on Trains.com started by Budliner . . . Film at 11:00.I didn't want to be THAT mean...
jktrains wrote:Loathar, lets be a little more specific - Another useless thread on Trains.com started by Budliner . . . Film at 11:00.
I didn't want to be THAT mean...
All too true.
SteamFreak wrote: selector wrote: Where's the kaboom?"There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!" So who's not serious?
selector wrote: Where's the kaboom?
Where's the kaboom?
"There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!"
So who's not serious?
Meeeeeh...You wouldn't happen to need a Uranium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator, would ya Doc?
Don - Specializing in layout DC->DCC conversions
Modeling C&O transition era and steel industries There's Nothing Like Big Steam!
selector wrote:Where's the kaboom?
Ex-Southern 385 Being Hoisted
Ummm...Let me guess....Girlfriend break up with ya and decided to be mean about it?
Comment from brainless inlaw who thinks Football is the most direct route to Jesus?
Or just random encounter with one of the countless pinheads that we're forced to share this planet with?
Have fun with your trains
davidmbedard wrote: Actually, by definition it is a TOY. The question is, can you handle people calling an orange and orange?David B
Actually, by definition it is a TOY. The question is, can you handle people calling an orange and orange?
David B
C'mon, David B.... You know trains aren't toys!
Now that's serious!!!
Modeling the Rio Grande Southern First District circa 1938-1946 in HOn3.
We all know you were thinking it though
Sewious? I'm vewy, veeewwwwy sewious about my twains! heehehehehehe.
(puff, puff). Seeerious indeed! He's very serious indeed. Mmhmm! (puff, puff)
Budliner wrote:guess you guy's never tell people your into model railroading
Actually, I do. For the most part, the responses are positive - especially when they see my work. Whether others accept my "juvenile" hobby really makes no real difference to me whatsoever. Nor should it you, Ken...
Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.
BREAKING NEWS...Another senseless thread started on Trians.com....Film @ 11:00...
What do you expect?? Hollywood portraits us as introverted, psycho, child molesters.
Silly Budliner... Trains are for kids!
Railroadrunner wrote: P.S. Stop whining, so what. I dont like it how women in general take sex TOO SERIOUSLY but I am not going to whine to anyone about it. I will just smile and contiue to look for my next bed victim.
P.S. Stop whining, so what. I dont like it how women in general take sex TOO SERIOUSLY but I am not going to whine to anyone about it. I will just smile and contiue to look for my next bed victim.
LOL thats too funny! Bed victim....
What kind of a chance do I have?
(Typical Handsome Model Railroader)
Budliner wrote: Most people just seem to think it's for little kids and can't see a grown man spending time and money on it.I guess you guys never tell people your into model railroading.
Most people just seem to think it's for little kids and can't see a grown man spending time and money on it.
I guess you guys never tell people your into model railroading.
Aha. I think you mean "I talked to some sorehead the other day who thought I was wasting my time." Proper response - ignore it. It's nonsense. Is it any more absurd than caring about millionaires who toss balls around, or fast cars that you can't safely drive the way they're intended? But it's fun, and it helps me relax. It's cheaper than psychotherapy, and more pleasant.
Model railroading is serious business? Never. When you make a job or a religion out of a hobby, it's time to step back and breathe for a while. Model railroading is not a religion. Model railroading is not a job.
And what if we are playing games with toys? It's a free country. I'm comfortable enough with my adult responsibilities that I can play with trains or collect plastic robots, without really caring what people think. It's not some kind of perversion. I think anybody who looks down on hobbies just wishes he had one, but is embarassed to admit it to himself.
My wife is happy. She likes my hobby. It's kept in its proper place, and it helps me be a better, happier husband. My friends and family think it's cool. I pays my taxes and covers my bills like everybody else, and I'm not violating any laws. Let the soreheads burn, and keep the psychiatrists busy when they get tired of nothing but work, work, work.
Casual acquaintances sometimes equate MRRing with toy trains (this is a big Lionel area), but if you keep talking to them, it usually comes out that they think toy trains are great. People LOVE toy trains.
This ain't serious business, but it is seriously fun.
Actually, I don't mind telling people at all that I'm a model railroader. Even here at school. In fact, two of my choral students are very much into the hobby, and we have some pretty good discussions about it during free time.
Nobody around here thinks we play with toy trains.
Tom View my layout photos! http://s299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/TWhite-014/Rio%20Grande%20Yuba%20River%20Sub One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
I do not take model railroading serious myself! It is a kid thing but I am just a big kid so I am not offended like some SENSATIVE people. I am seldom offended but I am often the offender so if anyone calls me a kid its cool with me because it is probably in response to what I just said to them. LOL
Budliner wrote: people just see that big cheep toy train, and that's what they think of when you mention train'sthey just don't get itkind of like you dryline
people just see that big cheep toy train, and that's what they think of when you mention train's
they just don't get it
kind of like you dryline
Driline isn't the only one who doesn't get it.
Maybe you ought to start from the beginning? I'm sure there is a story behind this.
Thats it.....no more Caffeine for you.
Now I'm off to paint my shinohara code 83 track with some pollyscale track brown. I'd like to use floquil but that would create too much fumes for me to handle downstairs.