I need CA glue
Budliner wrote: I need CA glue K
Gotta stick to that list!(sorry, I took a punny pill this morning)
Your use of too rather than to seems to convey either an urgency or futility to the DO list. My layouts(HO over O and both over storage)need to get a little momentum more than anything else. Too much to do can scare off the start of any project.
Condensing the full notebook, it looks like:
Of course, the actual CEPRI file is a couple of thousand lines long!
Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)
Budliner wrote:I need CA glue K
I would fill these pages with things to do.
Budliner wrote: I need CA glue
I need another beer. I just picked up more CA last week.
I've got one more subway station still without lights, the small Scollay Square station on a dead-end siding. I've got the lights, so there's no excuse, but with all the little bulbs I've pushed my old train transformer to the limit, so I'll have to put something else on line for my scenic illumination.
The stockyard is about half done. I need to add the ground cover, and put the same over the "scenic covers" for the Atlas switch machines in the neighborhood. I've got to go to market, to market, to buy a fat pig, or 10 or 20, or maybe some sheep.
Next I need to level out the yard and glue down and ballast all the yard tracks. I hate the thought of doing this, because I have to reach across a lot to get to the tracks in the middle of the layout.
And then it's time to start on Moose Bay itself - the big hole in the layout that will be water...
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
Get backdrop and install backdrop
Add hill, tunnel, and retaining walls
Complete town
Add grass
Have fun running trains on a 4x8.
Vacuum the layout.
Clean track.
Dislodge spiders.
Send eviction notices to several mice.
Clean loco wheels.
Relay track on viaduct.
Re-solder some electrical connections.
Re-motor a couple of old brass locos.
Try and find room for some industrial spurs.
Build a staging yard.
Try and put a back-drop behind an already constructed mountain range.
Find a bigger, better stepladder.
Do all this before Christmas when my son and grandson arrive and expect the layout to be running PERFECTLY.
Tom View my layout photos! http://s299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/TWhite-014/Rio%20Grande%20Yuba%20River%20Sub One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
1 Finish insulating walls & roof of shed
2 Gyprock ( drywall ) shed walls
3 Air Con for shed
4 Finish designing & start building the REAL layout and stop using my kids one to test trains & rollingstock
5 Install about a dozen sound decoders , fit kadees & metal wheelsets to about a hundred carriages, fix, sell or bin 3 Rivarossi steamers, build a bunch of 3 bay hopper & husky stack kits, fit weights to a bunch of containers, build a bunch of building kits, find time to build a 21 bay modern roundhouse, find time to build a roundhouse shay kit, find time................................
6 Oh and I almost forgot, HAVE FUN !!!
Five years worth.
For example:
1) Install telephone poles on "finished" part of layout.
2) Ballast sidings and spurs in the millstone quarry
3) Start construction the bluestone quarry
4) Install another dozen tortoises when funds permit
5) Super detail scenery in a few places
6) Modify track at two of the industries
7) Design, build install block signals
8) Build helix
9) Extend fascia
10) Plan city then main yard
etc etc etc
It's a good thing that this stuff is so much fun~!
The mind is like a parachute. It works better when it's open. www.stremy.net
1- Plan and execute Unitrack Purchases until complete.
2- Build benchwork after finalizing plan and confirming various elements.
3- Decide how to best "Operate" with Waybill, card system.
4- Give all engines a chance to run once a week.
5- Paint the track.
6- Finish the last of the hobby shop orders this year. (Make that TWO hobby shops worth)
6a- Wait for the orders to arrive. Some have been waited for 1 year or more.
7- Plan for Christmas Sales.
8- Plan for Cotton belt 819 Show in April of 08.
9- Acquire additional space via demo
10- Get off these forums and sit at the workbench and actually do something =)
I tired to uplod my list to the website to show everyone. Internet told me.
"ERROR:File Too large. Get real.",
then my computer crashed.
Ah, seriously, I tried to do a list, but there is so much. I just go out and do what my mood strikes me to do. More fun that way and I leave the lists for work.
Now, I have a wish list.........
Best Regards, Big John
Kiva Valley Railway- Freelanced road in central Arizona. Visit the link to see my MR forum thread on The Building of the Whitton Branch on the Kiva Valley Railway
1 - buy more locomotives
2 - buy more locomotives
3 - buy more locomotives
4 - buy more locomotives
5 - buy more locomotives
Mine's blank. It may not get anything accomplished, but I don't have any trouble finishing the list, either.
EMD - Every Model Different
ALCO - Always Leaking Coolant and Oil
CSX - Coal Spilling eXperts
My list is still growing, nevermind what is already on it. I have the benchwork 85% completed. Before I can start laying track, running trains and consider scenery, I have to finish the benchwork. To do this I need:
1. To purchase 1 sheet of plywood cut to my specifications
2. And purchase 2 pieces of Owens Corning foam insulation board.
After that I need to:
1. Go buy 1 package of Atlas 24" radius curves
2. Go buy a ton of cork roadbed sheets
Once I complete these tasks, then its off to the races laying track. I'll probably have more things to add to my list once I begin.....
twcenterprises wrote: Mine's blank. It may not get anything accomplished, but I don't have any trouble finishing the list, either.Brad
Mine is really long seeing as I just started this hobby at age 30 last year. My list right now while I sell my current house is to add Dcc to my engines and weahter the rolling stock. I have thoughts about at least painting and weathering building walls for assembly later but I already have enought to do converting old riv rs-2 to dcc.
alco's forever!!!!! Majoring in HO scale Minorig in O scale:)
Bob Boudreau
Visit my model railroad photography website: http://sites.google.com/site/railphotog/
1} Live long enough to complete my list
2} see # 1
See my Web Site Here
Mine looks like this: (as posted originally here on 10-17-2007, 8:59 AM http://www.trains.com/trccs/forums/1242351/ShowPost.aspx)
I find that when I make a punch list or detailed "To Do" list that I have more focus and direction, but most importantly it gives me a road map to follow and a guideline. The list also provides motivation to move, add, or change any of the items on the list. With this flexibility I am able to focus on the specific steps needed to achieve the results. It also gives me a picture at a glance of what needs to happen and in what order, making sure that I do not skip a step that needs to be done before other work gets started.
The Roundhouse Turntable Renovation Project includes the following action plans:
Ryan BoudreauxThe Piedmont Division Modeling The Southern Railway, Norfolk & Western & Norfolk Southern in HO during the merger eraCajun Chef Ryan
Where to start?
1.Finish the 6 remaining club projects before the Spring open house.
2.Paint my undecorated shells in the new Huron River Scheme.
3.Add KD couplers to the 6 Athearn RTR cars I got 5 months ago..
4.Build a photo prop.
5.Service my locomotives.
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
thank you all that added to this thread
you made it one of my favorites
11- Move computer desk out of the train room and put wife's machine on it.
12- Fill newly vacated corner with more benchwork, track and stuff.
1. take a trip to the hardware store and my not so local LHS to get supplies i need to get my layout going (benchwork is all done)
2. install items purchased
3. weather and install track
and the list goes on forever
Finished taking the desk out and cleared the corner.
Planned new carpet install, wall repairs and repaints planned.
New town is being developed based on existing structures.
Trackwork being developed based on best switching needs for the space.
Layout deck height decided on along with overall use of room space.
All of that in addition to steam cleaning the carpeting in entire home along with installation of second computer and networking it off the router.
Last but not least, errand trip planned to two LHS's within the week.
aloco wrote: 1 - buy more locomotives2 - buy more locomotives3 - buy more locomotives4 - buy more locomotives5 - buy more locomotives
Could we interest you in some freight cars to go with all that motive power you seem to be lacking?
Get divorce finished
Get a new place to live
Build a new layout
Rio Grande. The Action Road - Focus 1977-1983