All Lionel all the time.
QUOTE: I don't have a problem with them doing it for the money if they would be honest about it. Don't tell me this is a kind-hearted gesture from an old friendly railroad. It's the money.
QUOTE: Originally posted by BNSF railfan. BNSF does charge extra for their Logo, You just don't know it. Allan.
QUOTE: Originally posted by loathar I wonder if they'll want $10 dollars extra for the model of it.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Big_Boy_4005 It's a very pretty engine, but it is being used to justify a very ugly practice. Does anyone honestly think that UP would do this if there wasn't money in it?
QUOTE: Originally posted by grande man QUOTE: Originally posted by Big_Boy_4005 It's a very pretty engine, but it is being used to justify a very ugly practice. Does anyone honestly think that UP would do this if there wasn't money in it? Most corporations are only about one thing, making a profit. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. They employ our people and fuel our economy. They are not something evil. UP is no different. If there were no profits, there would be no trains, jobs or service to the customers. The Heritage locos are an advertising move but also a great salute to our railroading history from one of America's premiere roads. I applaud UP for making them a reality. My only question is..... Where's the Grande????
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Follow the progress:
QUOTE: Originally posted by Big_Boy_4005 UP has the right to charge, but is it right?
QUOTE: Originally posted by dgwinup "UP has the right to charge, but is it right?" Amen to Big Boy 4005! Darrell, not being quiet enough....for now