This years RIT Tiger tracks Train Show is now history. I got a bit of modeling done but spent more time talking with other Model Railroaders aging from about 5 to in their 80s.... I did finish the turnout I started yesterday, and got about half of another one done. Here are all of the ones I have done over a 3 week period (Batavia Show and the RIT Show):
What I should be doing most of the weekend is telling people why they should join the NMRA...
Dave and Ned were there today (Ned is an MRR, Dave was a former Superintendent of our division for several terms. Both are incredible modelers!)
One other gentleman was helping out at the Modelers Corner both days. He is assembling a brass locomotive kit. He doesn't like to have his photo taken and doesn't want to be named but he is an MMR and is making the loco using the directions and drawings in an ancient article from a Model Railroader Magazine he has saved for many years. BTW, he is the author of the article................
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
Spent the day whipping this up. Got some foam panels from the ReStore, plus a couple of doors. I used a 24 and an 18" slab combined to get a 42" x 80" table in the dining room. Ideal for a decent loop of HO track, also scavenged from the white elephant table at the Delmarva Club. Most of it is Nickel Silver, but there's a couple of slices of brass rail in there so I can get nostalgic about cussing at HO trains when they stall.Ceramic holiday buildings will suffice this year, but Andy and I will be adding some snowy white landscape and other goodies over the next week or so.We understand that Santa likes to run trains when he stops on the roof here.Lee
Route of the Alpha Jets
tomkat-13 Nice job on the shop! Looks better than one of those high price limited numbered kits. Also I like that MOW steam shovel.
Nice job on the shop! Looks better than one of those high price limited numbered kits. Also I like that MOW steam shovel.
Thanks for the kind words. I can only claim the shop as mine.
I had the Rio Grande Models kit of the AH&D shovel built for me by a fellow in Maine, back when I had more money than time. It represents the Silverton Northern's ditcher, but I have yet to get it lettered.
Mike Lehman
Urbana, IL