Thanks Selector,
I went back and edited my post. Are they OK now???
Thanks everyone, now next weekend or some other weekend I shouldn't have many problems:)
it's amazing what you can do to a RTS track plan with MS paint:
The green=trees, dark gray=roads/parking lots, the teal=buildings, and the dark blue lines=staging limits. The unmarked building is going to be a church, and the black rectangle across from it will an N scale Pillar concert going on, with music supplied from two earbud headphones.
Sawyer Berry
Clemson University c/o 2018
Building a protolanced industrial park layout
Great photos everyone, as usual.
Still recuperating from a knee re-build, so haven't done that much on the MR lately. Here's an older file photo I found of some 'yard-work' around the Deer Creek engine facility. The daily ash-pit cleaning. #1159 is my 2-8-0 yard switcher and jack of all trades, the big 2-10-2 #1400 is a kinda-sorta kit-bash of a Rio Grande F-81. And no, the ashes are NOT hot, LOL!
Tom View my layout photos! One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
selector wrote:
A beautiful shot is ALWAYS worth repeating! What a sweet little local passenger train.
Thanks so much, Tom. By way of a grateful, but sincere, reciprocation, I felt the same way about your image. When I saw it I thought to myself, "Well, he may have been laid up, but he had also laid up a nice bank of images to draw from." So, right back at you.
R T Poteet, thank you for your kind words and bad eye sight! I jointed this great sight a little over 2 years ago. It was shortly afterword's that I started having problems. Then the learning curve started, my cheap rolling stock started to ware out. Thanks to the great folks here I learned how to repair and up grade my engines and rolling stock. My layout has been pretty much trouble free for around 1 and a half years, but still child like. This section, K-10 Mining is my first try for a adult bench. Sad thing is when I am done and have the needed funds it will hopefully find a new home. But in the mean time it still is fun.
After seeing the HOG plains I have a pretty good idea of what I really want. Plus Selectors bench all so inspired me.
Cuda Ken
I hate Rust
howmus wrote:I have been doing a lot of little odds and ends this week including some weathering of my USRA 0-6-0 #135. She has been hard at work as always breaking down trains and sorting cars. You see here near the end of the lead at Hopewell Junction with a long string of reefers.
I really like the weathering on the locomotive there.
I think I'm going to lower the bunker about 6 scale inches... The proportions aren't quite right based on the proto photos... Zip zip with Mr. Dremel should do the trick. I also need to replace the ladder on the rear with a MT caboose ladder to get the curved railings at the top. After I get the shell done for the boiler and start fooling with lighting, I'll decide whether or not to do a working backup light.
Overall I'm really happy with how this is turning out...
Route of the Alpha Jets
russstraw wrote: howmus wrote:I have been doing a lot of little odds and ends this week including some weathering of my USRA 0-6-0 #135. She has been hard at work as always breaking down trains and sorting cars. You see here near the end of the lead at Hopewell Junction with a long string of reefers.I really like the weathering on the locomotive there.
Thank you Russell! I had a photo of a Lehigh Valley steam loco sitting right there while I did it.
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
shayfan84325 wrote: Gary, your layout is really nice. Great work. The clouds on your backdrop are outstanding.Any of you other forums guys who haven't looked at Gary's videos (top of page three) give yourself a treat and go take a look. He's built a darned nice layout, and those clouds are definitely worth a look.
Gary, your layout is really nice. Great work. The clouds on your backdrop are outstanding.
Any of you other forums guys who haven't looked at Gary's videos (top of page three) give yourself a treat and go take a look. He's built a darned nice layout, and those clouds are definitely worth a look.
Very nice of you to say that Phil. Some of my movies were without tripod because I walked with the train and they do not look as good as I would like.
But was fun.
Everybody else: ......Terrific pix this weekend. I'd like to have a framed copy of Crnadall's picture. ....... Tom W's scene looks far better than his banged up knee I bet. ...... I like the WM steam loco,too WM-Lee. ...Jon Grant's scenes are always real-looking....
Here's my weekend work. I managed to finish up 4 buildings. All that's left is weathering.
Don - Specializing in layout DC->DCC conversions
Modeling C&O transition era and steel industries There's Nothing Like Big Steam!
Well to be honest its not 100% Trains but its in HO scale and for the layout. I do apologize for the bad photos right now just wanted to get them up.
I have had these cars for about a yr or so. They are Monogram Mini Exacts and I decided they were how do you put it plan jane. So I decided to spruce them up. I used Many different things to enhance them. I used a Sharpie super fine tip perm mark, Sharpie Fine tip Paint Marker, Sharpie Silver markers (yes they do make them) and Sharpie Red fine tip marker. Enjoy. Photo Intense A lotof these will get racing stripes and or maybe flames depending on my time this week.
Used the Red Sharpie on the inside of the tail lights, then used silver sharpie for the chrome taillight bezels.
Black Sharpie for the grill, white paint for the headlights etc, Silver sharpie for light bezels.
Door handles I used the Silver sharpie and the rear gas filler I used Silver sharpie
Black fine sharpie for the grill, and the air induction on hood.
Winshield wiper arms Sharpie Silver, Blade Sharpie fine Black, again hood vents sharpie Black Paint marker gas filler and antenna sharpie silver.
Red Sharpie for the Chevy Symbol, Sharpie fine tip black for the grill, and white paint for the headlights.
Read Sharpie for taillights
This is actually a grand prix I just used the ultra fine point black sharpie for the grill and white paint for the headlights.
I think all I did was painted the headlights white.
Where did you get the mustang and the corvette? The local MR club has a few, and I don't know where to get them. BTW, from all the pictures I have of 1970 mustangs, the panel between the tailights was almost always black.
If I were you I'd paint the Mustang into a Boss type mustang. (Take your pick on which one)
Also, your the first person I've seen here use sharpies. I've used them for signs, window bars on one-piece windows, and for changing numbers on freight cars. (Was a P2K flat, changed a 4 into a 1 with a black sharpie)
Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....
2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.
Packer wrote: Where did you get the mustang and the corvette? The local MR club has a few, and I don't know where to get them. BTW, from all the pictures I have of 1970 mustangs, the panel between the tailights was almost always black.If I were you I'd paint the Mustang into a Boss type mustang. (Take your pick on which one)Also, your the first person I've seen here use sharpies. I've used them for signs, window bars on one-piece windows, and for changing numbers on freight cars. (Was a P2K flat, changed a 4 into a 1 with a black sharpie)
Packer, actually I found all of them on ebay and not for the going price people are asking for them I got a total of 2 3 packs plus a double pack for total of 18.00 with shipping that was before people really searched for them.. Now as I recall Herpa bought the molds and making them.
As for the Mustang it is a Boss I just have to get decals for it. I also searched for photos of it and knew it needed the black between the tail lights just didnt get to it before the pictures but thank you for that information.
And why not use sharpies they have a great Ultra thin tip in black and red and a decent Fine point silver and black paint pen. I say use what you can find for things like this. Seems not many are impressed with what I did tho.
The yard is almost ready for tracklaying! All I need to do is finish scraping and vaccuming the remaining ground cover, patching the gaps in the foam, and painting the new surface. Then I'm ready to lay track!
Walking "Eastward" in the aisleway...
This was the approximate location of the backdrop board I removed. It seperated the classification and staging yards.