Hello All,
Well, we got it running.The outside circle and the yards run very good and powerful.However, not the inner figure 8.It's not working at all.And it seems to overload the controllers.I changed switches but that didn't help.So I figure that I need to rewire it, but maybe it needs more power?Or something seems to tell me that the insulators are not in the right locations?
We're getting there,Brad
Sounds like probably some gaps on the wrong side, and feeders on the wrong side, so it is shorting when the train runs into the inner part. Start at some part where it works, and put your finger on the rail with the insualted joiners in it, then trace around never lofting your finger with the switches set to make the train enter the inner part where it doesn't. If you start seeing the insulated joiners on the rail you AREN'T touching, there's the problem.
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There is nothing,more that I can add,to what Randy said,,that would be my guess also..
richhotrain Wow, 1385 views and 48 replies to a "very basic wiring question".
Wow, 1385 views and 48 replies to a "very basic wiring question".
Just to update my previous comment, Wow, now 1,939 views and 62 replies to a "very basic wiring question".
This has been going on since August 28th, and trains are still not running?
Isn't this all we are talking about? How hard can this be?
My sense is that the OP is making this much to difficult in terms of wiring, switches, blocks, power packs, whatever.
Alton Junction
The trains are running,,,he just has a problem with the inner figure 8,,misplaced,insulated rail joiner,or crossed wire....It's not hard for anyone being new,to make a mistake,,,even experts,make them..
zstripe The trains are running,,,he just has a problem with the inner figure 8,,misplaced,insulated rail joiner,or crossed wire....It's not hard for anyone being new,to make a mistake,,,even experts,make them..
That sounds to me like the trains are not running.
Newbie or not, how hard can this be? We are into the second month of this ongoing problem with a simple layout. I'm just saying that the OP is making this way too complicated, and that is the problem.
zstripe The trains are running,,,he just has a problem with the inner figure 8,,misplaced,insulated rail joiner,or crossed wire....It's not hard for anyone being new,to make a mistake,,,even experts,make them.. Cheers, Frank
Sounds like he crossed a feeder in the figure 8. If a outside rail is positive polarity on 1/2 of a figure 8, the other 1/2 will have outside rail negative polarity. I would start there.
And the saga continues..................................
Randy gave Him a good suggestion to try and I would also...Even if he used colored coded wires,he could still have the rail feeders wrong,,it's just a dead short when that happens..LA LA LA LA LA LA,,,SAVING PRIVATE RYAN..
When you loop around with a crossing like that, it's easy to get confused - the rail that was closest to the bottom of the drawing is now closest to the top. And vice-versa. That's why I suggested the finger trace, if you never lift your finger, you will be on the same rail the whole time.