restorator Does the prototype back up mile long trains at all with power at only one end?
Yes. But they avoid it if they can.
What kind of distance and/or speed restrictions would it have?
There is no specific distance limitation, generaly if its going to be shoved over a mile or two by plan it will have a caboose or "shoving platform". That's because whether its one car or 1000 cars, there has to be somebody protecting the shove, a person riding the leading car watching where they are going, unless they know the track is clear. The speed is limited to 20 mph, whether they have one car or 1000 cars. In a one off situation then they wouldn't have a shoving platform.
Dave H. Painted side goes up. My website :
Since most of us have limited space, in general our trains are much shorter than prototype. Which leads me to a question of how long a real world train is too big to backup into a stub end yard or anywhere for that matter. Does the prototype back up mile long trains at all with power at only one end? What kind of distance and/or speed restrictions would it have?