I looked at an old photo my son took of me the first few minutes I was in the garage starting the benchwork. It was dated September 30, 2007. Even though the layout looks closer to the start of construction rather than the end, there are a whole lot of enjoyable hours accounted for.
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."
Planning started in August of 2013.
Saw hit lumber in December.
Just last week I hooked up the Digitrax system and ran a test train.
I have the right to remain silent. By posting here I have given up that right and accept that anything I say can and will be used as evidence to critique me.
The oldest part of the current layout is Red Mountain, which began as my first narrowgauge on a module of Red Mountain in 88 or 89. That module was included in the plan for the layout here. The house was purchased in 1991, the basement remodeled in 1992 and construction on the current began after that. The mainline was completed in 2003.
Mike Lehman
Urbana, IL
I started mine in January 2011 out of boredom and a need to do something in an empty livingroom. It now takes up the livingroom, dining room, and kitchen at 14 x 19 x 9 in the shape of a 'C'. I'm thinking about expansion over the breakfast bar, down the hallway to other rooms with the walls as tunnels. I have no 'other half' to call me nuts, my dog and cat look at me as though I am. LOL.
Mark H
Modeling in HO...Reading and Conrail together in an alternate history.
My previous 11x15 HO layout was started in 94 and stayed intact til 07 - up for most of 13 years. A total replacement was started in 08, and up and running in 09. But, I have since seriously bogged down, stalling in the midst of final scenery..........
Living in southeast Texas, formerly modeling the "postwar" Santa Fe and Illinois Central
I started in 2001 as we had just moved into our newly built home in 1999. The main basement was 25 x 75.
Had the layout Mainline done by 2004 and had about 20 or so OPs Sessions.
Scenery was very basic.
We added an 16 x 16 Sunroom to the house in 2008 and this included a layout addition off the main basement.
In 2011 - I cut a hole in the Block wall and added layout in my basemnt office - that was another 14 x 28 area.
Currently the total basement layout is over 2500 sq ft.
We host OPs Sessions every 2 weeks!
BOB H - Clarion, PA
-2, I figure it will be 2 years until I get the basement redone and suitable to start construction, and get a finalized plan that I like.
Previous one made it 5 years until I moved here.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
Visit my web site at www.readingeastpenn.com for construction updates, DCC Info, and more.
The SIW is roughly 4 years old. Started right before I got married.
Joe Staten Island West
I started mine 9 1/2 years ago. I began work on Phase 2 4 1/2 years ago, and Phase 3 started this past summer.
Some of my trains, though, go back to the Eisenhower administration.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
Mine is 9 years old, having started it in 2005, but that includes two more recent additions to it in 2007 and 2009.
I just wonder how old are some of your layouts?
Alton Junction