Anyone hear any word yet?
I was leafing through the latest Walthers sale flyer -- this is their annual track sale going on -- and unless I missed something there are no Atlas products whatever in the sale. That tells me Walthers must have known something about expected delivery dates. Tough break for Atlas to have missed out on the Christmas season. Due to Hurricane Sandy they canceled their trip to Milwaukee's Trainfest in November. With luck they'll be back to normal in 2013.
Dave Nelson
At The Greenberg show I picked up some Atlas Code100 Flex from a place called The Train Connection in CT. The owner was telling me that he got only about half his order on Atlas Track. They keep telling hin its coming but......
Joe Staten Island West
That's what I keep hearing too Joe. I can't believe more people out there aren't using or needing Atlas track right now. I would think it would be more of a issue than it is.
OK, it is now nearly February, and still no Atlas Code 83 flex track.
And, now, I need some.
Anybody hear anything?
Alton Junction
This guy had a box of close to a hundred pieces when I was there a couple of days ago.
RC Pit Stop 604-530-5490
#902 6339 200th Street.
Langley, B.C.
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."
BATMAN This guy had a box of close to a hundred pieces when I was there a couple of days ago. RC Pit Stop 604-530-5490 #902 6339 200th Street. Langley, B.C. Canada V2Y1A2
Seems like us fellers on the Wet Coast have it good, Batman. Central Hobbies in Vancouver has lots as well, both code 100 and code 83. They're shipping me a bunch of it today!
Streamlined steam, oh, what a dream!!
richhotrain Anybody hear anything? Rich
Nothing..The silence from Atlas is deafening.
IIRC Atlas once stated on the their forum that they sell more C100 then C83-IIRC there was a discussion on C83 vs C100 or some such..
Could that be the hold up?
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
Tried to get some turnouts in Houston yesterday and they had little to nothing of Atlas. Couldn't even get code 100 rail joiners. I did get a box of code 100 flex track from Trainworld about a month ago.
Rastafarr BATMAN This guy had a box of close to a hundred pieces when I was there a couple of days ago. RC Pit Stop 604-530-5490 #902 6339 200th Street. Langley, B.C. Canada V2Y1A2 Seems like us fellers on the Wet Coast have it good, Batman. Central Hobbies in Vancouver has lots as well, both code 100 and code 83. They're shipping me a bunch of it today! Stu
I think if you want something bad enough it just takes a little effort to find it.
A friend of mine wanted a particular Loco that had been out of production for quite awhile. A little finger work on the computer found the exact Loco he wanted in a shop in Germany. A week later it was running around on his layout in the Great White North.
On another occasion a few years ago there was a lot of talk on the forum of a huge shortage of Walthers Turnouts. Every shop in the greater Vancouver area was swimming in them at the time. Racks and racks full of them.
The same thing happened a while back with the Walthers Carfloat. I knew of three sitting on the shelf in one store alone in Vancouver and two others in two other shops.
I have sent PM's to people when I have found items they were looking for and telling them where I had seen them and some guy's couldn't thank me enough, while others told me they would never deal with a foreign country and treated me like I was intruding on them.
Personally, I have found a couple of things in England and have had them in short order through regular airmail.
Like I said if you want something bad enough, it's a big planet.
I just got the March Model Railroader in the mail, and the inside front cover is an Atlas advertisement with the heading Atlas Track is Back.
I finally gave up and bought six lengths of Peco flex track yesterday at my LHS.
The owner told me that Atlas Code 83 flex track is not expected until April.
The code 83 probably won’t be back in stock until the end of February.
Steve Millenbach
Customer Service Manager
Atlas Model Railroad
1-908-687-0880 ext 7147
From: Jamnest Fairchild [] Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 11:29 AM To: Steve Millenbach Subject: Atlas Model Customer Service
Can you please give me an estimate when your Atlas Code 83 Flex Track (brown ties) will be back in retail stores? I am constructing a large HO scale layout and usually purchase this item in the 100 pieces bulk (box). I also use Atlas Code 83 turnouts and they are difficult to find as well. I have had to stop construction of my layout because I am out of your products.
Thank You,
Jim Fairchild
Jim, Modeling the Kansas City Southern Lines in HO scale.
As of Feb. 5th I have heard nothing. Yes, I too have seen the add in Model Railroader but at this point my thoughts are," Ink will hold still for anything". I feel that it is just propaganda that will put the fire out for a while. I've been on there Facebook website and many have posted the same question,"When is the track coming?". The answer is the same broken record "In a few months, April or May". I like how there concentrating on there line of engines but have no track to run them on.
Atlas ought to use its web site to 'fess up on exactly what is going on, what caused the problem, and when it will be finally resolved.
The biggest problem for Atlas will be its competition. I have finally resorted to using Peco Code 83 flex track, and if I like it enough, I may see no reason to go back to Atlas.
if enough modelers feel like I do, Atlas may well lose its heretofore dominant position in this segment of the market.
Rich, C83 Atlas is hard to find here in Oz too.
I just decided to go with Peco C83 anyway. It's only a dollar more at my LHS and since I only need 30 pieces or so for my layout it's not a big deal price wise.
The Peco track is very nice. If you can't wait for Atlas go and grab some Peco.
James, Brisbane Australia
Modelling AT&SF in the 90s
Been looking at track on e-bay. Got to love some of the descriptions that people are posting when selling the track. " Currently out of production" or " No longer made" and "Very hard to find".
Motley rrinker But a hobby shop? No way..that's the ONLY place where a guy shops more like a woman --Randy Oh man is that funny. LOL I never thought about that, but its so true. Don't tell the women though. shhhhhhhh...
rrinker But a hobby shop? No way..that's the ONLY place where a guy shops more like a woman --Randy
But a hobby shop? No way..that's the ONLY place where a guy shops more like a woman
Oh man is that funny. LOL
I never thought about that, but its so true. Don't tell the women though. shhhhhhhh...
Shop like a woman?? Randy, you make your wife sit in the food court with your purse while you shop?
See pictures of the Clinton-Golden Valley RR
mnrr Been looking at track on e-bay. Got to love some of the descriptions that people are posting when selling the track. " Currently out of production" or " No longer made" and "Very hard to find".
Well, currently out of production and very hard to find are pretty accurate, but it's not really fair to jack up the price of a commodity item that will be back shortly.
Milepost 266.2 mnrr Been looking at track on e-bay. Got to love some of the descriptions that people are posting when selling the track. " Currently out of production" or " No longer made" and "Very hard to find". Well, currently out of production and very hard to find are pretty accurate, but it's not really fair to jack up the price of a commodity item that will be back shortly.
Does fairness really enter into the equation?
If the seller sets the price, and the buyer is willing to pay it, what is unfair about that?
It's Dec., Where is the Atlas Code 83?
By my watch, it's now February, is there still no Atlas Code 83? At, I see all sorts of Atlas Code 83 stuff; but, no flex track, is that the problem?
NP 2626 "Northern Pacific, really terrific"
Northern Pacific Railway Historical Association:
Yeah, the main problem is the absence of Atlas Code 83 flex track.
Other Atlas Code 83 track, such as turnouts, is still readily available.
Atlas Code 83 flex track is not expected to be available for sale until April.
I suspect a good part of the problem is brought about by those that bought up what was available in fear that production would not restart - thus making the shortage that much worse.
Living in southeast Texas, formerly modeling the "postwar" Santa Fe and Illinois Central
BATMAN Rastafarr BATMAN This guy had a box of close to a hundred pieces when I was there a couple of days ago. RC Pit Stop 604-530-5490 #902 6339 200th Street. Langley, B.C. Canada V2Y1A2 Seems like us fellers on the Wet Coast have it good, Batman. Central Hobbies in Vancouver has lots as well, both code 100 and code 83. They're shipping me a bunch of it today! Stu Stu. I think if you want something bad enough it just takes a little effort to find it. A friend of mine wanted a particular Loco that had been out of production for quite awhile. A little finger work on the computer found the exact Loco he wanted in a shop in Germany. A week later it was running around on his layout in the Great White North. On another occasion a few years ago there was a lot of talk on the forum of a huge shortage of Walthers Turnouts. Every shop in the greater Vancouver area was swimming in them at the time. Racks and racks full of them. The same thing happened a while back with the Walthers Carfloat. I knew of three sitting on the shelf in one store alone in Vancouver and two others in two other shops. I have sent PM's to people when I have found items they were looking for and telling them where I had seen them and some guy's couldn't thank me enough, while others told me they would never deal with a foreign country and treated me like I was intruding on them. Personally, I have found a couple of things in England and have had them in short order through regular airmail. Like I said if you want something bad enough, it's a big planet.
rrebellI need a carfloat
Two for sale on EBay right now as "Buy it Now" listings. One priced quite, the other even higher. But they are out there.
Layout Design GalleryLayout Design Special Interest Group
Yes but I was hoping one knew of one at a hobby shop. There are a lot of places that out there that I couldn't find if I tried.
cuyama rrebellI need a carfloat Two for sale on EBay right now as "Buy it Now" listings. One priced quite, the other even higher. But they are out there.
I need the Walthers HO Union Pacific Tavern-Obs passenger car !!!
rrebell BATMAN Rastafarr BATMAN This guy had a box of close to a hundred pieces when I was there a couple of days ago. RC Pit Stop 604-530-5490 #902 6339 200th Street. Langley, B.C. Canada V2Y1A2 Seems like us fellers on the Wet Coast have it good, Batman. Central Hobbies in Vancouver has lots as well, both code 100 and code 83. They're shipping me a bunch of it today! Stu Stu. I think if you want something bad enough it just takes a little effort to find it. A friend of mine wanted a particular Loco that had been out of production for quite awhile. A little finger work on the computer found the exact Loco he wanted in a shop in Germany. A week later it was running around on his layout in the Great White North. On another occasion a few years ago there was a lot of talk on the forum of a huge shortage of Walthers Turnouts. Every shop in the greater Vancouver area was swimming in them at the time. Racks and racks full of them. The same thing happened a while back with the Walthers Carfloat. I knew of three sitting on the shelf in one store alone in Vancouver and two others in two other shops. I have sent PM's to people when I have found items they were looking for and telling them where I had seen them and some guy's couldn't thank me enough, while others told me they would never deal with a foreign country and treated me like I was intruding on them. Personally, I have found a couple of things in England and have had them in short order through regular airmail. Like I said if you want something bad enough, it's a big planet. I need a carfloat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As far as my lousy German can tell, this place has two in stock. Phone them and ask. A refined Google search netted lots of results. You just need to use Google translator to help. The last time I was in Germany, they seemed to have lot's of things on the shelves that were past the "best before" date on the shelves.
When I found my friends Loco in Germany we were doing a refined search country by country. Germany was the second country in Europe we tried, and bingo.
Expand your horizons, like I said it's a big planet.
Just checked, no dice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Late Breaking News!!
I found the container with the Code 83 Flex Track