newcomer building first layout. i am building a cockpit layout similar to an ian rice plan but instead of a swinging gate i would like to have a lift up or lift out bridge. i am not sure how to go about it. any suggestions would be appreciated.
I had a large section that needed to be out of the way so I could continue to use my shed as a shop as needed so I opted for the lift out section. Here are a few pics.
After I got it installed and started laying the track I kept the track in one piece until I was finished laying in that area. Then I drilled holes in the ties 2 deep and track nailed them on each side of the gap to prevent the rails from moving after I cut the rails. I used a dremel tool to cut the gap in the rails and also the roadbed.
FOr wiring I made a safety interlock to prevent the trains from running off the end if the lift out is not in place. check my thread called first video to see what I did, and how it works. The interlock test is near the end.
A Veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve, is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America" for an amount of "up to and including my life."
Welcome to the forums.
The simplest one I have ever seen is a simple tip up, hinged on one end, with the hinges covered by a piece of worn carpet, scenicked to look like a field.
If you go to the right hand colum to Search our Community and Popular Tags, you should be able to find a number of references to the various types of entry gates people have made.
Good luck,
A friend built a swing up section. He used a piece of telephone handset cord to power it. He wired it so that the power came from the fixed end (hinged), then the swing up section provided power to the open approach, so there was no power to it unless it was down.
See pictures of the Clinton-Golden Valley RR
I would prefer a lift out type. Sometime you have to carry bigger things into the room.
This is my solution:
Pueblo & Salt Lake RR
Come to us my videos my blog
Here is mine.
Here is some information you may need when building one.
The above is my opinion, from an active and experienced Model Railroader in N scale and HO since 1961.
(Modeling Freelance, Eastern US, HO scale, in 1962, with NCE DCC for locomotive control and a stand alone LocoNet for block detection and signals.) at home, and N scale at the Club.
I have two liftout sections to carry the track across the room door and the closet and bathroom door.
Then we have to cross the closet door.
And here is a long shot of both the closet and room door liftouts.
David Starr