cudaken First question, what are Furring Strips? If they are straight, few knot holes is there any other reason they would not work? Second, I have thought of using 1/2 to 3/4 inch plywood. Is there any downside to using them? Will they split when I use screws on the end? I would predrill holes first. Third, what is a lap joint? Anyone have any pictures they care to share? I m having to do this on the cheap as far as lumber is concern. I am in between jobs right now. But, I finally have the time to work on a new layout. Ken
First question, what are Furring Strips? If they are straight, few knot holes is there any other reason they would not work?
Second, I have thought of using 1/2 to 3/4 inch plywood. Is there any downside to using them? Will they split when I use screws on the end? I would predrill holes first.
Third, what is a lap joint?
Anyone have any pictures they care to share?
I m having to do this on the cheap as far as lumber is concern. I am in between jobs right now. But, I finally have the time to work on a new layout.
Go with the plywood-- its more work to cut, but very stable dimensionally. If I were starting over and didn't already have a big pile of lumber, I probably would just use 3/4 inch plywood for everything. I got my wife to help me rip a couple of sheets into 3-3/4 inch strips and they have worked great wherever I've used them, no issues. (In fact, its the only thing my wife has actually helped me on with the layout :-)
I went and did a double look see about my layout as I got to thinking aobut it with your post, ken.
I used 1x2's NOT furring strips..but the real McCoy...the good stright ones grade A with no warpage or knots. I put them 12 inches on center into the 1x4 exterior frame. I screwed them in tio the 1x4s after drilling a pilot hole so as not to split the 1x2 wood.
BUT I did NOT use plywood. I used foam for my base.
I would use MININMUM 1x3s or preferably 1x4s if you want to use 1/2inch ply as a base, though. 16 on center with 1x4s I think would be good.
Jsut an update. {I didnt reread all the psots so dont know what other ideas have come forth for you}
-G .
Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.
HO and N Scale.
After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.
Hey thanks for all the answers again. When I start building I am going to use 1/2 or 3/4 inch thick plywood cut in 4" strips with 16 centers. 1/2 plywood for the top and then 2 inch foam on most areas.
I want to thank all that took there time to post answers.
I hate Rust