I have a HO layout that Im working on that is going to be going into a 10X12 room that has a closet, when I get it and my bedroom remodeled. (starting demo this Friday after work). Only thing is Ive been designing it in AutoCad. Anyone on here have Autocad R14 up to MEP2008? I wouldnt mind getting some feedback. Im pretty good with Acad and dont want to nor do I have the time to learn any of the other programs. Im just trying to get the basic layout designed and if I run into problems when I start it I will deal with them when they arise.
Hoople wrote:Chip; This doesn't seem like school here. I wouldn't ever think of voting for the most popular person on the forums. I'm not even sure if there is such a person.
You think, huh?
Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
Just print to Bmp and send the file to me. It will be quite large, so if you want to crop it in your paint program It will make things easier.
chadw wrote:I need help. Not in planning a layout but in submitting it. I used to design layouts in RTS and copy and paste into Paintshop for scenery and conversion to JPEG. Before this contest I got XtrkCAD. I just tried what I would do with RTS plans but it doesn't work. Anyone know how to get XtrkCAD plans into JPEG format? Thanks.
At least a couple of routes:
1) Print as bitmap (BMP) from XtrakCad (File menu). Open BMP in some image processing program (e.g. Paintshop), save as JPG.
2) Generic tip - alt+prtscr will copy active window to clipboard on Windows computer. Paste into image processing program, crop and/or resize, save as jpeg.
3) Another generic tip - download some screen snapshot utility, and just do snapshots of your screen, save as jpg.
Probably a bunch of other ways to do it, too.
SpaceMouse wrote:My reason for not posting them was to keep the entries anonymous so that the voting did not take on any sort of popularity contest.
That was a very good reason I must admit. I realize that this is an issue.
Thanks for the explanation Spacemouse, I apreciate it.
Texas Zepher wrote: Lillen wrote:I would love to see them and be inspired by the layouts if they where in this thread. Please post them here as well.I think the idea is to design based on one's own inspiration not someone elses. I don't think the authors want to give away any cool ideas until after the unveiling, at which time they become public domain fodder.
Lillen wrote:I would love to see them and be inspired by the layouts if they where in this thread. Please post them here as well.
Well personally I'm not going to enter so I wasn't thinking about stealing any plans or posting plans based on that. I just assumed that this is a friendly little thing and not to serious and that the basic idea is to share ideas with other people.
Anyways, just my thoughts.
Another Layout--this one from Stein
ooooooooooooook thanks !
See my Web Site Here
I would love to see them and be inspired by the layouts if they where in this thread. Please post them here as well.
This is a great idea by the way.
Tell me again why we are mailing them to you rather than just posting them to this thread ?
Two more Layouts--one from CSXFan and One from Dog.
Thanks guys.
SpaceMouse wrote:Vsmith, Any image format. I'll convert it to .jpg so if you want to send it as that it'll save me a step. You should state your theme and how you acheived it. You can tell how it operates if you like. Sell it any way you can. Jake,Bully!
Any image format. I'll convert it to .jpg so if you want to send it as that it'll save me a step. You should state your theme and how you acheived it. You can tell how it operates if you like. Sell it any way you can.
I'm sorry? I'm not following that train of thought. lol.
Jake "Still working on my plan!" S.
SpaceMouse wrote: exPalaceDog wrote: SpaceMouse wrote: Dog,When it gets closer, email me the plan. We're trying to show work until the voting. Thanks.PS - A contest entry was emailed to you. Have you received it. No such luck Dog. I got a Trains Email, but no reference to a plan file.
exPalaceDog wrote: SpaceMouse wrote: Dog,When it gets closer, email me the plan. We're trying to show work until the voting. Thanks.PS - A contest entry was emailed to you. Have you received it.
SpaceMouse wrote: Dog,When it gets closer, email me the plan. We're trying to show work until the voting. Thanks.
When it gets closer, email me the plan. We're trying to show work until the voting. Thanks.
PS - A contest entry was emailed to you. Have you received it.
No such luck Dog. I got a Trains Email, but no reference to a plan file.
The Trains e-mail & PM's do NOT appear to handle attachments. The URL was embedded in the message text. I had to go to your web page & use that e-mail address which allowed for attachments. I suspect others will have the same problem.
Have fun
exPalaceDog wrote: SpaceMouse wrote: Dog,When it gets closer, email me the plan. We're trying to show work until the voting. Thanks.The above plan is NOT intended for the contest. Consider it as something of a "proof of concept". It shows that one could fit the overly complex interlocking plant in the space but NOT much else. The concept might be more practical in N-scale, but then one couldn't see the semaphore signals. It would be better in O-scale, but would require a much larger space.Have funPS - A contest entry was emailed to you. Have you received it.
The above plan is NOT intended for the contest. Consider it as something of a "proof of concept". It shows that one could fit the overly complex interlocking plant in the space but NOT much else. The concept might be more practical in N-scale, but then one couldn't see the semaphore signals. It would be better in O-scale, but would require a much larger space.
In the discussions leading up to this contest, the Old Dog mentioned doing a layout based on an interlocking plant maybe using RDC cars for trains to save space
Above is a rough example of what that might look like. The tower would manage the crossing, cross overs, and cut offs in the center. The above would require at least 48 levers making life "interesting" for the plant operator.
Glad you able to convert it. I can so far only publish Cadd to PDF, if I had Photoshop I could have done the jpeg, but they wont let me have it.
Com'on ya other guys, get crackin'
Have fun with your trains
A question came up.
If you are doing multi-levels, you can send images for each levels and separate scenery plans and side views if you like.
I received the file and after much ado, I was able to convert it to .jpg--although it was stuborn.
So we have an entry. Congrats to VSmith for bing the first.
I'll post the layouts on my website like I did the 4 x 8 contest and people where will vote on them. You'll be able to see them any time yout want.
Yes you can just rip the track off the roadbed. But if you wait you can get top dollar for your EZ track after Christmas on eBay when the people who get train sets look to expand.
would someone be able to see entries, and if so how and when?thks for advice on ez track, is there a way to separate track from roadbed?