SpaceMouse wrote: vsmith wrote:OK Chip, its Sunday, Whaddup?Sorry guys, My network crashed Saturday and I spent the weeknd trying to get it restored. I got it up this morning. Been a helluva month.
vsmith wrote:OK Chip, its Sunday, Whaddup?
Sorry guys, My network crashed Saturday and I spent the weeknd trying to get it restored. I got it up this morning. Been a helluva month.
Take your time.
I don't mess with anybody from Planet Arus. Look what happened to Zarkon & co.
Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
Have fun with your trains
I have figured out what is wrong with my brain! On the left side nothing works right, and on the right side there is nothing left!
SpaceMouse wrote: vsmith wrote:I agree,...Its D-Day (Deadline Day ) + 4, whats the status? I'm very curious to see what the others came up with.Sorry guys. I've had two days off since Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day. I hope to get them up this weekend. (I'm curious,too. I haven't looked more than to see if they came through all right.)
vsmith wrote:I agree,...Its D-Day (Deadline Day ) + 4, whats the status? I'm very curious to see what the others came up with.
Sorry guys. I've had two days off since Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day. I hope to get them up this weekend. (I'm curious,too. I haven't looked more than to see if they came through all right.)
I know how it goes Chip. I know how it goes. I didn't get a chance to plan my train layout until December 31st!
I can't wait to see some of the ideas.
Don - Specializing in layout DC->DCC conversions
Modeling C&O transition era and steel industries There's Nothing Like Big Steam!
SpaceMouse wrote: I might not make it. I can't believe I've been so busy that I couldn't sketch out a plan that has been sitting in my head since this started.
I might not make it. I can't believe I've been so busy that I couldn't sketch out a plan that has been sitting in my head since this started.
Better hurry!
Have fun
Not so fast
Remember who controls the date/time stamp on entries
Times up !
Put your penciles down and hand you papers to the front of the class !
See my Web Site Here
Better Hurry !
Today is the 30th !
SpaceMouse wrote: I've gotten 3 more summissions, but so far less than the 4 x 8 contest and spread out among several scales. I haven't started mine yet. In between the time this contest started and now, I moved out of my office into my home and every spare minute except Christmas has been taken up with working on building my office, settling in, and selling stuff on eBay.
I've gotten 3 more summissions, but so far less than the 4 x 8 contest and spread out among several scales.
I haven't started mine yet. In between the time this contest started and now, I moved out of my office into my home and every spare minute except Christmas has been taken up with working on building my office, settling in, and selling stuff on eBay.
Cutting it a little close there aint ya?
Of course thats one of the beauties of being the organizer of the contest. Submissions may be the 30th, but voting might be delayed a couple days due to "technical difficulties"
I am curious as to where we stand by way of contest submissions?
There is just about 72 hours left. The rest of you Johnny-come-latelys had better get cracking. Take tomorrow off to work on it, tell the boss I said it was O.K.
steinjr wrote: rs2mike wrote:how can i see the layouts or do we have to wait to judge? This is what spacemouse wrote in the initial post in this thread: spacemouse wrote:All submissions must be emailed to me. Send me an email via this site and I will send my email to you so you can send it along. I will hold all submission until voting. You can update your submissions as many times as you wish, but please tell me which version is the one you want to post. I will acknowledge your entries here. You may enter as many designs as you wish.Voting will be similar to last time. I will post the layouts on my website and post a topic in the general section for vote. Deadlines for submissions will be December 30th. To me what he says sounds a lot like he will gather layouts by email until December 30th, and only then post them. Since it is not December 30th yet, I guess you will have to wait another two weeks or so for him to post whatever he has gotten. Stein
rs2mike wrote:how can i see the layouts or do we have to wait to judge?
This is what spacemouse wrote in the initial post in this thread:
spacemouse wrote:All submissions must be emailed to me. Send me an email via this site and I will send my email to you so you can send it along. I will hold all submission until voting. You can update your submissions as many times as you wish, but please tell me which version is the one you want to post. I will acknowledge your entries here. You may enter as many designs as you wish.Voting will be similar to last time. I will post the layouts on my website and post a topic in the general section for vote. Deadlines for submissions will be December 30th.
All submissions must be emailed to me. Send me an email via this site and I will send my email to you so you can send it along. I will hold all submission until voting. You can update your submissions as many times as you wish, but please tell me which version is the one you want to post. I will acknowledge your entries here.
You may enter as many designs as you wish.
Voting will be similar to last time. I will post the layouts on my website and post a topic in the general section for vote.
Deadlines for submissions will be December 30th.
To me what he says sounds a lot like he will gather layouts by email until December 30th, and only then post them. Since it is not December 30th yet, I guess you will have to wait another two weeks or so for him to post whatever he has gotten.
alco's forever!!!!! Majoring in HO scale Minorig in O scale:)
Jeff But it's a dry heat!
I've now gotten layouts trom C & O Fan and StebbyCentral.
Sorry I have been so slow. This moving is a pitch.
Your right I dont think the access area will be big enough. I wasnt sure about how to do the loop going under the town. If I end up doing a design like this I might make the access holes a little bigger.
That looks much better than my one and only attempt to design a layout from ACAD!
A concern I have is that you access holes appear to be about 8" wide. Not much room to fanagle your arm up thru.
I might try and learn xtrkcad unfortunately most of my computer time is at lunch and down time at work.. here is what Ive come up with so far on acad¤t=layout.jpg
the curves and straight pieces arnt bad to do in autocad but the switches are just a rough guess. I want a continuous loop for constant running and a separate not to complicated run for a little switching. And room for a good bit of scenery
this is just a rough idea of something close to what I want. it will probably be a couple months before I get my remodeling work done and can finally start working on my layout.
mr mouse. How do I get to see these 10x12 layout submissions? I went to your website and looked but only saw the 4x8 contest?
jake c wrote: I have a HO layout that Im working on that is going to be going into a 10X12 room that has a closet, when I get it and my bedroom remodeled. (starting demo this Friday after work). Only thing is Ive been designing it in AutoCad. Anyone on here have Autocad R14 up to MEP2008? I wouldnt mind getting some feedback. Im pretty good with Acad and dont want to nor do I have the time to learn any of the other programs. Im just trying to get the basic layout designed and if I run into problems when I start it I will deal with them when they arise.
I have a HO layout that Im working on that is going to be going into a 10X12 room that has a closet, when I get it and my bedroom remodeled. (starting demo this Friday after work). Only thing is Ive been designing it in AutoCad. Anyone on here have Autocad R14 up to MEP2008? I wouldnt mind getting some feedback. Im pretty good with Acad and dont want to nor do I have the time to learn any of the other programs. Im just trying to get the basic layout designed and if I run into problems when I start it I will deal with them when they arise.
YOu can do it in ACAD if you like. If you want to save it as a bitmap (.jpg prefered) or a .pdf file. The .pdfs are hard to convert for me, but I've managed it.
I have auto cad 2000 LT and use that quite often to design equipment for work (or I should say to REdesign existing equipment for work), and honestly, I would recommend using RTS 7.0 from Atlas! Unless you take the time to design all the turnouts in A-CAD and take the time to figure out the arcs for any flex track positions RTS will be the quicker choice. RTS severly lacks the right click options menu but makes up for it in having a decent selection of track components.
It took me a total of about 2 hours to understand how RTS functioned compared to A-CAD but for me it was worth it. RTS is free and has a healthy HELP section for those "how do I do this" situations.