
But once again, you're stuck in the precision construction mindset.  Yes, if you're building a fighter jet or a submarine, you have a detailed drawing (a metric butt-ton of them, actually) that shows you step by step every little detail that you need to do.  But that's not what you're doing.  Ever seen the guys design these things?  I once watched a designer spend almost two full shifts at a CAD terminal trying to route a pipe through a given space without too many bends.  Do you think he spend all that time just making pretty lines? He tried and failed about 20 different times before he got it to work.......

Gidday Paul,

As a follow on to CTValleyRR story, I've been presented with a drawing which while it looked great on paper required a bionic hand and X-ray vision to fit in the aircraft, it was impossible even if there had been enough room to fit the item we would have had to de-skin part of the fuse and the wing spar web. Not a goer. What happened was that I did, following the designers parameters,  install the item where it could be easily accessed, then the installation drawings were  drawn, and approved. That scenaro happened on several occasions.

So what I am endorsing is...



Paul, here is what we want to see from you.

Get some of the basic materials to build a mountain, or a cliff, or a waterfall, and just do it.  If it looks like crap, so be it.  Take photos along the way and post them when you are finished, not before.  Don't ask any questions along the way.  Just do it.  Just build it.  Then, submit the photo sequence of your masterpiece.

That is your assignment.  You have one week to complete it.  A week from tomorrow, we want to see photos.  That gives you two weekends.  Get going.



...........Richs' advise. After only 25 years in the same game I relish the freedom of model railroading.

I make  a mistake in the train room, so what, re do it,  does it annoy me, if I'm honest yes, but was it life threatening , NO!!!

So relax, have a go, join in and have Fun. Big Smile 

Cheers, the Bear.