SpaceMouse Sir Madog Chip, I have been following up on this thread with a lot of interest. I like the way your track plan develops. I did not really like the first couple of ideas, but did not comment on it, as I am not too deep into operation. They were a little to crowded for my taste - too difficult to follow each track. Your latest version is much sleeker and confirms nicely my motto "less is more". Thanks. I tend to try to get as much as I can into a layout -- over-crowding my druthers. Once I make them fit, I start stream-lining, trying to make it as simple as possible. I keep the plan on my desk and during breaks at work, simplify and simplify some more.
Sir Madog Chip, I have been following up on this thread with a lot of interest. I like the way your track plan develops. I did not really like the first couple of ideas, but did not comment on it, as I am not too deep into operation. They were a little to crowded for my taste - too difficult to follow each track. Your latest version is much sleeker and confirms nicely my motto "less is more".
I have been following up on this thread with a lot of interest. I like the way your track plan develops. I did not really like the first couple of ideas, but did not comment on it, as I am not too deep into operation. They were a little to crowded for my taste - too difficult to follow each track. Your latest version is much sleeker and confirms nicely my motto "less is more".
Thanks. I tend to try to get as much as I can into a layout -- over-crowding my druthers. Once I make them fit, I start stream-lining, trying to make it as simple as possible. I keep the plan on my desk and during breaks at work, simplify and simplify some more.
Yes Ulrich, it was hard to tell if the previous plan was accomodating a specific operational goal, but once Chip started the other thread about needing bulletproof trackwork for concealed turnouts, I thought there became a real need to help him study the plan further and simplify it.
Chip, you must be working like a dog trying to relocate the wife's laundry area. It looks like you've opened up additional scenery areas with the roundhouse, yard, and other industries, which should help support the additional staging.
I know it was hard to follow my previous post. I was just tossing out some ideas for purely scenic enhancements that would be a pure personal choice. Notably, that since you really have minimal structural need for a steep grade now, the long logging branch track that runs along the W wall doesn't need to have as long of a run to clear the concealed track beneath it. So, I thought you might gain scenic depth for the industrial area by flopping its location with that logging track and putting it against the wall with an industrial backdrop. You could have the logging branch track and staging track enter the scene where tracks (buildings) 8 and 9 are now.
Sorry if it is still confusing, not sure it would all fit, and it sounds like you like the idea of a long steep grade with a lot of elevation up to the logging camp anyway. Understood.
Have a happy, long 4th of July weekend for those who celebrate it!
- Douglas
How much staging (and yard) you need of course depends on what kind of traffic you want to accomodate, and how important it is to you to model the actual arrival and departure of trains.
One layout I admire tremendously is Dave Steensland's "Silverton and Lake City". Here is a quick sketch heavily inspired by a part of his layout, adapted to fit my layout room (which is 6.5 x 11.5 feet):
With this plan (which only has two short single ended staging tracks), you could e.g. run this traffic pattern:
Train no 1 (The morning logging camp run)Engine runs light (w/o cars) up forest trailPicks up six loaded log cars from the logging campsTake to plank mill, pick up three empty log cars from mill pond trackDrop off three loaded log cars on mill pond trackLeave three loaded log cars temporarily at millReturn three empty log cars to logging campsPick up last three loaded log cars from mill, take to Rock City(last three cars will later go to planing mill at Lake City)
Train no 2 (The morning plank turn)Pick up two empty box cars from Rock City, take to plank millAt plank mill, pick up loaded boxcars of planksSpot empty boxcars for millReturn loaded boxcars to Rock City
Train no 301 (morning passenger train to Lake City) Passengers board at Eureka depot, take train to S&LC junctionHold at passing siding at Rock Ridge, wait for passenger train from Lake City
Train no 302 (morning passenger train from Lake City)Take train from S&LC junction to Rock RidgeIf train from Rock City has not arrived yet, wait on mainWhen train 301 has arrived at gone into siding, go on to Rock CityDisembark passengers at depot
Train no 3 (morning freight train to Eureka)Pick up loaded log and lumber cars from Rock City (5 cars)If outbound cars from town, take one extra outbound carTake to interchange with the S&LC at EurekaYou can use the tracks of the S&LC for runaround movesPick up inbound cars from S&LC from siding at Eureka (max 6 cars) - empty hoppers for mine - empty boxcars for lumber mill - if extra inbound cars for town take one inbound extra car for town - leave any excess inbound cars for town at spur at EurekaLeave outbound cars at siding at Eureka (max six cars)Stop at mine on way back to Rock City - pick up any loaded hoppers - spot empty hoppers from EurekaTake loaded hoppers back to Rock CityLeave loaded hoppers and empty boxcars for mill at Rock City yardSpot inbound cars for town
< Lunch break >(Swap cars/fiddle loads at Eureka interchange using the 0-5-0)(turn passenger train at S&LC junction)(Swap loaded and empty log cars between forest and lumber mill)
Train no 4 (Late afternoon freight train to Eureka)Pick up loaded hoppers from mine in Rock City yardPick up any other outbound cars from Rock CityTake to EurekaPick up any inbound cars - empty log cars (returned from planing mill at Lake City) - any inbound cars for the city (including cars left earlier)
Passenger train no 501 and 502 between Rock Ridge and Lake City
Train no 5 (evening run of empties to logging camp)Take three empty logging cars from Rock City yard to the logging campReturn engine empty
Oops - gotta run - family is headed out the door for an outing.