Sclair train short video

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  • From: Corunna, Ontario, Canada
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Sclair train short video
Posted by sclairfan on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 9:09 PM

This is a short video I shot at the 50th anniversary celebration last week at the polyethylene plant where I work. St. Clair River Site is home of the bright orange Sclair Hopper car and I have a few of these in my garden railroad. I set up part of my train with the Sclair cars and it was a big hit. Retirees came to the event and they were impressed with the big trains and thrilled to see our cars in the train. It was fun doing this and they ran trouble free.  I am controling the Aristocraft GP 40 with an NCE G wire Cab and a QSI Revolution decoder and receiver. Both trains are powered by my Bridgewerks 10 amp magnum 10-sr.  This years budget was spent on the radio control equipment. I decided to get some of these items first. I will buy more track next year. It makes a small layout a lot more fun and it is easier for others to operate. The first link is youtube the second link is my web page.

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