Question on a Lionel train set

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Posted by dougdagrump on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 11:14 AM


Lionel did a real sweet AA set, TMCC & RS, in the Demo colors that I have tried to buy on E-Bay several times but they always exceeded my budget limitations. I have an MTH PS1 FM in Southern green that just runs and runs and runs. Thumbs Up

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Posted by Deputy on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 12:06 PM

Doug: LOL...welcome to the club Big Smile
The Lionel FM Trainmaster Demo Set you are talking about was a Century Club II offering. I remember seeing one on E-bay and bookmarking it. Then I watched it skyrocket into the stratosphere pricewise. I'd give almost anything for that setup, but I don't have that level of cash to spend. It truly is an awesome set.

Glad to hear the PS1 is running good for you. I have a few PS1 locos and I just bought a bunch of  the J&W battery replacement devices for them. I'm not taking any chances Wink I am REALLY looking forward to the "Equalizer" device from Digital Dynamics. That will convert the PS1 to a PS2 loco with full remote control and all the other PS2 features. Supposed to come out some time after Christmas.  


Virginian Railroad

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Posted by Train-O on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 3:11 PM


Great speaking with you on the phone, had some laughs, especially about me and my drums being sent out of town, on my trains, by my wife.
Deputy already knows that my wife is actually understanding of me, being a big child, having model trains, to an extent.

Now! You're really tempting me with the web.sites and photos. of the F.Ms.
That F.M. Demo. is really a great looker.
F.M. chose a fantastic color scheme for the T.R. Demo.

Have fun with the Demo., it'll really look cool under the Christmas Tree with its colors.

Merry Christmas,



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Posted by Train-O on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 3:37 PM


I'm sorry for not thanking you sooner, for your acurate content desrciption of the "Train Master" book.
Your desrciption piqued my curiosity and I knew that I had to have a copy.
I'm glad that I have it, as it's enjoyable and it's a great source of reference.

Thank You,
Merry Christmas,


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Posted by lionelsoni on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 3:48 PM

You're welcome; and have a merry Christmas, too!

Bob Nelson

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Posted by Deputy on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 3:55 PM

Ditto from me Bob. Outstanding book. I owe you and Ralph big time. Merry Christmas to both of you. You too Doug!


Virginian Railroad

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Posted by Deputy on Wednesday, December 16, 2009 10:39 AM

Just a quick update....I ran the MTH FM Erie Lackawanna Trainmaster and WOW!!! That baby can REALLY SMOKE!!! The whole living room was like a fog after a couple of minutes. She runs great and today I should get the demonstrator version. Can hardly wait Big Smile

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Posted by Train-O on Wednesday, December 16, 2009 6:27 PM


Friends of mine have M.T.H. engines and they produce such a large quantity of smoke you'd think a baby fog just hit indoors and it's great to know you have the demonstrator in addition to your Erie-Lackawanna F.M..

Those F.M. T.R's. must be a beautiful sight to behold with their unique color schemes, especially at  Christmas time?

Good luck and enjoy them babies.
Even, Santa Claus will want to run them.

Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy New Year,


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Posted by Deputy on Friday, December 18, 2009 10:16 AM

More feedback on the MTH FM....

Yesterday was a MAJOR headache. I replaced the nicad barttery in my new FM Demo with a BCR. I had done this previously on a Budd car set and it was a quick and easy job. Not so for the FM. First off the instruction said SIX screws had to be removed to remove the body. This is INCORRECT!! Only 4 screws need to be removed to remove the body. Plus the two screws that DIDN'T need to be removed were the screws that secure the volume knob for the sounds. A MAJOR pain to get them back in.

At first I couldn't even SEE the battery. I began to wonder if there was even one installed. The MTH FM has two plastic "walls" enclosing the electronics. I removed those plastic walls (4 screws) and then spotted the battery. BTW...when MTH assembled the "walls" they crimped about 6 wires in the process. Not good! They wern't cut through, but had severe crimps in them.

Removing the battery was tricky because they had glued a rubber "cushion" to it and then glued the cushion to the loco. A little work with my Swiss Army knife and I got it removed. Getting the BCR in was a real project. They are slightly bigger and there isn't a lot of space in there, but I finally succeded. Then, for some weird reason, a screw had fallen off the rear coupler. I found the screw on my work table and after a hassle taking the rear truck off and re-installing the screw, I got it back together. The loco worked with the BCR. But I can tell you right now I will be having it converted it to PS2 or I will buy a PS2 loco at a good deal and swap bodies. I don't see how anyone can effectively control a PS1 loco. I couldn't get the horn to blow AT ALL. The bell rang when I pushed the bell button AND the direction button. Changing direction needed multiple pushes of the direction button. The crew sounds coming out of the loco reminded me of the Liuonel "Crew Chatter" that I have on my Mikado breakdown set. Totally unintelligible. Nothing like the PS2 locos where every word is clear and distinct. Best things about the loco are the nicely detailed paint, body, and decals, the illumination, and the heavy smoke.
But the PS1 has GOT TO GO!!!! Angry



Virginian Railroad

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Posted by Deputy on Tuesday, December 22, 2009 4:42 PM

Okay guys...try NOT to have a heart attack. I found an AWESOME Lackawanna set on E-Bay.
I have to hold my hand back from bidding on it, but I'm losing the struggle. Check this out. Time to start convincing your wives you HAVE to have this!!!! Tongue


Virginian Railroad

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Posted by dougdagrump on Tuesday, December 22, 2009 4:58 PM

Gotta agree with you on the "freight sounds", the engine sounds are passable but the freight sounds stink. Don't know if a better speaker would help but they need something.

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