More ideas for O gauge figures

Posted by Rene Schweitzer
on Monday, June 15, 2020

In January, Bob wrote a blog post about adding figures to your layout. You can read that here.

My husband Jim is always on the lookout for figures that are approximately O gauge sized. I thought I’d share some “alternative” sources for interesting figures. A big thank you to Jim Riccioli for letting me borrow and photograph his figures for this post.

Homies: These street-wise figures were introduced in 1998 and we first saw them in gumball dispensers outside of retail stores. We’ve since seen them everywhere online and also in some Spencer gift and Hot Topic stores. There are a wide range of characters, including some dogs and accessories (things like trash cans). Some are a little big for O gauge but many would fit right into an urban scene. 

HeroClix: Like Superman or Spider-Man? The tabletop gaming world has released a ton of superhero-themed pieces that are great for O gaugers. These figures are attached to a black plastic base. In some cases you could leave the base on, or Jim has used a hobby knife to gently cut off the figure. 

Have an urban scene on your layout? Homies figures would fit in nicely.

Board games: Don’t overlook tokens in board games as possible figures. Games like Monopoly, Clue, and others may have interesting figures inside (see photo for a figure from Clue). The negative here is that, if you can’t open the box or easily see inside, you may not know how large the figures are. Scour thrift stores to find them cheaply (and to peek inside the box before you buy).

There's a large line of METALFIGs that includes Harry Potter, superheroes, and much more.

METALFIGs: A line called Jada Nano METALFIGs sells diecast metal figures in superhero themes, Disney, Harry Potter, Spongebob Squarepants, and more. Jim has found them inexpensively at places like Big Lots and Five Below, or look on Amazon or eBay.

Need some critters? Check out Toobs or Breyer's Mini Whinnies.

Animals: Don’t forget the critters! Breyer sells “Mini Whinnies,” small horses that are pretty close to O gauge. Places like Hobby Lobby sell “Toobs” of critters. Some can be grossly oversized because these are sold for kids, but for a few bucks you’re likely to get at least a few pieces. Give the rest to a child or grandchild to enjoy!

Left: Barbie came from a gumball dispenser. Right: A figure from a Clue board game.

Trinket/gumball dispensers: Sadly, these don’t seem as popular as they used to be, but keep your eye open for those dispensers in store entrances. Jim has found Barbie figures (see photo), small animals, and more. Sometimes he’s bought a mixed bag of these figures on Ebay.

Thrift stores: Here’s an endless treasure trove of possibilities. Head to the kids’ section and see what you might find. Our local store sells small baggies of toys for around $1.

Ready for some football? There are plenty of 'O gauge sized' sports figures, like these.

Carry a figure with you when you’re out shopping. You never know where you’ll find something interesting for your layout!

Do you have an idea for other figures? Where do you find them?



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