AMTK - he isn't going to give you the time of day or listen, either. He has a wad stuck in his craw and you would be just talking to a wall, possibly a dangerous wall. People like this don't want to hear the other side. They have it set in their mind and don't want to listen to opposing arguments.
Think about it! And I still think your Dad did the best thing. Don't waste your energy at the very least.
She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw
chad thomas wrote: kevinstheRRman wrote:Well now this is a different subject; I don't agree- Sorry to all of you who are against confrontation, but I do not agree.A bully that is ignored or in other terms, permitted to get away with their behavior will do it to somebody else.Bullying must be stopped- If somebody challenged me like the person who was; they had better have some sort of Tank, arsenal, or army backing there threats.Standing on public property minding your own buisness never got anyone in any trouble, in my books.To avoid confrontation, you should have told him... Okay, by the way the number is 9-1-1. Invite them to call the police. If your in the right, does it matter if the police are called anyway?But allowing bullies to get away with bad behavior- Pretend he was standing in the cafeteria Line and he jsut got robbed of all his money- Same song, Same type of behavior.Let's answer it the same way: Walk away and pretend nothing happened?Not me, not ever. Amen brother !!!!!!!!!!!!
kevinstheRRman wrote:Well now this is a different subject; I don't agree- Sorry to all of you who are against confrontation, but I do not agree.A bully that is ignored or in other terms, permitted to get away with their behavior will do it to somebody else.Bullying must be stopped- If somebody challenged me like the person who was; they had better have some sort of Tank, arsenal, or army backing there threats.Standing on public property minding your own buisness never got anyone in any trouble, in my books.To avoid confrontation, you should have told him... Okay, by the way the number is 9-1-1. Invite them to call the police. If your in the right, does it matter if the police are called anyway?But allowing bullies to get away with bad behavior- Pretend he was standing in the cafeteria Line and he jsut got robbed of all his money- Same song, Same type of behavior.Let's answer it the same way: Walk away and pretend nothing happened?Not me, not ever.
Amen brother !!!!!!!!!!!!
Ideally what I'd like to happen is we talk with this guy and explain that trains are going to blow there horns reguardless of whether I wave or not.
UP did have trains there at LaFox long before this guy moved in, they didn't have Metra. Now they have how many ever inbounds and outbounds, one every hour accept for the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. when only one train travels in each direction. Then you have rush hour.
If I were an engineer and I found out about this guy, I'd be sure to give him a few extra long blasts as I passed his house.
If the railroad doesn't sound the horn and someone runs the crossing and gets killed, guess who gets sued?
If the railroad does sound the horn and someone thinks it is harassment guess who gets sued?
What is the solution?
Ban frivilous lawsuits. Everyone wins. Even the morons that run the crossing.
I live within a 5 minute walk of the Wisconsin Southern, and when they run trains through at night (3 A.M.) they sound the whistle. This is on 10mph track. I have never heard the engineer be ridiculous about it, but he always sounds a couple of blasts.
When I bought my home I did so with the knowledge that there were train tracks nearby and that yes, at some point there may be a train on them. Somehow I have managed to cope. Something for all of the future homeowners and business owners: if you locate next to a track the chances are pretty good that there will be a train on them someday, and they might even sound the horn. Similarily, if you locate next to a freeway you may expect to hear cars and trucks driving by on it. You may even be privy to the occasional crash and explosion. (There maybe some swearing tossed in there for effect.) If I am being sarcastic it is because I don't understand how people can move somewhere and throw a hissy fit because a pre-existing condition is still existing after they move in.
Someone on another forum brought up a good point: this man in LaFox likely already has his mind made up.
Why am I bothering to give him the facts, he's going to think what he wants to think no matter what I or anyone else does.
chicagorails wrote:yes i know a few who sat on the tracks waiting for one to come down hill around the curve. its known as suicide curve in dixon il. they were real heavy drinkers,in debt,ect. the poor crew members that have to see this done by these selfish folks, its tough stuff. i thought of it once after my divorce an loss of job of 22 years ,but thats a permanent soulution to a temporary problem. life turned out better than ever thank god!!!
Where exactly is "Suicide Curve" in Dixon? Is it a good photo location?
Unfortunately, it looks like that was a case of "suicide by train." I have not seen or heard any official follow-up to the matter in the local media (and probably won't), but that's what everyone was guessing that day. The crew saw the guy appear and lie down on the tracks as they approached about 5 a.m. Sunday. They hit the brakes immediately, but of course, could not stop in time. Apparently he made no attempt to get off the tracks. I suppose he could have been drunk, fallen and knocked himself out, but considering the train crew did not mention seeing him before he, in their words, "laid down on the tracks," it sounds like it was premeditated. Incident happened in an area where there are no crossings nearby -- in fact, the tracks are up on a pretty tall "bank" built by the railroad. You would either have to chug up the bank or walk the tracks for a ways to get to that spot.
What a sad case for all involved: The poor soul who felt that was the only thing he could do; his loved ones who have to deal with the aftermath of such a nasty death; and, let's not forget the poor train crew members who, as is often the case, could see it all unfolding and could do nothing about it. My heart goes out to them. The City of Ames, through its public access cable channel, has produced a very good program about railroad safety in Ames, and in the show they interview UP crew members who have been involved in incidents. Don't think for a second that it doesn't affect them. I know of one UP engineer who has been involved in several fatal incidents over the years.
The City of Ames has done a great job of improving crossing safety, including putting in concrete "islands" in the streets on either side of the crossings on the transcon line to prevent drivers from going around the crossing gates; and at one crossing with a particularly bad history they have even installed surveillance cameras. You can do a lot to prevent accidents and just plain stupidity, but if someone is bound and determined to kill themselves, they're going to find a way.
eolafan wrote: My suggestion is to tell the guy who told you he would call the cops if you motioned to the engineers to blow their horns for you...TELL HIM TO GO GET _ _ _ _ ED. With the new Metra station in LaFox this guy will likely be quick to get on Metra to Chicago in order to avoid the traffic (and believe me, it's terrible these days) and to avoid paying for the $3.19 per gallon gas.
My suggestion is to tell the guy who told you he would call the cops if you motioned to the engineers to blow their horns for you...TELL HIM TO GO GET _ _ _ _ ED. With the new Metra station in LaFox this guy will likely be quick to get on Metra to Chicago in order to avoid the traffic (and believe me, it's terrible these days) and to avoid paying for the $3.19 per gallon gas.
I agree, while you might not want to swear at him, tell him to go ahead and call the cops. IF the police come at all, as long as you weren't tresspassing( I assume you were in the post office parking lot) you would have nothing to worry about.
An "expensive model collector"
One Track Mind wrote:When I asked why the train crews were required to wear ear protection, I was being a little too sarcastic. While what any member of the public who lives or works near a crossing is not subjected to the abuse of the horns for a "duration" I would argue that at a minimum of 47,000 trains blowing for the crossing in 8 years, something could be said for "repetition."
If you are that worried about it, good quality ear plugs can be bought at most home improvement stores.
zardoz wrote: kevinstheRRman wrote:But when a train is approaching a crossing at 10MPH..there's no need to use the whistle post as a begiining mark- it'l take the train 5 minutes to get to the crossing; that is indeed stupid. One track mind, et. al. The 15L rule is: the whistle must be sounded from 1/4 mile from the crossing until the train occupies the crossing. An engineer would be within his right (and would be legally correct) to sound the horn for the duration of the time it takes to cover that 1/4 mile. And at 10 mph that would take 90 seconds! So be thankful the engineers use the horn as little as they do.
kevinstheRRman wrote:But when a train is approaching a crossing at 10MPH..there's no need to use the whistle post as a begiining mark- it'l take the train 5 minutes to get to the crossing; that is indeed stupid.
One track mind, et. al.
The 15L rule is: the whistle must be sounded from 1/4 mile from the crossing until the train occupies the crossing. An engineer would be within his right (and would be legally correct) to sound the horn for the duration of the time it takes to cover that 1/4 mile. And at 10 mph that would take 90 seconds! So be thankful the engineers use the horn as little as they do.
While I think there is a rule stating that the horn must be used 1 quarter mile away from a grade crossing, I think that only applies to trains moving over 45 M.P.H. Not positive, though.
I still think you are all missing a good point. A good share of you are old enough to have children or already do. What the Dad did was the right thing. He is setting a good example for his child. You don't need to have a confrontation with everyone that crosses your path or gets in your face.
And in this day and age, it is probably best you not have a confrontation. You set standards by example. So by walking away, he did the right thing. Hopefully AMTK161 will learn from it.
And if he/they had confronted the man, even trying to explain anything to him, do you really think it would have been anything more than a waste of time and energy?
The resident was in the wrong for a veiled threat in the first place, but is that really the hill you want to die on?
It's been fun. But it isn't much fun anymore. Signing off for now.
The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer, any other railroad, company, or person.t fun any
One Track Mind wrote: Cognative disinence??? Dadgum brother, I've only had a community college education so I had to look that one up! First off, you didn't spell either word correctly, but I found "cognitive dissonance" and it doesn't have anything to do with this topic. There is no conflict with the truth. AMTK161 writes: Yes there is, see my below message. One track mind continues: "Why don't I just move?" Ah, the most predictable response. So what is your position in city government? AMTK161 responds: it was just a suggestion. Note that neather the user nor I ever told you that it was "required" of you to move. One track mind continues: You missed the main point. 8 years ago, the horns were not as LOUD as they are now. Granted I am no industry expert, but someone could surely enlighten us as to the theory presented a few years ago that if we only made the horns ridiculously LOUDER then we could slow down the rate of crossing fatalities. I like the posts by The AnitGates, always a fresh perspective on things. I would say that he has a good point in our society.
Cognative disinence??? Dadgum brother, I've only had a community college education so I had to look that one up! First off, you didn't spell either word correctly, but I found "cognitive dissonance" and it doesn't have anything to do with this topic. There is no conflict with the truth.
AMTK161 writes: Yes there is, see my below message.
One track mind continues:
"Why don't I just move?" Ah, the most predictable response. So what is your position in city government?
AMTK161 responds: it was just a suggestion. Note that neather the user nor I ever told you that it was "required" of you to move.
You missed the main point. 8 years ago, the horns were not as LOUD as they are now. Granted I am no industry expert, but someone could surely enlighten us as to the theory presented a few years ago that if we only made the horns ridiculously LOUDER then we could slow down the rate of crossing fatalities.
I like the posts by The AnitGates, always a fresh perspective on things. I would say that he has a good point in our society.
Train horns haven't changed that much. We've had the same horns - on UP that we did 8 years ago, with the likely reduction of the K5H, and RS5T (on some engines. The horns in use on UP are the RS3L, the P3, the K3LA, and the K5HL and K5LLA (The FRA's new horns to REDUCE horn desible requirements or what not on the new GE's and EMD's respectively).
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