Code of Operateing Rules

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, June 13, 2003 12:19 AM
Nope my figures work fine. Total train miles: 179,026,788 for 6 hundred some railroads divided by 67 million---Their should have been less than 3 deaths,,,,,,,,Not over 950 (which were reported)
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, June 13, 2003 12:11 AM
Give a hoot, don't toot.
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Posted by sooblue on Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:54 PM
After 100+ years of dealing with you DO-WANG-HEs
(see I pronounced it for you)
It doesn't supprise me that the RRs have a slush fund set aside.
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Posted by wabash1 on Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:56 PM
Now a little of the truth then in your own figures. if you add all the trucking company miles all bus miles city and cross sountry, all auto miles divide the accidents like you do and it is 75% higher than railroad accidents. and just auto death alone for miles is 150% higher than railroad miles. seems railroads are safer.

lets add another figure train wrecks i only heard of 1 this year. ( train to train) cars beat that in 5 min of the year. trucks and buses about a hour into the year. i guess we know what is safer. and i know that trains have accidents with cars everyday that is the cars drivers fault. If you are laying in my cornfield at havest time and i run over you am i at fault. by misouris rules i am couse i didnt have gates on my propety no bells no whistles i didnt slow down to see if you move and give you all the opertunities to break the law. and deprive me from making a living. and that my profits should go to the survivoirs. every year for life.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:08 PM
hey, dip... use commas...

Amtrak-- 39,652,480 train miles... Killed 124--- 41 at crossings---

124-41 equals... 83.. so...
heres the new data..

AMTRAK... 39, 652, 480 train miles.. killed 124.. 41 at crossings (39 due to driver stupididy) and 83... elsewhere (83 due to extreme stupidity)

where the he1l else can you get killed.. if your dumb enough to stand on the tracks not a crossing, maybe you jsut deserve to die? .. who stands on train tracks anyways?? maybe your friend did.. oops you won't tell us that part.. i'm intrested in the Data your not posting actually. this is all Missouri edited

so, your name, what you do, how your frined really died..

I bet he was walking along the tracks with a WALKMAN with music blarring..
and was struck from behind...

Yeah that fits.. thats why your complaining about horns and crap.

Well send him my regrets.. i'll have a flower fowarded his way.. maybe i should send an anvil with his name inscribed upon it:
It would say:

Richard Cranium!!

Detour Kev.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:58 AM
So if you take the crossings and put them end to end the train miles ON A ROAD goes to like 1% with the killings at crossings which puts the railroads off the rector scale with ANY other mode of transportation.
Amtrak-- 39,652,480 train miles... Killed 124--- 41 at crossings---1 person
killed every 319,778 miles traveled.
BNSF--161,813,974 train miles... Killed 148---68 at crossings---1 person
killed every 1,093,338 miles traveled.
CSX----109,901,185 train miles... Killed 120--- 39 at crossings---1 person
killed every 915,843 miles traveled.
NS------ 92,214,833 train miles... Killed ---126---58 at crossings--1person
killed every 731,863 miles traveled.
UP------186,750,216 train miles... Killed---221---69 at crossings---1 person
killed every 845,024 miles traveled
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:08 AM
Listen to this isiot, he still going on with the story "Trains are as out of control as drunk drivers"
ok now lets play pre-school..

Now factor this in.. Trains run on their own Property, other RR property.. OK.. so let'
s call it "private property" Cuz thats what it is!

Now that we figured out the trains run on private property.. where do they have collisions with cars? (99% of the time?)

A) in the middle of farmers frields?
B) in the middle of a dense forest?
C) at a railroad car crossing?
D) or at your momma's house.

ok, i'll give you the answer because i believe your too stupid to figure it out..

C) is the correct answer... at a railroad crossing! so lets see.. theis train is capable of traveling anywhere else.. no problem... but as soon as it crosses a crossing and some idiot has left their car there.. It's the trains problme.. it's their fault

let's here what the pannel of judges has to say to this.. ooo.. WRONG!

it's like you, missouri.. when your drunk.. and you decide to do figure eight's in your front lawn with your car.. Will anyone care.. no unless your keeping people awake.. whose loss is it.. yours.. YOUR on your own property and you have a right to do whatever you want, right?

i would also like to point out this.. an car travels on average 60 miles a day. you may be less, you may be more...
60 miles times (5280) = 316, 800 Feet travelled.
(5280 being the conversion number from miles to feet)
now let's say you have to cross one grade crossing.. which spans a total of 20 feet.. (big exadgeration) so let's see.. 20/316, 800 =
(expressed in a percentage) is:
0.0063131% (31 repeating)....
thats less then 1%
thats less then 0.1%
that's less then 0.01%


1/ 8 million you get struck by lgihtning
1/17 million.. winnign the lottery (certain places it's harder)
1/39.5 Billion.. that your standing on a railroad crossing, a train is 200 feet away from you bearing down on you at 55 MPH. the chances of it derailing and not hitting, not touching you.. you remain 100% intact while you stand on the tracks are... 1/39.5 billion
(2.53 E-11) (somehting like 0.0000000000253)

those are the facts.. tlak about low chances.. so not exactly missouri the most liekly of stories

Detour kev.

those are the facts
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Posted by JoeKoh on Thursday, June 12, 2003 7:14 AM
hey clown/
you said on another post that you own railroad you want to go after beer manufactuers auto companies and railroads.gee you invested in the wrong things because how do you think these parts get around? on why don't you take your little sippie cup of juice and bowl of rice krispies(those are hauled by train too!) and go watch barney on the tv(wow those are on trains too)
stop look listen and live

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by wabash1 on Thursday, June 12, 2003 6:46 AM
Ed you lost it. you had him on the floor on a 10 count like the rest of us then he found something that triggered you. Uniheads dont lose it they are more inteligent than that. to tell the truth i have lost 2 to drunk drivers and 2 hurt and rehab from drunk drivers. all seperate accidents. why dont i get upset, simple in court on day i listen to the cases 1 guy was in there for his 8th dui in 30days. he was schedualed to go infront of the judge and they canceled on the spot due to seeing her for his 3rd dui on that date. truth is until the law starts going after these people and putting them in jail for there actions there is nothing we can do. Oh and i did meet missouris parents the other day had a good conversation. yes talked for about a hour, they was a couple of real nice guys.
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Posted by edblysard on Thursday, June 12, 2003 1:36 AM
What a dip, do you even realize what the claim money is for? Listen, tell your momma to loosen the apron strings enough for you to breath air, moron, the 180 million is to pay for goods damaged in transit, ie, stuff that gets broken in derailments and the shippers products lost or destroyed, or things that just dont get to where they are suppost to go.
Jeeze, you get more stupid by the moment.
So, where do you and momma call home?
Is momma even employeed?
How about you, or still to scared of the men to tell us?

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Posted by Jackflash on Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:34 AM
I've been to 5 crossing collission lawsuits and
we've won all of them, we didnt pay frivolous
claims. jackflash
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Posted by edblysard on Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:27 AM
No, four DWI, one DUI, and a PI, all within a three year period. So what excuse did you come up with? Explain what makes driving drunk ok. Leave railroading out of it. Dont compare it to anything. Just explain how you justify driving drunk, and how often do you do so?
Does you momma know you drink and drive?
And was your "lost" person drunk at the time?
Awaiting a response, sans railroad stuff, you coward.

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:09 AM
Did the drunk driver have $180 Million budgeted for the "DAMAGE CLAIM" a year in advance. Did he build the road there and leave it completely sight obstructed?
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Posted by edblysard on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:43 PM
Aw, now you know his momma is reading this over his shoulder, thats how he gets to stay up so late, it not being a school night and all.

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Posted by edblysard on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:39 PM
Hey, dipshi*, did it ever occure to such a stuipd buttweasel as you to hold the jerk who drank himself drunk responsible? Or are you going to claim the railroads forced him to drink till he was drunk, in a attempt to get him to drive across a railroad crossing so we could kill him?
God, you really are as stupid as you sound.
I was wrong, my wooden thing is still 8, your IQ is around 1.

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Posted by edblysard on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:33 PM
ey Kev, remember during the security briefing, they told us not to say anything about the Stealth MACs? And here you go, telling the whole world. Man, I was so wanting to add to my total, maybe hit a Mercedes SUV full of yuppies, but noooo, you go and tell, now they will never let me get one...

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Posted by edblysard on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:30 PM
Lets see, so if I get drunk, and run over you with my train, its ok, because I dont know what I am doing?
Cool, where is the nearest bar to where you live, and what kind and color car do you drive?

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Posted by edblysard on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:28 PM
Lets see if I read this right. You said drunk drivers have an excuse to get drunk and drive and kill people? What, pray tell, is that excuse? I would love to hear a rational reason anyone would excuse someone getting drunk or stoned, and then driving. The drunk driver who hit my cousin last easter, so hard it decapitated him, what excuse do you have for him? I really want to know.
And you claim to be worried about safety?
What a hypercritical buttweasel.
By the way, where do you work, and whats your real name? Or are you still too afraid to answer us?

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Posted by louisnash on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:39 PM
Missouri's mom is so fat that when his friends yelled "KOOL-AID", she came crashing through the door.

She so fat that on her driver license picture it says see other side.

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Posted by wabash1 on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:28 PM
see this guy dont have all the facts about anything. but one last thing for the mis-informed (missouri and mikey) back in the early 80s just before it was going to be manditory to put gates on all upgraded crossing and new crossings a test was done. it was done by the railroad and the fra. the results was that they prefered to not have the gates because of one thing. It takes a car 3 sec longer to get around and in the clear of the gates and railroad. hence why so many people get hit. it only stops some but the die hards do just that die. but you will only say it is because they didnt want to spend the money. and kill more people. but i waited to tell the real story to finally close the issue on gates crossing and the all might dollar i get for hitting cars at crossinds. you have convinceed me and i will make it a issue with the unions that the crews start sueing the estates of the deceased to even the playing field of law suites
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Posted by sooblue on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:02 PM
Ok! Now I know your a nimrod.
You can't even name a car or pickup truck newer than 1999 that doesn't have an air bag in it.

Also in 1970 the auto makers didn't know what an airbag was. Fact is they were still haveing horsepower wars with their pony cars and were just getting seatbelts in the back seat.

You can fool some of the people all of the time all the people some of the time but you can't fool me jack.

Your so phony your even confusing yourself.

I wouldn't be supprised if the Doctor that birthed you slaped your mom instead of you!

You give the phrase "no brainer" new meaning.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 9:16 PM
Well yeah. They like the tin can automakers who also have the politicans in their pockets.The automakers were told to get air bags in the vehicles in 1970 and they still after barely getting a few in a few vehicles don't have the bugs out of the air bags.
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Posted by JoeKoh on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:29 PM
thats why you stop look listen and live.
mamma's calling little clown time for you to go to people drive drunk are you going to say the beer manufactuers are murderers too?
stay safe joe

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 6:42 PM
That's why trains are more out of control than any drunk driver ever thought of being unless they were drunk but hey than they couldn't stop or steer either so it wouldn't matter. By the way about 85 out of 100 crossings don't have gates just to keep the record straight. Yep the $$$ addiction of railroad operators kills a lot of people.
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Posted by JoeKoh on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:33 PM
an excuse?remorse?what have you been smoking?
why do i read in the paper people charged with their 4th 5th 6th or more dui's?or the article saying a man that crashed into a house killing 4 kids that was his 11th dui?
no clown your are seriously wrong!
people have choices when drinking
get a designated driver
call a cab
crash at the friends house
crash in their car at their friends house
railroad people have no choice when someone doesn't stop look listen and live
trains can't stop on a dime
they can't turn either all they can do is pray
like I said before this is life in the real world no system is perfect butagain if people would stop look listen and live your chances are real good.and one more thing their clown I am stubborn as a mule about taking friends home after a party(i don't drink) and about saftey around trains so you just go back to your mamma little boy clown shes calling you for supper.
stay safe

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by wabash1 on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:26 PM
Oh and that is the all popular excuse. they was drunk they didnt know what they was doing. and that is bull they know what they was doing. they didnt go into the bar for a church meeting. there was a meaning they went in there to drink and get drunk. the crime was that the bar should get sued and he should fry in the chair for murder. ( trust me i know what you are trying to do) see the bar tender should stop giving drinks to drunks and get them home in a cab, on railroading we have gates and bells and headlights and most everone stops. pleenty of warning a train is comming . with a drunk you get 5 sec of the man comming into your lane before he hits you. not hard to see the differance. unless your name is missouri.
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Posted by wabash1 on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:15 PM
really drunk drivers show remorse. thats news to me maybe i should go to the drunks that killed people i know and see if he has remorsed yet. nah it wont do any good. he probley drunk again out mowing down inocent chidren on bikes with out his lights on not blowing his horn and no beeper when he is backing. becouse he bought off the lawyers and the judge to stay out of jail.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 1:29 PM
OH Gee there ED, Your trains are soooo out of date! Our EMD90MACS come with running, lights brake lights, and TURNING LIGHTS!

We even got cookie makers, LED turn and brake lights, we got the whole kit and cobuttle

even got the signs on the 90 MAc that says i make wide right turns too!

so when i'm signiling to turn, missouri don't cut me off.. like Ed said it's bad on the paint.. i hafta return the locomotive scratch free...

And now for the New stuff! garanteed to be the best ever!

The new Edible SD91MACs...
there made out of gingerbread.. but they tend to attract kids... MAYBE thats why the death toll is so high! (also the wicked witch lives inside that one.. i nor anyone should disturb her)

LATER ON THIS year, we will release the new SD92mac's.. the new units will feature a silent motor, no horn.. and will not triger the crossing lights.. nobody will hear or see us comming seeing as these units come with a cloaking device.. the faster you go.. the more invisible you go!

A free ray gun is included! to shot at cars that jsut get too close.. no onw will ever know it was you, he1l they won't have even seen you!

but thats not all folks.. oh no.. i saved the best till last.. The brand new GE AC 8000CW will feature the all new technology.. BULL HORN! we replaced the standerd horn.. with a brand new BULL HORN! thats right! it will trigger crossings but in case some idiot stalls on the tracks.. it will pick it up.. thats right everyone it detects a stalled car.. and in a regular computerized voice it says

"Get Out Of The Way"

"You Are On RR Property"

"move your stalled vehicle"

"your going to be hit.. get out of the way"

Remeber folkes.. it picks up if soemthing is stalled on the tracks a full 10 seocndes beofre it is likely to impact them! As a safety messure, it will SELF activate!!

Remeber the bull horn system is fully upgradeable.. you may upgrade it to almost anyhting
upgrades include:

"MOVE Your Car off my tracks"

"didn't your mother ever teach you to take on a train?"

"Don't ruin your car, maaw will give you a spanking!"

" Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining"

and much much, much more.. percist that your RRs buy the EMD edible 91 mac, the silent 92 mac.. or the bullhorn 8000CW strongly reccomended by three finger larry, and me.. Honest kevin.

Detour kev.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 11, 2003 12:43 PM
They didn't know what they were doing where the robber baron rail lords know EXACTLY what they are doing because after killing people for 180 years in this country they are VERY GOOD at it. So good that even some of the Jennys of the world take up for the Jack-asses.

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