Hermann Goring's toy train layout

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Hermann Goring's toy train layout
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 22, 2002 5:24 PM
I am interested in writing an article on Hermann Goring and his toy train layout that he had built in his retreat Carinhall. It was built in an upper floor of the house. I have a picture of this layout by Gerd Heidemann. This picture is from a biography of Goring by David Irving, 1989. I think I first read about Goring's trains in Shirers "Rise and Fall". Any information is greatly appreaciated.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 22, 2002 7:32 PM
It's spelled "Goering". So that fat sack of c%^# had some cool toys,eh? Wish he'd been accidentally electrocuted by them! But I don't mean to editorialize.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 22, 2002 8:47 PM
I'm with you Jonathan. An ambassador like Goering is not what the hobby needs! Still, history is history and it is interesting to think of one of the upper level Nazi psychos having a side to his personality that could enjoy model trains. The awarenss of such a detail humanizes him, which in turn confronts us with challenging questions about the nature of evil in human behavior. Good grief! I'm not hoping to arouse any strong feelings in this forum and I'm sure this isn't what Joel is looking for. Good luck with your historical search. Just as a side line I recall seeing an old LIFE magazine photo of a German Society of Model Engineers circa 1930's all dressed in suits lying on a floor nailing down what looked like O scale or larger track. It was an interesting image.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 11:56 AM
Who is HERMANN is he a Railfan.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 5:49 PM
American spelling "Goring". Goring committed suicide before the hangman could get him. No lost to civilization, but I wonder where the toys are now.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 5:56 PM
Thanks for the tip of the Life mag article. You could imagine my surprise to see Goring playing with trains with some of his generals. He even had model planes on wires that could "bomb" the trains. In the article, I would try to connect, his trains with the hobby in general and the Jewish manufactures of toy trains at the time. I also would comment about his love of art collecting on the one hand and his ability to kill in cold blood on the other.The old good and evil problem...again!!!Joel
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 6:42 PM
Are you telling us that one of the meanest nazi officers had toy trains?!?!? it cant be true, how come someone so evil could have a layout in his house, its just uncanny! I cant tell if you should write the article, he is no good example of a model railroader. I would like to see the pictures though.
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Posted by BR60103 on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 7:19 PM
I remember from English literature class that even as heroes have a tragic flaw, villans have a redeeming something-or-other.


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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 5:57 PM
I can send you the one picture I have of the layout with Goring and the Generals. Give me your mailing address and I will post it!!!JoelM
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 5:59 PM
He was the ReischMarshall second to Hitler in Nazi Germany.JOel
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 25, 2002 9:53 AM
looks like hitler will have killed him for liking trains.hitler liked automobiles and trucks.didnt hitler built the autobond.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 25, 2002 9:53 AM
looks like hitler will have killed him for liking trains.hitler liked automobiles and trucks.didnt hitler built the autobond.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 25, 2002 1:23 PM
Hitlet himself dissliked trains and was going to systematicaly dismantel the railways after he won the war. The downtown stations and realestate would make room for his other grand ideas. He thought the trains were old relics and would have no place in his new reich.

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 25, 2002 1:47 PM
Interesting,I always thought the Nazi regime was pro railway,given the big part they played in their war plans. Keep in mind they came up with the Kriegslocomotive and were champions of armored railroad equipment,as well as gigantic rail mounted artillery pieces. I won't get into their use of railroads in their plans to murder millions of civilians,that's well documented.
As far as Goering goes,read Adolf Galland's autobiography(top German ace in WWII,advocate of the ME262 jet program) and you'll realize how bad a leader he was(a good thing for the Allies). I'm talking about his leadership,not just his being a lowlife.
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Posted by CHESSIEMIKE on Thursday, April 25, 2002 1:53 PM
If you don't mind, will you post the photo on the " Forum" under "General Modeling"? And while you are there look in the "Diesel" and "Steam" threads at the photos of German trains I have posted and give me any info you might have! The three unit diesel-articulated was reported to be used by Goering himself. Thanks for your input!
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 25, 2002 5:08 PM
I will post the photo on Forum eh but I don't know how!!!! Do I need a scanner- no problem, I've been meaning to buy one just for these occasions. Please help! I going to Railfan right now. Thanks, I will get back to you later.
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Posted by CHESSIEMIKE on Thursday, April 25, 2002 7:22 PM
Yes, you will need a scanner. The directions on how to post a photo are at the site and are streight forward. You will have to register to make a post, but that is no big deal. If you are going to buy a scanner may I suggest you get a photo scanner. It will cost more, but if you deal mostly with photos it's the best way to go as it can work from the negative or a slide. They will work with prints also. When I got a scanner it was withother things in mind. I went with HP and have been very happy with the results. It is a flat bed scanner and does prints real good, but I have 13,000 plus slides so I am out of luck with those.
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Posted by jsanchez on Friday, April 26, 2002 4:51 PM
Actually Hitler had plans for super railroads which he actually helped design, I believe they would have been built to a 10' or wider gauge and capable of hauling vast quantities of freight and people. They were supposed to help with developing the conquered terretories, Russia, Poland ,the baltic states etc. Hitler also enjoyed traveling in private railcars and signed numerous treaties and conducted many official state duties in railcars.

James Sanchez

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 26, 2002 5:51 PM
Boy am I getting pounded by people about Goring and his trains. Some are accusing me of being pro-Nazi etc etc. I am a freelance writer, and a toy train hobbiest all my life. I will soon retire from teaching English for 33 years in an urban setting. I am presently an AD (athletic director of a division 1 school. My interest in Goring is on a professional level. I know for a fact that Hitler closed "Bing Manufaturing Co." because it was owned by a Jewish family---how sad. Oh, Bing was one of the leaders in manufaturing Toy Trains in Germany. In all likelihood,Goring had Bing trains. I hope someone will read this and help me with my research and please not judge me. Yes, I think Goring was a bad, bad, person... but, I need info.
Thanks, Going to go out and buy that scanner.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 28, 2002 8:21 PM
I do not know how old the companies are but perhaps Roco and Markin (sp?) have pr records that survived the war. Most likly the collection was "liberated" by Allied troops. If the house was in the west there may be records, but if the Russians got it, you almost certainly won't be able to trace it.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, May 3, 2002 3:24 PM
This thread has really turned into the ever present "car wreck". I do find it interesting thou that through out time, the human side of the world's villians comes to light. No matter what we think of someone or some act, we always seem to find out more about the other side of that person. We are all multifacetted individuals.

As for info on this actual topic - when I lived in France I do recall seeing something on this. But it would be in french. I will see what I have in some of my really old military books. I may find something there. Good luck with the research.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, May 3, 2002 4:33 PM
Thanks for replying, this is a touchy subject. People are still very angry about the ***, understandily so. One has to wonder what the heck was going through Goring's mind to be able to kill in a cold blooded fashion and still take joy in playing with toy trains.
If you find something out I would appreciate anything to shed light on this topic. Hitler did shut down the "Bing" factory that manufactured toy trains. Bing was Jewish firm... how sad.
Please help and thanks again.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, May 3, 2002 4:33 PM
Thanks for replying, this is a touchy subject. People are still very angry about the ***, understandily so. One has to wonder what the heck was going through Goring's mind to be able to kill in a cold blooded fashion and still take joy in playing with toy trains.
If you find something out I would appreciate anything to shed light on this topic. Hitler did shut down the "Bing" factory that manufactured toy trains. Bing was Jewish firm... how sad.
Please help and thanks again.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, May 3, 2002 4:37 PM
Thanks for the reply!! I am most anxious to write about this topic. I am a life long model railroader and teacher of English. I have read extensively in the history of Nazi Germany. I want to look into the life of Goring. I am constantly trying to understand how a man who was a German Hero and played with toy trains could turn into such a monster. Help me if you can!!!
Thanks again. Joel
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Posted by CHESSIEMIKE on Friday, May 3, 2002 10:02 PM
Did you decide on a scanner yet?
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 5, 2002 5:55 AM
Yes, Hitler built the autobahn. This was the
inspiration for Ikes interstate hwy system.
When Ike saw the autobahn, it reminded him of
when he was on manuvers in Texas about 1917.
It took them, I think, about 20 days to go 10 miles. When he was elected President, he decided
the country needed, in case of national emergency,
a way to move the milatary quickly from their base, to whare they were needed. He also wanted
to expidite interstate commerce by moving large trucks from the small 2 lane roads, to a limited access system. Thus in 1956 he signed into law whats known as The Eisenhower Interstate Highway
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 6, 2002 5:00 PM
Not yet. Do you have any suggestions?
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Posted by CHESSIEMIKE on Wednesday, May 8, 2002 1:46 PM
I have been happy with my HP r40 all-in-one. It does a good jod as a flat bed scanner. It can copy a photo that is very close to looking like the original. It also works very good as a printer for my computer. If you need to work from a slide or negative then this unit will not work. HP makes a film scanner that does work with slides and negatives but it cost $400 the last time I checked. The reports I have gotten have all been positive about this unit. There are other film scanners out, but none in this price range. Nikon, Canon, and Minolta all make one but you will have to find out more on your own. Hope this helps.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 9, 2002 2:18 PM
Hermann Goering was the second-in-command of Germany, after Adolf Hitler. He was also in charge of the Luftwaffe(German Air Force) and the P.O.W. Camps.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 9, 2002 2:22 PM
It wouldn't surprise me if the Russians have it stored away somewhere in a museum, or it is set-up in some russian General's house. hehe
Both systems were equally corrupt, and fanatical.
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