WH Amtrak budget extreme cuts from this Administration that ran for election on a massive rebuild of our transportation system....

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Posted by Shadow the Cats owner on Saturday, April 8, 2017 6:00 PM

SS is part of my own families lifeblood also.  My husband was disabled due to a very severe car accident about 17 years ago before I even met him.  Without what he recieves for how hard he did work for as long as he did work we could not survive on my salary alone let alone afford his healthcare he does recieve medicare due to his conditions.  Yes he will take out way more than he ever paid in however he gets less than a quarter of what he used to earn as a productive member of the workforce and everyday I can tell it hurts him.  He went from earning 60K+ to getting 15K a year from the government.  There are days he tells me he wishes he had never come home the weekend he got rearended. 

Yes the Federal Budget and there are several agencies that I deal with on a weekly basis on both a state and federal level that could use about a 20% manpower and budget cut to start.  I can name about 10 FMCSA regulators that all need to see walking papers off the top of my head.  I can think of about 50 EPA regulators that all should be dragged out of their offices and shoved into the real world.  Let alone the morons of the CARB that came up with some of the stupidist things to ever come out of Sacramento CA.  The IRS has quite a few people that need to either learn the tax code or find a new freaking job.  I've about lost my patience with NYS and between their Turnpike auth and Dept of Revenue trying to double bill us for HUT for miles on the turnpike we are exempt from paying that when we are on the tollway.  They seem to think they can double bill us for those miles. 


I'm so not looking forward to work on Monday why time for my quarterly brawl with Mass and how badly they screwed up our IFTA for last quarter. They say we owe them 22 Grand in fuel taxes and we only ran 2K miles for the quarter in that state for all trucks combined.  So unless we get charged 71 bucks per gallon fuel tax when the rate there is 24 cents a gallon someone on their end screwed up.  We burned 307 gallons total of fuel based on fleet MPG and bought 450 gallons in that state they owe us actually.  

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Posted by tree68 on Friday, April 7, 2017 9:29 PM

Hardly stealing.

The stealing part refers to the fact that the federal government has been using SS income and writing IOUs to the trust fund.  The trust fund, insufficient as it is anyhow, consists of very little cash and a lot of securities.  

There is no question that the "security" part of Social Security has changed character.  It was, as you note, intended to ensure that, combined with a pension and/or personal savings, a retiree had some level of income that they could live on.  The $1100 or so I get each month is hardly a "living wage," although all too many people try to survive on it.   

Fortunately, I get an annuity from my former employer as well.

Nonetheless, the agreement was that I pay in, and when I'm eligible, they pay out.

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Posted by zugmann on Friday, April 7, 2017 9:06 PM

How dare those retirees continue to live year after year. Do away with Healthcare and they will die quicker - is that a win win???????????????

Soylent Green anyone?  Call in the scoops!


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Posted by BaltACD on Friday, April 7, 2017 9:00 PM


If the government would leave SS alone (ie, stop stealing from it), it wouldn't be a drain.  I draw SS - it's my money that I've already paid in (as did my employers).  So you can't complain about how much it soaks up.  It's not an "entitlement," unless you want to consider that I'm entitled to it because it's my money.

I'm pretty sure I paid money into Medicare, too.

Sadly, the money you've paid in throughout your career is long gone. The folks paying your benefits these days are just starting out and with the growing number of retirees the problem is only getting worse. It was never intended for someone to live on SS for 30+ years. Adjustments need to be made for the future to ensure it is still around, including pushing back retirement ages and helping people establish their own retirement portfolios in the absence of company pensions that were the norm when SS was passed into law. For too many people it is their sole source of income. Social security alone in 2016 accounted for 24% of the federal budget totaling $891B. Medicare was another $536B. Some other figures to consider, of $920B (2016) in revenue $891B (2016) was paid out to beneficiaries. Hardly stealing. That'll pay for Amtrak for a darn long time.

How dare those retirees continue to live year after year.  Do away with Healthcare and they will die quicker - is that a win win???????????????

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Posted by Kielbasa on Friday, April 7, 2017 8:52 PM



Social Security and Medicare soak up a horrendous amount each year


If the government would leave SS alone (ie, stop stealing from it), it wouldn't be a drain.  I draw SS - it's my money that I've already paid in (as did my employers).  So you can't complain about how much it soaks up.  It's not an "entitlement," unless you want to consider that I'm entitled to it because it's my money.

I'm pretty sure I paid money into Medicare, too.


Sadly, the money you've paid in throughout your career is long gone. The folks paying your benefits these days are just starting out and with the growing number of retirees the problem is only getting worse. It was never intended for someone to live on SS for 30+ years. Adjustments need to be made for the future to ensure it is still around, including pushing back retirement ages and helping people establish their own retirement portfolios in the absence of company pensions that were the norm when SS was passed into law. For too many people it is their sole source of income. Social security alone in 2016 accounted for 24% of the federal budget totaling $891B. Medicare was another $536B. Some other figures to consider, of $920B (2016) in revenue $891B (2016) was paid out to beneficiaries. Hardly stealing. That'll pay for Amtrak for a darn long time. 

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Posted by BaltACD on Friday, April 7, 2017 8:27 PM


If the government would leave SS alone (ie, stop stealing from it), it wouldn't be a drain.  I draw SS - it's my money that I've already paid in (as did my employers).  So you can't complain about how much it soaks up.  It's not an "entitlement," unless you want to consider that I'm entitled to it because it's my money.

I'm pretty sure I paid money into Medicare, too.

Corporate Welfare is the real entitlement program - and we will only see more of it going forward.

The last BA-6 I recieved from RRB said I had paid in excess of 85K on credited earnings of 2.6M over my 50 year career.  The carriers also contributed, but their contributions aren't shown to employees.  SSA & RRB are not entitlements, except to those who want to steal them for themselves (Paul Ryan etc.)

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Posted by tree68 on Friday, April 7, 2017 7:33 PM

Social Security and Medicare soak up a horrendous amount each year

If the government would leave SS alone (ie, stop stealing from it), it wouldn't be a drain.  I draw SS - it's my money that I've already paid in (as did my employers).  So you can't complain about how much it soaks up.  It's not an "entitlement," unless you want to consider that I'm entitled to it because it's my money.

I'm pretty sure I paid money into Medicare, too.

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Posted by Kielbasa on Friday, April 7, 2017 6:51 PM

FedEx moves quite a bit of mail across the country that is picked up and delivered by the post office. The USPS is also the only entity legally allowed to handle first-class mail, hence using the parcel carriers as intermediaries. Despite losing money it is an essential service that benefits everyone for relatively little cost nationally. Discretionary spending is not the driver of our current budget issues. Social Security and Medicare soak up a horrendous amount each year and those costs cannot be altered without a literal act of Congress. 

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Posted by Norm48327 on Friday, April 7, 2017 6:07 PM


Except that USPS is supposedly a 'stand alone' organization that is being financially slughtered by UPS, FedEx and internet communications.


USPS is a government corporation no matter which way you slice it and has a ton of deadwoood/fat in it's organazition. That's typical of anything run by the feds. Try to fire a postal employee and see how far that goes. You and I are aware of that. You've dealt with FRA and I've put up with the FAA. They are not for profit organizations but in some cases simply leeches feeding off the blood of others. FAA people can be real a**holes. Most, if not all, federal agencies/administrations could stand a good house cleaning. Getting rid of the dead wood ( those who collect a paycheck just for showing up at work and the same applies to the state I live in) could improve things immensly.

Just my two cents worth.


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Posted by BaltACD on Friday, April 7, 2017 5:52 PM

Put the mail back on the trains. It's what really used to pay the bills before. (Truck drivers already in short demand and their taxpayer subsidized use could move other things, hopefully with a little more realistic user fee attached.)... In some corridors, the mail might get there faster.

Except that USPS is supposedly a 'stand alone' organization that is being financially slughtered by UPS, FedEx and internet communications.

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Posted by Norm48327 on Friday, April 7, 2017 4:01 PM

Put the mail back on the trains.


I would support that if it meant my issue of Trains didn't have to spend two days swimming across Lake Michigan. I always seem to get it about four days later than those on the west coast. Wink


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Posted by mudchicken on Friday, April 7, 2017 2:40 PM

Put the mail back on the trains. It's what really used to pay the bills before. (Truck drivers already in short demand and their taxpayer subsidized use could move other things, hopefully with a little more realistic user fee attached.)... In some corridors, the mail might get there faster.

Mudchicken Nothing is worth taking the risk of losing a life over. Come home tonight in the same condition that you left home this morning in. Safety begins with ME.... cinscocom-west
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Posted by ROBERT WILLISON on Friday, April 7, 2017 2:24 PM

I' am sure that making massive cuts in rail AND transit  will make this country " better ".  Thier plenty of waste in the federal budget to support infrastructure  improvements and rail  iniatives   including long distance  passenger trains.

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Posted by Norm48327 on Friday, April 7, 2017 2:23 PM

I watched that till the narrator said 1.7 gallons per mile for the airliner. At that point I knew the rest of the video would be BS.


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Posted by tree68 on Friday, April 7, 2017 2:13 PM


Watch this to explain what so many of us know. And please note. Amtrack is not the only infrastructure out there, and may not be the most important.

Interesting.  Would love to see a parallel production about airline travel...  Or better yet, a side-by-side comparison in one video.

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Posted by LensCapOn on Friday, April 7, 2017 1:44 PM

Watch this to explain what so many of us know. And please note. Amtrack is not the only infrastructure out there, and may not be the most important.

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Posted by tree68 on Friday, April 7, 2017 1:33 PM

Great. Let's spend a bunch of money on infrastructure, then have no trains to run on it. Makes perfect sense to me.

Hunter is working on that part...

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Posted by ACY Tom on Friday, April 7, 2017 9:56 AM


The problem here is that what he's proposing isn't going against his campaign promises...he talked about spending big on INFRASTRUCTURE, well, ATK in of itself is not infrastructure, the railroads it runs on are infrastructure...but, where the problem comes from is that he's cutting items that amount to fractions of a percent of the Federal budget, which is a complete waste when what you want to cut are programs that are at least in the 10's of billions or more around 2 - 5% of the Federal budget in order to make a difference.  Things like the farm subsidy, or foreign countries cutting those programs would make a significant difference in our budget deficit, but small time stuff like funding ATK, PP, NPR, NEA, NOAA, etc. are worthless...besides the number of jobs you'd be losing.


Great. Let's spend a bunch of money on infrastructure, then have no trains to run on it. Makes perfect sense to me.




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Posted by GERALD L MCFARLANE JR on Friday, April 7, 2017 9:43 AM

The problem here is that what he's proposing isn't going against his campaign promises...he talked about spending big on INFRASTRUCTURE, well, ATK in of itself is not infrastructure, the railroads it runs on are infrastructure...but, where the problem comes from is that he's cutting items that amount to fractions of a percent of the Federal budget, which is a complete waste when what you want to cut are programs that are at least in the 10's of billions or more around 2 - 5% of the Federal budget in order to make a difference.  Things like the farm subsidy, or foreign countries cutting those programs would make a significant difference in our budget deficit, but small time stuff like funding ATK, PP, NPR, NEA, NOAA, etc. are worthless...besides the number of jobs you'd be losing.

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Posted by blue streak 1 on Thursday, April 6, 2017 9:23 PM

The mess at NYPS this week  ""MAY"" help the NEC but we cannot count on it ?

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Posted by Modelcar on Thursday, April 6, 2017 8:26 PM

Amtrak......The first that this Administration wants to gut.  Believe he ran on rebuilding our infrastructure.....Sounds like rip it up and spend it...who knows where.  If that is what he wanted to do while running for election he should have said so.  You bet, it spells the demise of Amtrak long term if they get their way.



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Posted by A McIntosh on Thursday, April 6, 2017 7:55 PM

A few points seem to become evident:

1.  The long distance cutbacks are phrased so as to free up Amtrak's resources and time to focus on the NEC and state supported regional services. If this was an all out war on Amtrak, They would seek to jettison the whole thing.

2. Essential air service subsidies will also get the ax. Combined with the privatization of air traffic control, which may result in higher fees for the airlines, will this hasten the loss of air service to smaller cities and higher cost for a plane ticket? Is there an opportunity for Amtrak to take advantage of here? Inquiring minds would like to know.

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Posted by ACY Tom on Thursday, April 6, 2017 7:30 PM

 In the words of Captain Louis Renault (Claude Rains), "I'm shocked! SHOCKED!"


Gotta save money to pay for the border wall.

Yes, and Manhattan security for his family, and trips to Mira Lago, and Jared Kushner's nifty new bullet proof vest. Did you see the pictures today? He makes Michael Dukakis in the tank look like Rambo! 

Sorry, but I can't take this disgusting circus seriously. 


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Posted by SFbrkmn on Thursday, April 6, 2017 6:14 PM

The control of Congress, w/the strong arm of the Freedom Caucus, coupled w/an adminstration that has proposed a huge reduction for psgr rail will likely lead to major mileage cuts to the Amtrak map.I'm not basically for it, but I get it. As a citizen I would be willing to give up Amtrak in return to make our country better. Its not about me, me me but what is the best direction our nation needs to go in regard to transportation. People do have to keep in mind that Amtrak is not going away regardless of what the forthcoming cuts will bring when that time comes. Service will remain on several regional high rider corridors which could be expanded. This is not the end of the world. It's change, but nothing to be doom & gloom of. As a nation, we are faced w/bigger issues compared to this

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Posted by MidlandMike on Thursday, April 6, 2017 2:30 PM

Republicans had control of WH & Congress in the middle of Pres. George W. Bush's term, and Amtrak was not abolished.  What makes this time diffrent?

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Posted by Modelcar on Thursday, April 6, 2017 1:46 PM

Gotta save money to pay for the border wall.

"Yes...gotta save money  to pay for the border wall"....

If budget for Amtrak is cut as I have written....that will be the end of our rail passenger transportation system as we know it...Amtrak can never be improved if it continues to be cut to shreds by Republican leaders.....Like is being requested in upcoming budget request. Whom could plan ahead for improvements when under the cutting threat each..budgit season.  Republican leadership has put Amtrak Leaders under this threat for decades....Now...with their control of Congress & the W H they most likely will finally get it 


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Posted by zardoz on Thursday, April 6, 2017 1:15 PM
Gotta save money to pay for the border wall.
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Posted by schlimm on Thursday, April 6, 2017 1:01 PM

The Ferro Kid

There are enough Congressmen and Senators with Amtrak somewhere in their district or state that I suspect Amtrak is safe.  It is something we've made a considerable investment in, which investment pales in comparison to money spent on Interstate highways and airports.  So I'm casting a pro-Amtrak vote here.  It's an alternative a nation with a growing population should have.


 As everyone who cares about the future should.  Unfortunately there are a lot of folks like PNWRMNM.

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Posted by The Ferro Kid on Thursday, April 6, 2017 12:14 PM

There are enough Congressmen and Senators with Amtrak somewhere in their district or state that I suspect Amtrak is safe.  It is something we've made a considerable investment in, which investment pales in comparison to money spent on Interstate highways and airports.  So I'm casting a pro-Amtrak vote here.  It's an alternative a nation with a growing population should have.

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Posted by PNWRMNM on Thursday, April 6, 2017 10:23 AM

It is about time! As JJ Hill is reported to have said about passenger trains, when they were actually important, a time long gone. "Passenger trains are like teats on a boar, neither useful nor decorative."

It is time to kill the bleeding sore that is ATK outside the NEC. Hope Congress has the guts to do it!

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