Stabbing on Amtrak Michigan Service

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Posted by wanswheel on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 3:16 PM

Excerpt from article, “Saginaw man accused in Amtrak stabbings is a veteran and 'the system failed him,' sister says”

He started by getting on a Greyhound bus [in Louisville], but got off when he saw people making the hand signs again, he told his sister by phone. 

He then bought a plane ticket, but pushed the flight back three times because of similar concerns. He slept at a VA hospital in Kentucky those nights until Friday, Dec. 5, when he told his sister he would board no matter what. 

One of the times at the airport, he called the police and told his sister they responded and "laughed at him," though she wondered if he perceived some things differently than how they really occurred, noting he said he saw an officer making the same hand gestures and said he could not trust them. 

He took the flight to a layover in Chicago, where he told his sister by phone that someone on the flight was whispering to him that he was going to hurt or kill him, she said. 

"We were having conversations back and forth, and I said, 'You know, Mike, this doesn't make any sense. Why are they after you?'"

"Whatever he believed in his head was real to him," she said. "Nothing I could have said could make him think any different."

He saw the same man from the first flight boarding the next flight, he told his sister. Instead of boarding the connecting flight to Flint, he went to the Amtrak station and got a ticket heading east, Tracy Williams found out later. 

Family members were waiting at the Bishop International Airport in Flint when news reports surfaced that a stabbing had occurred on the train.

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Posted by samfp1943 on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 8:15 AM

To Ed, Tom, and others:  I woud totally agree that the Police are the right response to an incident involving railroad workers. It just seems strange that the potential for repetedly putting individual employees in situations of risk while they do their work related duties; would seem to fly in the face of on the job safety.

 Many areas where railroad employees operate are 'sketchy' areas at best; in the dark areas around plants, warehouse districts.  Yet, in order to do their jobs, and the  work required, railroad employees necessarily must be in those problematic areas, while doing their jobs on a regular basis.

I had asked the question earlier, about railraders working in those problematic areas.  Do their employer's  ( the railroads) provide any additional protecton from their own railrtoad police to those empoyees?      Without personal cell phones(to call 911 directly) while on the jobs, response time would seem to be effected by an employee calling in to another empoyee ( or dispatch), to request assistance; those kinds of situations can turn to a bad outcome very quickly, so a  quick response can be important.

 Random crimes are often crimes of opportunity, and circumstance.   That these situations could be accepted as a 'normal' part of work, seems to put individual safety at risk.






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Posted by edblysard on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 5:47 AM
I agree, calling the local PD is always the best option.
If someone is not trained in the use of a firearm, and has not been trained in how to recognize the legal requirements as to when deadly force can be used, they have zero business even touching a handgun, much less using it.
News reports have the perpetrator claiming he saw one of the victims turn into a demon, so the man’s mental stability is called into question, and the same reports state he was restrained after being stopped with a taser, but no other details were given.
As for your post being an anti-gun statement, trust me, it was more of a common sense statement that anything else.
Even if it was, you have the right to be anti-gun if you so choose, that’s the beauty of this country and its laws.

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Posted by ACY Tom on Monday, December 8, 2014 8:22 PM

Somebody asked what Amtrak personnel think.  Maybe I don't really qualify because I'm retired.  I couldn't speak for everybody anyway.

In 25+ years of onboard service, I never had an occasion where a gun would have been helpful.  I had a few dicey situations that were handled responsibly and carefully because that is what was necessary.  If we had been armed, it's possible that one of us employees might have taken the short cut and used our guns instead of our brains.

We were trained to provide onboard service; not to go into combat.  The two activities require entirely different skill sets and mind sets.  It's quite likely that the bad guy is more skilled in combat than I am, which means the body count will only go up.

Calling the local police is still the best option.

One man's opinion.  YMMV.


P.S.  If this is considered a political (i.e., inappropriate) anti-gun tirade, then I apologize.  

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Posted by Deggesty on Monday, December 8, 2014 10:15 AM

Phoebe Vet

It's always good to hear from professional railroaders like zugmann and edblysard, they've got insights the rest of us on the outside looking in just don't have and can't have.

Any Amtrak personnel out there?  I'd be interested in hearing what YOU think.




I'd like to second what Firelock said.

Additionally, I find it fascinating that the majority of shootings are in state where more gun control is mandated.  Its about as successful as prohibition.




Isn't it odd that nobody complains that calling for more guns is inapropriate in this thread?




I don’t think calling for more guns is the answer…most legal gun owners are responsible and careful, and don’t use their firearms to commit crimes.


Criminals on the other hand…


Again, if we just enforced the existing gun laws with vigor, and imposed the allowable sentences for those who use a firearm in the commission of a crime, it would make a difference.


As for the crazies out there, nothing will stop them in the first place, so…



Ed, I'm with you. Laws against ownership do not prevent people of criminal bent from getting guns. Of course, it has been said that there is more damage done through the use of knives than through the use of guns.

It is good that the man in Niles was caught quickly and removed from the train. Except for those who were cut, the worst thing was the great delay in getting the uninjured passengers to their destinations.


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Posted by edblysard on Monday, December 8, 2014 12:00 AM

Phoebe Vet

It's always good to hear from professional railroaders like zugmann and edblysard, they've got insights the rest of us on the outside looking in just don't have and can't have.

Any Amtrak personnel out there?  I'd be interested in hearing what YOU think.




I'd like to second what Firelock said.

Additionally, I find it fascinating that the majority of shootings are in state where more gun control is mandated.  Its about as successful as prohibition.




Isn't it odd that nobody complains that calling for more guns is inapropriate in this thread?


I don’t think calling for more guns is the answer…most legal gun owners are responsible and careful, and don’t use their firearms to commit crimes.


Criminals on the other hand…


Again, if we just enforced the existing gun laws with vigor, and imposed the allowable sentences for those who use a firearm in the commission of a crime, it would make a difference.


As for the crazies out there, nothing will stop them in the first place, so…


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Posted by edblysard on Sunday, December 7, 2014 11:55 PM

professional railroaders like zugmann



Using that term very loosely.


Well, they do pay us for what we do, so....Stick out tongue

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Posted by dakotafred on Sunday, December 7, 2014 8:39 PM

Phoebe Vet

Isn't it odd that nobody complains that calling for more guns is inapropriate in this thread?

But you did complain, in your emotional first post asserting that more guns -- even in the hands of stable non-criminals, such as Amtrak personnel -- equal more violence. This unsupported claim is what caused us to go (supposedly) political and off-topic. 
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Posted by samfp1943 on Sunday, December 7, 2014 8:05 PM

Zugmann wrote the following:[snipped]

"...Railroaders work in some dangerous areas (and an amcoach can qualify as one)..."

We occasionally see a Poster on this FORUM mention, or posts a link to an incident that happend to a railroader while on the job.   Either a robber boards a cab(locomotive), and holds an employee(s) up; or possibly a railroader is working on the ground in an area that is questionable, and is assaulted by either knife, or gun, or other instrument.

 My point being,there are historical precedents for caution in certain work areas.   Areas railroaders operate that are insecure for those employees, either by having incidents happen with some frequency in those 'insecure' places, or the remoteness of the surroundings, in general.  Poor, or no lighting could be a cause for those safety concerns. 

  We all know that there are railroad police officers who are armed to perform their assigned duties.  How do the railroads handle the security of their employees that must operate into those insecure areas??   

  I know of industrial and business areas in Chicago where no one should go at night or in the dark. I am sure Ed Blysard has seen similar in the Houston area.  

   I have never heard it said that a railroad might authorize 'other employees' ( Maintenance or T&E) to "carry" on the job for their own protection.

   How do the railroads handle these situations?





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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 7, 2014 7:37 PM

Phoebe Vet



It's always good to hear from professional railroaders like zugmann and edblysard, they've got insights the rest of us on the outside looking in just don't have and can't have.

Any Amtrak personnel out there?  I'd be interested in hearing what YOU think.




I'd like to second what Firelock said.

Additionally, I find it fascinating that the majority of shootings are in state where more gun control is mandated.  Its about as successful as prohibition.




Isn't it odd that nobody complains that calling for more guns is inapropriate in this thread?


There's no reason that is should be considered inappropriate.

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Posted by zugmann on Sunday, December 7, 2014 3:10 PM

 I think we're reading way past each other's posts here.  I don't want people who shouldn't have guns to have them, either.  But they do.  And until a time when we can change that, we're sort of stuck with the system we have now. I already said that if railroads ever decided to allow its personnel to carry, that they be trained, certified, etc.


I don't think the situation is a red herring.  The nature of our work as railroaders is unlike many.  We spend a lot of time in bad areas, usually isolated and alone.  It's funny how many times we cross paths with police officers in strange areas at strange times.  And with how many yards are set up, there isn't always an easy route to withdrawl. High fences, building backlots, retention basins, railcars blocking escape routes, there isn't always a nice clean getaway.

While we may not knowingly insert ourselves into dangerous situations, sometimes the dangerous situations sort of come to us.  Especially in urban yards and terminals.  While the yard I worked with had 2 awesome police departments with quick response time, until they showed up, we were on our own.  I won't lie, there have been a few isntances I was very uneasy about trespassers that showed up out from between the cars.  In this day and age, who knows who these people are.  And we also are dealing with huge amounts of very hazardous materials.  While I'm not one who usualyl jumps on the TERRORISM! bandwagon, the potential is there for something really bad to happen. 

Even if I had the option to carry, I do not know if I would.  Just an academic debate.




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Posted by Phoebe Vet on Sunday, December 7, 2014 2:55 PM


If you read my posts carefully you will see that I have not said no one should carry a gun. I said that we need a system to make it harder for people who are not supposed to have guns to get them.  The only requirement I would like to see for legal possession is a class to teach people when they are allowed to shoot people.  Your arguments about whether or not I feeel safe without one are a red herring.  I do not carry one now.  Law enforcement is a special circumstance.  Citizens are not expected to knowingly insert themselves into danger.  You have the option to withdraw.   Law enforcement officers are trained in the laws and regularly tested on the range.  Not a bad idea for anyone who carries.


Lackawanna Route of the Phoebe Snow

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Posted by Firelock76 on Sunday, December 7, 2014 2:44 PM

professional railroaders like zugmann



Using that term very loosely.


I think I know where you're coming from.  I'm a copier repair technician by trade, have been for 25 years, and every once in a while I run into a problem machine that makes me feel like I just started!  Usually it stumps everyone else so I don't feel so badly.

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Posted by zugmann on Sunday, December 7, 2014 2:36 PM

I started the whole gun angle, but I belive it is appropriate to this thread.  Railroaders work in some dangerous areas (and an amcoach can qualify as one). 


You were in law enforcement Phoebe.  I'm sure you worked in some less than stellar places.  Would you feel comfortable to be in those areas by yourself without your firearm, and a mile+ away from your car? And throw in a radio that has a lousy range.  Guys have been robbed, beaten, and even killed out here.


It is something I think will eventually come up for debate.




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Posted by Phoebe Vet on Sunday, December 7, 2014 2:21 PM


It's always good to hear from professional railroaders like zugmann and edblysard, they've got insights the rest of us on the outside looking in just don't have and can't have.

Any Amtrak personnel out there?  I'd be interested in hearing what YOU think.




I'd like to second what Firelock said.

Additionally, I find it fascinating that the majority of shootings are in state where more gun control is mandated.  Its about as successful as prohibition.


Isn't it odd that nobody complains that calling for more guns is inapropriate in this thread?


Lackawanna Route of the Phoebe Snow

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Posted by zugmann on Sunday, December 7, 2014 2:20 PM

professional railroaders like zugmann


Using that term very loosely.


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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 7, 2014 2:05 PM


It's always good to hear from professional railroaders like zugmann and edblysard, they've got insights the rest of us on the outside looking in just don't have and can't have.

Any Amtrak personnel out there?  I'd be interested in hearing what YOU think.


I'd like to second what Firelock said.

Additionally, I find it fascinating that the majority of shootings are in states where more gun control is mandated.  Its about as successful as prohibition.

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Posted by narig01 on Sunday, December 7, 2014 2:00 PM
If Mr Williams had used a firearm instead of a knife how many people would be in the morgue instead of a hospital. Does anyone remember Colin Ferguson.

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Posted by Firelock76 on Sunday, December 7, 2014 1:56 PM

It's always good to hear from professional railroaders like zugmann and edblysard, they've got insights the rest of us on the outside looking in just don't have and can't have.

Any Amtrak personnel out there?  I'd be interested in hearing what YOU think.

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Posted by edblysard on Sunday, December 7, 2014 12:11 PM
I have been licensed to carry a hand gun for 30 years, my wife for 27, and in that time, she has never had a reason to use her firearm, and I have removed mine from my holster once in the line of duty.
Criminals are just that, people who ignore the law, it doesn’t matter to them if having a handgun is illegal, they break the laws as a matter of course, it is what they do for a living.
Take away all the guns, they will use baseball bats, confiscate all the bats, they will use pool cues, remove all the pool cues, they find a kitchen knife, remove all the knives, they will use rocks.
If you remove the guns from the citizenry, the only people who will have guns are the criminals, they have no fear of being prosecuted for the crime, it’s part of the “job” so to speak.
The major difference between Japan and the US is that Japan rigorously prosecutes those that violate their gun laws…if American DA’s enforced the existing gun laws in the US…That and the fact that the Japanese live in a very structured and ridged society that reinforces following the rules and laws, and private gun ownership has been illegal since the end of WWII, it was intentionally left out of their constitution written under the Marshal Plan to prevent the possibility of Japan re-arming.
Currently most railroads forbid their T&E employees from carrying firearms and fixed blade knives.
I wouldn’t want the responsibility of being a passenger conductor with law enforcement duties, but I would not be adverse to Amtrak providing a “Train Marshal” or similar law officer on their trains.

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Posted by zugmann on Sunday, December 7, 2014 11:10 AM

Phoebe Vet
Japan, on the other hand, had only .6 guns per 100 people and .06 gun-related deaths per 100,000 people, making it the country with both the fewest guns per capita and the fewest gun-related deaths.


But they lead the world in death by giant humanoid robots and demon spawn.  Or at least that's what I gather from what I watch.


Now getting sort of back on topic - what about tasers for RR passenger personnel?  But I wouldn't be morally opposed to some sort of sanctioned weaponry (with approrpiate training and certifications) for all RR folk. (notice I am not restricting this just to Amtrak.  God knows I've already walked a train with air hose wrench in hand, just in case I *ahem* came across a busted air hose). 

I know the railroads do not want the liabilities, but still...



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Posted by samfp1943 on Sunday, December 7, 2014 10:43 AM


About 5 minutes ago -- local news has apparently interviewed suspect Darnell Williams, "film at 11"... the comments are already rolling in.


The above linked site is a report from a Michigan TV Station WDNU,( inclusive of FB comments on the end of the ariticle) on Saturday night, referencing the assailant Darnell Williams.

Drilling down in the Comments on the FB posts, at the end of that linked article; there is a quote from William's 89 year old grandmother about Williams' 10 years of military service, and his granmother's comment [paraphrased] "...He just wasn't quite right.." "... and he had gone to the Saginaw(Mi) VA for help(?)..."

     There is no indication of a  diagnosis or of continued visits for VA treatment. I have no idea of the treatment available at that location.  VA facilities differ in services they can offer Vets. 

  The diagnosis of PTSD can be problematic, and definitely individualized, as each person is effected by their life experiences, and it is definitely, not to be cured in one or two visits with professional staff members.

Darnell Williams is currently in the Berrien County Jail on $1 million Bail. Here is a linked story@

Certainly, hope that the vicitms in this incident will recover. And hopefully, a judge or court wil order some kind of investigative (psychiatric) treatment(?) for Darnell Williams to determine what caused him to go on the attack.




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Posted by gardendance on Sunday, December 7, 2014 10:37 AM


ideas along those lines, what's so special about Amtrak personel? I would expect a trolley motorman to experience far scarier encounters with dangerous passengers, in fact a friend of mine was a SEPTA bus driver, Charles Kolbeck, I hope I spelled his name correctly, whom a passenger stabbed to death, and I knew another trolley operator who had been stabbed, in the late 1970's. In both cases, the fatal one according to witnesses, the non-fatal one according to the victim, all the motorman had done to provoke the attack was to ask the passenger to pay regular fare.

Shortly after the fatal stabbing SEPTA started installing several variations of partitions to shield trolley and bus operators. Nowadays most light rail vehicles have the operator's station completely walled off, but even those with more traditional motorman's seats, such as Boston and Philadelphia, have much more substantial barriers than in days of yore. It would seem the trend has been, as Andrew Falconer suggested above, to provide armor, not arms.

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Posted by Phoebe Vet on Sunday, December 7, 2014 10:34 AM

A bullet, in a dense environment like a train car, is not going to stop in the original target.  Even a police officer would be reluctant to shoot into a crowd.  Pepper spray and Mace have a tendency to get many unintended people in a dense environment.  All of those people need to be treated ASAP by medical people.  Tasers are quite effective at close range but it is very important that they only be used in defense.  To many people, police officers included, use them on people who have made them angry or who are not complying with orders.  It is not a cattle prod, it is a usually non lethal weapon.  I have no objection at all to TRAINED members of the crew carrying them.


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Posted by wanswheel on Sunday, December 7, 2014 10:25 AM
Chicago Tribune and WOOD TV news in Michigan interviewed relatives of the man with the knife. He’s evidently an out-patient of the V.A. Hospital in Saginaw. May his victims recover fully and quickly, and for that matter, he, too. And thank God the damage he did wasn't worse.
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Posted by Firelock76 on Sunday, December 7, 2014 8:40 AM



I have some sheriff's deputy friends who would strongly disagree with your position. That said, you are entitled to your opinion. OTOH, before someone complains to the moderators, I don't think this is the proper venue to be discussing gun control.


It's not.

Just so you know where I'm coming from I'm an NRA Life member and have owned guns for 40-plus years.  A gun control discussion doesn't belong here.  We're not likely to change each others minds and more likely to PO each other.

That being said, anyone remember my earlier suggestion of non-lethal weapons training for Amtrak personnel? Any ideas along those lines? 

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Posted by Norm48327 on Sunday, December 7, 2014 5:21 AM


I have some sheriff's deputy friends who would strongly disagree with your position. That said, you are entitled to your opinion. OTOH, before someone complains to the moderators, I don't think this is the proper venue to be discussing gun control.


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Posted by Phoebe Vet on Saturday, December 6, 2014 11:00 PM

Phoebe Vet

It amazes me how many people think that more guns equals less violence.




You're a former officer, right? There are many people in law enforcement who would like to be the only ones with guns. A logical-enough position -- it would make their job safer.

However, they are not in law enforcement to be safe, but to protect the public. Unfortunately, they can't be everywhere at once, and sometimes criminals, who would also like to be the only people with guns, get there first. Then, it's handy for citizens to have guns of their own.

The National Rifle Association can tell you -- which I suspect you know for yourself -- how many criminal plans are disrupted every year by citizens with guns.  

You are spouting NRA propaganda.  Yes I am a retired police officer.  Many years ago, I was also an NRA member.  I carried a gun on and off duty for 22 years.  Now I do not even own one.  I never said no one but the police should carry guns, and I do not know a single police officer who feels that way.  I am in favor of laws that control the sales of guns.  There are people in our society who should not be allowed to be armed.  The current laws make it impossible to track the sale of firearms to those people.  While a licensed gun dealer must do background checks and cannot sell to felons and mentally ill people, there is no way to prevent YOU from selling him  one.  As long as you believe the paranoid delusion that any record keeping is the first step toward total confiscation, no reasonable controls will be passed.

A study by two New York City cardiologists found that the U.S. has 88 guns per 100 people and 10 gun-related deaths per 100,000 people — more than any of the other 27 developed countries they studied.

Japan, on the other hand, had only .6 guns per 100 people and .06 gun-related deaths per 100,000 people, making it the country with both the fewest guns per capita and the fewest gun-related deaths.

They concluded that more guns do not make people safer.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are approximately 81,300 nonfatal injuries and 31,672 deaths every year involving guns. That works out to about 308 shootings and 86 deaths every day.


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Posted by Wizlish on Saturday, December 6, 2014 9:06 PM

About 5 minutes ago -- local news has apparently interviewed suspect Darnell Williams, "film at 11"... the comments are already rolling in.

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