This is Switzerland: 18 things I learned in 12 days, on about 40 trains, 8 buses, 3 boats, and in no less than 72,000 steps

on Friday, September 27, 2019


From Swiss cheese to American (not even real) cheese ….


Now back in the Dairy State, I’ve had time to reflect on my time in the dairy country. Here is my list of what I learned in Switzerland:

1)      The Swiss Alps are breathtaking, literally and figuratively.

2)      You can park on the sidewalk and walk in the street.

3)      I wish I had the windows that open like doors and have no screens like the ones in virtually every home and hotel. That access to the world outside is like no other.

4)      You can take your dog everywhere.

5)      Construction is everywhere. Apparently, you can improve on perfection.

6)      There is no such thing as bad chocolate.

7)      There are more trains than one could ever dream to ride in two-weeks’ time. The variety and frequencies are astounding.

8)      You can drink glacial water; it's even served at restaurants.

9)      One has not seen a waterfall until he or she has seen a Swiss waterfall.

10)   You can let down your hair at one of several castles across the country.

11)   Nothing compares to mountain air.

12)   The Zurich airport will not allow you to take a cow home to supply yourself with warm milk, chocolate, and the base for muslix, which I quickly became accustomed to.

13)   The Swiss only serve their delicious coffee in teacups ... why? Why? Why?

14)   The cog, in all of its iterations, was a necessary invention to move trains through the extreme grades.

15)   I can have cheese and meat for breakfast if I want to.

16)   The streets of Switzerland have two speeds, stop and go.

17)   You are more likely to be struck by a bicyclist than by a car.

18)   Cars will always stop for pedestrians … except for when they don't.

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