This is Switzerland: Jungfrau Railway — it gets snow higher

on Sunday, September 22, 2019

Everyday of the Special Interest Tours “Switzerland by Rail” is filled to the brim with train rides, from cogs to commuters. The rides are smooth and comfortable no matter where you go. The inter connectivity from trains to buses to boats is something for any passenger train enthusiast to take note. This day, perhaps took the cake on the number of trains we rode from 8:44 a.m. to 6:53 p.m.: nine. You’ve heard of tennis elbow, athlete’s foot, and tension headache? I think of contracted train-rider’s neck. I find myself switching from sides from train to train to give my neck muscles on one side a break. The cherry on top today though was the 360-degree view tag Jungfrau. Once again we boarded at Montreux the Belle Epoque train for Zweisimmen, Lotschberger train for Spiez; then to Interlaken Ost. And then we took the Jungfrau cog railway into the Alps, ending at Jungfraujoch, the highest (underground) railway station in Europe at 11,333 feet. This was the coldest day we’ve experienced in Switzerland. There is snow at Jungfrau. Visitors can go sledding, walk through an ice palace, take in a choice of museums, or simply stand on one of several viewing platforms and drink in the mountain air. The Jungfrau was crowded, much more so than the Gornergrat I wrote about a few days ago. My personal preference is still Gornergrat, where the experience was pure, less “Disney,” and on some levels spiritual. 

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