This is Switzerland: Cuckoo for the Chocolate Train

on Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Chocolate Train, aboard Belle Époque MOB to Montbovon provided comfortable seating, smooth hot chocolate, and flaky and soft chocolate-filled croissants. All of those luxuries are in addition to the mountain views through panoramic windows we’ve now become accustomed to, however, I’m not immune to their beauty and majesty. At Montbovon, the group boarded a bus to Gruyere Gare for a cheese factory tour.Although designed for tourists, the experience was educational and entertaining. From behind glass, you can watch the workers inserting metal rings into the round molds that imprint the Gruyere logo, the vats of cheese being churned at different stages, and finally take in the racks upon racks of cheese curing to the factory’s high standards. The tour includes a sampling of Gruyere cured to six, eight, and 10 months. The group boarded the bus once again to tour the Cailler Nestle chocolate factory, which affords you a similar experience, including several samples of their chocolate. One of the samples actually came off the candy slicer and wrapping machine, placed on a dish, and served to the observers. Mmmm fresh! You board the bus once again to Gruyere village, where you can eat, shop, and visit a castle or one of a few different musuems. I took in the H.R. Giger museum. Giger is the designer of the creations in the Alien movie series (celebrating its 40th anniversary this year since the debut of the first film) and fabulously twisted, an incredible visionary artist with a futuristic flare. The museum houses his works from the late ‘60s to the ‘90s as well as his private collection of art that he loved. After one more bus ride back  to Montbovon, we boarded a train to Montruex.

See or for more photos.

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