Children’s holiday artwork featuring trains

on Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Nothing warms my heart more than looking at children’s artwork. It’s so innocent, intense, and uninhibited. Furthermore, I love to see railroads as the focus. Talgo sent its holiday email greeting by way of the winner of their holiday art contest. Here’s 12-year-old Roland Richards’ Talgo-themed Christmas card. Great job, Roland! Here are other winners from Talgo's contest.

Trains are so relevant to our lives in so many ways and can be shared with our children and grandchildren especially at this time of year. Whether its one of the holiday trains coming through your town, a Santa express train to ride, a model train around the Christmas tree, an opportunity to travel by train to visit family or see the holiday lights in the city, or any number of great gifts centered on the hobby, I hope you are sharing your love for railroads with the littles in your life.

I have two pieces of art in my office that my daughter made many years ago. They’re not just for the holidays. I look at them every day. One is the cover of my binder that I keep all of the production schedules and statuses for all Trains’ products. She was 7 when she made this.

The other is ever-so-familiar noodle art! I think she was 5 when she made this one. I love to see what kids picture in their minds that trains look like or how they function.

Please share your child’s train artwork with me at I’d love to see it.

If you have a budding railfan in your life, we have two children’s train magazines, DVDs, puzzles, and other gifts to delight them for the holidays. Check them all out here. Also, be on the look out for a brand-new product out early next year: Great Railroads Flashcards. What a perfect way to have fun and learn about railroads.

Here’s hoping trains are part of your holiday celebrations with the children in your life! Let me know what your plans are below.

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