Don't listen to the old farts (all the time)

Posted by Brian Schmidt
on Friday, November 11, 2016

Last weekend I went out to explore a new (to me) photo spot: Lake interlocking on the south side of Milwaukee. At one time the Milwaukee Road had a small yard and interlocking tower here. Today, College Avenue – the dividing line between Milwaukee proper and suburban Oak Creek – sails overhead leaving a view of just the double track main line, a single siding, and a sign in place of the wood frame tower.

Sure, it could be better. Those wires could go away, and the Milwaukee airport Amtrak stop, way up in the distance short of the next overpass, could be a little clearer. Overall, however the current scene fit my needs just fine.

Yet, the old timers around Milwaukee kept telling me that it was no good, that Lake's glory days were behind it, only to be seen in speed-blurred Kodachromes from the 1950s and 1960s.

I'm happy with my shot here, and I'm happy to have disregarded the "advice" of the curmudgeon crowd. More importantly, I'm happy to contribute to the ongoing story of railroad history by recording this moment in time at Lake.

I know the railfans of the future will thank me for it.

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