Tom’s Montana Protest: Montana Rail Link’s Paradise Local

Posted by tdanneman
on Friday, September 30, 2011

Montana Rail Link Paradise Local

A Montana Rail Link GP9 awaits the call to duty in Paradise, Montana.


Well, I’m back from Montana. What a wonderful trip it was! Of course, we saw trains, but we also caught plenty of fish, and we even camped a couple of nights. It simply was one of the best all-around trips I’ve had. It was made even better by being able to spend time with my brother and friends. At various times, we had a group of seven of us, including Kent Johnson (Classic Toy Trains and Model Railroader associate editor) and Drew Halverson (Trains graphic designer).

Even though it was one of the best trips ever, I was happy to come home to my beautiful family. But as I go through the photos that I took on the trip, I find myself drifting away in them, and my thoughts turn to planning the next trip. Unfortunately, I just don’t know when that will be. So I thought it would be fun to share one photo of my trip every week until I depart for Montana once again. I guess I look at it like my way of holding a protest, or going on strike until I get my way and I depart for Big Sky Country once again. I hope it is sooner than later so I don’t bore everyone silly. Along the way, I will try to give everyone some information, and other tidbits about each photograph. So come along, and join me in my protest!

After a long plane ride from Milwaukee the evening before, my brother Mike and I awoke in St. Regis, Mont. We knew the Paradise Local would be running, so that was our target. We headed over to Paradise and found the local power (GP9s 113, and 127) parked next to the depot. We had been here many times, but we noticed something new. Hanging just below the Paradise sign on the depot was some sort of bovine skull (sorry, I’m not much of a rancher). That made a nice prop for our first photos of the trip.


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