Drew's Fantastic Train Photo Adventure, July 2011

Posted by D-Halv
on Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wisconsin Southern grain train to Chicago

From April 2011, downtown Milwaukee, WI at sunset. Wisconsin Southern grain train to Chicago running on Canadian Pacific’s C&M line. Drew Halverson photo

As a photographer, I often find myself looking for new challenges, ways to push the envelope and come away with images that I wouldn't have thought were possible. In the railroading arena, this plight is quite challenging, especially when you've shot a certain area most of your life. In my case, I'm familiar with the Milwaukee area, and to a broader extent, Southeast Wisconsin. I know I haven't shot it all, but I feel like I'm pretty close to doing so. However, I believe there is more to be had out there. It's just a matter of trying. So, during the month of July, I'm going to push the limits of my photography, my geographic area, and its railroad industry. My mission is to traverse this territory that I call home, filled with so much familiarity, and come away with 31 unique photos, all with different perspectives of the railroad scene. If I have a shot like it already, it won't count.

Another big part of my project is you. Look for my blog here on a nearly daily basis. I intend to post a photo and my observations while capturing it. I'd also like your participation. Let's talk railroading, photography, Milwaukee, and ... Denver Broncos even! If you have ideas and/or questions, please feel free to share them. I'm really looking forward to getting out there and making this productive for not only me, but all the rail photographers following along. 

I'll see you on July 1!

Editor's note: We'll post each photo to the Flickr set "Drew's Fantastic Train Photo Adventure, 2011" as well as on our Facebook Page, and you can follow along on Twitter by using the "#halvphoto" hashtag.


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