QUOTE: Originally posted by CBQ_Guy I'm wondering how the MDC Harriman cars may work on his layout.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Scottydog Personally, I use Roco cars. They look very good on 18" curves. Walthers carries a nice selection.
QUOTE: Originally posted by dehusman If you go to : http://davehusman.tripod.com And go to the Rolling Stock Photo Album, the first picture will be several passenger cars. The top one is a roundroof RPO kitbashed from Athearn cars. It doesn't have the modified center sill. Notice the right end of the centrer sill. The bottom car is another kitbashed Athearn car with the modified center sill. Notice how the taper goes all the way to the truck bolster. If you look closely on the left end you can see the tapered piece. When you put the car on the tracks, its in the shadows and becomes invisible. OBTW, if too many people try to access teh tripod site it will shut down and deny you access, if it does, wait a day or two and try again.
Dave H. Painted side goes up. My website : wnbranch.com
QUOTE: Originally posted by dehusman On an Athearn car if you cut a piece of plastic sheet to the same slope as the center sill and glue it in the center of the car, you can have the look of a continous center sill, but it will not obstruct the trucks from turning.
QUOTE: Originally posted by CP5415 Have you tried Athearn's passenger cars? They work well in tight curves. Gordon
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