QUOTE: Originally posted by BentnoseWillie I paint almost exclusively with acrylics - mainly Polly Scale, but I also use ModelFlex, Testors acrylic, and Tamiya as needed. I generally thin with Polly S Airbru***hinner or distilled water, in that order. The best masking tape I've found is made by Tamiya. It's very low-tack and very thin and flexible - I think it's made from rice paper. I also have used 3M Automotive Refinishing masking tape (available at auto parts stores that carry painting supplies), but greatly prefer Tamiya. It's essential to get a good seal - I usually burnish down the edge of the tape carefully, and when in doubt use a quick spray of teh first colour to seal the tape before spraying the second colour.
Modeling B&O- Chessie Bob K. www.ssmrc.org