Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
QUOTE: Originally posted by bubbachilders So the other day while in the LHS I saw some train stuff and it got me to thinking what is the appeal oft Model Railroads? so I started researching on the net and magazines and that was it ..I had to get a I ordered one of the cheapo Bachmann HO Sets with a Diesel Rig (EMD FT Diesel) to start off slow until I decide how far I want to get into it. I realize I will replace every part of it in time but I don't care if I get way into the hobby I can give it to my nephew If I don't I spend 45 bucks My questions are: 1.The track I am getting is the EZ Track and before I start building a small layout I just wanted to know if this is decent track to start off with or if I should get something else, I don't want to invest in a bunch of track and then find out it's a waste of money.
QUOTE: 2. What other trains( ie time era) could I use with my set (Santa Fe Superchief) and be correct. I have read a little and know how some stuff is in use for years beyond it's prime.
QUOTE: 3. I live in San Diego are there any good resources for Trains / Model trains here. I know there is a model railroad museum which I plan on going but don't know if there are any newbie friendly places to see layouts and ask questions. Thanks Bubba