QUOTE: Originally posted by bubbachilders So the other day while in the LHS I saw some train stuff and it got me to thinking what is the appeal oft Model Railroads? so I started researching on the net and magazines and that was it ..I had to get a set...so I ordered one of the cheapo Bachmann HO Sets with a Diesel Rig (EMD FT Diesel) to start off slow until I decide how far I want to get into it. I realize I will replace every part of it in time but I don't care if I get way into the hobby I can give it to my nephew If I don't I spend 45 bucks My questions are: 1.The track I am getting is the EZ Track and before I start building a small layout I just wanted to know if this is decent track to start off with or if I should get something else, I don't want to invest in a bunch of track and then find out it's a waste of money.
QUOTE: 2. What other trains( ie time era) could I use with my set (Santa Fe Superchief) and be correct. I have read a little and know how some stuff is in use for years beyond it's prime.
QUOTE: 3. I live in San Diego are there any good resources for Trains / Model trains here. I know there is a model railroad museum which I plan on going but don't know if there are any newbie friendly places to see layouts and ask questions. Thanks Bubba
Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.