QUOTE: Originally posted by ericsp I have never see a model railroad company commercial. I did hear commercials for Hobbytown USA back in mid-December.
"No soup for you!" - Yev Kassem (from Seinfeld)
QUOTE: Originally posted by ericboone Does anybody remember the advertisements for the Tyco "Super Train"? The "Super Train" was more like a slot car set than a train set. If I remember correctly, it climbed walls and jumped.
QUOTE: Originally posted by tatans MRR is a very, very limited category, it all boils down to exposing their product only to avenues where MRR people may see them, (not a bad idea) conversley, would a company that makes water tap parts advertise in a beauty products magazine, not likely, and I'm sure they can't afford to buy ad time on Oprah. It's all bucks out there now !
QUOTE: Originally posted by vsmith Last one I remember on TV was years and years ago, a Tyco commercial for their Absolutely Horrible "Chattanooga Choo Choo" set, the one that had the powertrain in the tender? Even had a cover of the old song, but boy that was a lame trainset, part of Tyco's last gasps before vaporizing...
Have fun with your trains
If one could roll back the hands of time... They would be waiting for the next train into the future. A. H. Francey 1921-2007
The Mary Lindsay Railroad - Featuring Amtrak Model Trains Your HO Rail Journey Starts Here.........
www.marylindsayrr.vze.com (Last Update: 5/31/12)