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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 9:46 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have a short stack of blueberry pancakes with real NYS Maple Syrup, a couple breakfast sausages, and my usual dark roast coffee in my R&GV RR mug.  Thank you Ma'am!

I have to get busy with the rest of the lawn before it decides to rain again.  Just sitting here printing some stuff needed at the Scholarship dinner.  Only have to do the tickets and they won't take long.

Zoe, I'll pay up muy tab yhis morning....   WHAT!  $805.93!!!!???!!!!  Oh, that's right I said I would pay for Barry's supper last night.  (Shoulda known better...)



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 9:34 AM

Good morning. 

Barry ... How could I possibly get such a thought? 

Bear ... Thanks for more videos. 




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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 7:05 AM

Good Morning

Cooler morning today...going to 50F then going up to 54F later the sun.

Have a bunch of gotta buys and gotta do's today...right now not much of anything.

Garry: How dare you assume that I would be a chowhound on Ray's ticket. I never did that....Whistling

Chloe, I'll have an Earl Gray Breakfast Tea with toast and jam please...

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by "JaBear" on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 6:04 AM
Gidday Chloe, just my usual please.
 Good to hear all that hard work put into setting up the convention was well worth it Ray.
Tonight we visit the capital of New Zealand, Wellington, and do a bit of train spotting.
Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them.


Cheers, the Bear.Smile

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, May 18, 2015 11:35 PM

Ray ... You are picking up Barry's tab ! .... That could be very, very expensive ! Did you win the lottery ? 




I also pulled out a PK2 kit from my stash and will start on it soon. It is a 50' box car kit. I bought a new side cut sprue cutter so must try it out on those grab irons. 

CN Charlie



CN Charlie ... Those fragile plastic grab irons are troublesome. I hope the sprue cutter works for you. ... A few weeks ago I opened up a P2K stock car kit i had in storage for quite some time. Instead of a sprue cutter I heated an Xacto #11 blade and slice with it. The hot blade sliced through esily. ... However, I ended up making grab irons out of thin brass wire because the plastic grab irons were too frustrating. 

The completed GN stock car is coupled next to the locomotive in this picture.




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Posted by howmus on Monday, May 18, 2015 10:34 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie, just a refill for my cup of decaf please....  Put Barry's meal on my tab, OK?

Ah, yes, the 24th. of May.....  Only it happened on the 18th. this year?

I've been hard at w*rk most of the day.  Got the programs run off for the Scholarship dinner, mowed half the lawn (in between rain and thunderboomers), and just spent a couple hours getting some of the photos ready to put into the Slide Show for the dinner.  We had a major line of storms come through the area a couple hours ago.  There were warnings for localized flooding and strong lightning...  I shut down the computers and put away items from the Convetion while that was going on.

Have gotten a couple emails today complimenting the Division on the Convention.  Nice to get positive feedback, and both of these were from people who attend a lot of Conventions in the NMRA...  Aslo found out that the Asst. Superintendent took a fall yesterday while his layout was open and hit his head hard.  Our treasurer who is also a fireman and knows first aid and emergency situations. arrived just about the time this happened.  he didn't see the accident but after a few minutes the gent said he had a good sixed bump on hios head.  The Fireman looked at it, told him to shut down the 3 trains he had going and get upstairs for an ice pack.  The guy who fell was lucid and acted normal and he didn't think much more than to make sure his wife was home and tell him if he has any trouble to get to the emergency room.  On the way home he started thinking he should have insisted he get to the emergency room or the Urgent Care place nearby.  He called several times and got no one.  He figured maybe he went to the Urgent care place.  Called back in the morning and talked to the guys wife.  Yep, he went to the Urgent Care facility where they took a look at him, then ran down a list of conditions.  Turns out that if two conditions were in the bad catagory he was going to the Emergency room.  Being over 60 is one....  He ended up getting 5 of the answers in the not good catagory and they called 911 and he got an ambulabnce ride to Rochester General Hospital.  After an EKG, a CAT Scan, and blood work he got released and was sent home with his wife to wake him during the night to check on him.  He has to see his GP tomorrow for the results....  He says it was a great weekend until 4:30PM!

Hope all of you have a great night!  Prayers for all in need...


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Monday, May 18, 2015 9:35 PM

Good Evening

Got everything off the ground tonight and now I is just restin' 'dem ol' bones...for now...

The outdoor concerts were kinda weird. First set was semi-acoustic and the second one was full band. Both 45 minutes long...Whistling

Fireworks were attended by over 300 people here...

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by JeremyB on Monday, May 18, 2015 5:10 PM

Evening guys

a warm one here today,33c and to think last week we had frost a couple days.

i was off today and yesterday and managed to get some weathering done so that is good. I just didn't feel like baking in the sun today. I probably won't get any more modelling time now until next weekend or maybe a little In the evenings. 

talk to you fellas later 

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Monday, May 18, 2015 1:54 PM


My Father-in-law pulled all of his own teeth as well. He was the town Vet although he didn't have the education he was very talented and had the tools and sometimes he used them on himself.

YGW, CN Charlie is right but he missed a few holidays, the year goes like this.

New Years Day,

Family day in mid Feb.  not Valentines.

Good Friday

Easter Sunday

Victoria Day in May.   around the 24th, give or take.

Canada Day,   July 1st.

First Monday in Aug.   not all get this.

Labor Day,  First week end in Sept.

Thanksgiving,  Floats around in Oct.

Rememberance Day,  Nov 11th

Christmas Day

Boxing Day, day after Christmas,  not all get this.

Most are paid holidays, but sometimes it has a connection to Union Agreements. For instance some may take the Feb. Family or Heritage Day in lieu of the Aug. holiday or vise versa.

Whatever you had I hope it was a great week end.  It wasn't very nice here but I guess much better than what North Dakota and Manitoba had.  We sure don't want any more snow.

I had the last three days off and tomorrow off but had to work the Stat today, but I do get double time for it, so that is great.

BYW, I did get my mine truck chained down on that depressed center flat car and it looks pretty good. Will try and get a pix of it here before long.

Keep Smiling Gang, it looks good on ya.   Smile, Wink & Grin

Johnboy out......................... for now

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by CNCharlie on Monday, May 18, 2015 12:04 PM

Good Morning,

Well we just had a major storm here for the past 2 days. It was what we call a Colorado low as that is where our major low pressure storms usually originate. Lots of rain, wind, and that is followed by cold air coming from the north so the high today is about 35F. 

YGW, our statutory holidays are paid holidays by all employers. Labour laws here specify that employers must pay all full time employees for such holidays. We have a few different ones, such as Victoria Day, August 'bank', Boxing Day, etc. but probably a similiar number. Victoria Day is to celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday which is actually on the 24th. It is a holdover from the time when Canada was more closely tied to Great Britain although we still are to an extent as the Queen is the head of state. 

Been running a few trains and now have pushed all freight to the sidings as it is the turn of passenger on the Mortimer sub. We had dinner with our friends in England who live in Mortimer. The don't know it but they also live in a house on my layout. I also pulled out a PK2 kit from my stash and will start on it soon. It is a 50' box car kit. I bought a new side cut sprue cutter so must try it out on those grab irons. 

Well not much on the agenda today, not going out anywhere so it might be another fire day as in the fireplace. 

Hope we see a few of the MIA's such as Tom in PA to mention just one. I was wondering if he is still doing his weekend railfanning.

CN Charlie

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Posted by yougottawanta on Monday, May 18, 2015 11:35 AM

Ken - Isnt taht just like a Y6 ! Couldnt kill those beast ! LOVE the photos of the B&O !

Ray - good to see you back

Lion - Snow ! Snow ! Send some here it is stinking hot humid 90+ degrees

UP831 - When you get done helping your family move come my way Whistling. Still not finished moving Bang Head.

Galaxy - Will keep you prayer. In the meantime watch out for the frying pan express !

CN Charlie - OUCH ! OUCH ! Really pulled his own tooth ?

Johnboy - Some of us get some holidays like Memorial day ( honor fallen veterans ), Labor day, Christamas ( not Xmas) , Thanksgiving, new years day, Independence day, George Washington day (AKA Presidents day ) , Columbus day, Martin Luther King day, Columbis day. In construction unless you are upper management you get very few days off and if you take them generally speaking you dont get any pay. Of course governemet is very generous with your money and pays their workers to be off every holiday and you get to pay for them to be off. What is Victoria day ? How many holidays does Canada celebrate ?

I think one more weekend of moving and we will be complete - then I think I will head in to the docs to get some relief for my aching back !!!

Gotta head back to w**k



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Posted by howmus on Monday, May 18, 2015 10:24 AM

I'm Baaaaaaccccckkkkkk!!!

  Mornin' everybody!

Slept about 9 hours last night which starts to make up for the major deficite of sleep time over the weekend....  Nice day here in the Finger Lakes Region, but will be hot (85°F) and muggy.

Weekend went very, very well with only a few screw-ups.  There were some mistakes in the program handbook (of course the guy who out it together for us was still trying to get information the day before the Convention...).  Some clinic rooms were listed wrong and at the last minute we had to change one room to a different room as the college had something else in there on Friday.  Saturday we got to use the room again.  We didn't list the time and place to get the bus to the Museum(s) and one person didn't get the word (we went to each convention room twice to announce it).  I felt really bad about that and refunded his fee for the tour...  He came back and donated it back, saying that he should have asked about it much earlier...  We got a great bunch of Model Railroaders there!  Clinics were all superb! The layout tours went well (I only got to a half dozen of them).  My favorite of the whole bunch was Harold Russell's latest creation.  He is in his mid 80's and the old master hasn't lost his touch.  Besides, he is a great gentleman!  His clinic created more laughter than the rest of them combined.  His clinic was on "Field Measuring".  He showed how he does it and told many humerous stories of stituations he has run into in the over 50 years he has been doing this. It was the only clinic I took time off to attend... Anyway, had some rave reviews (one from a National Board Member) so I guess it was a great weekend.

Now I have turned 100% of my attention to the 2 weeks worth of stuff I have to get done before Wednesday for the Scholarship Dinner.  Programs are printing as I type.

Have a great day everyone!



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Monday, May 18, 2015 9:50 AM





Monday? what is this Monday that ewe speak of.

Snow? Snow? Really? Wet White stuff on the grass and in the garden.

Looks like somebody was trying to put frosting on their Monaday Morning.

Frosted Flaky Monday 2 ewe 2.



The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Monday, May 18, 2015 8:48 AM

Morning, all.  Monday?  Well, that means tomorrow is hockey.  Yay!

I'm in a rut, train-wise.  I need to start a project.  I'll probably either get started on the scenic cover for my staging tracks, or build up the old-time rooming house kit that's going to be a saloon.  In an ideal world, I would have a dual-era layout just by swapping trains and vehicles, but that movie theater is just too modern, so I'll swap that out too and put the saloon on the corner.  That will give me a chance to install the old Miller Engineering "Theater" sign and maybe some lighting on the theater itself.

Ken, let Dave know we're thinking about him, if it's OK to let him know you talk about him on the train forums.  It's kind of like "House," the doctor show where everyone's trying to figure out what's wrong with the patient.  Not being able to stay awake at work could indicate a serious circulatory problem, or maybe it's just too much Letterman.

Dave's problem could also be a side effect of medication.  I had similar symptoms on both Atenolol (for blood pressure) and Metformin (Type 2 diabetes.)  The patient has to advocate for himself on this stuff.  There are alternate medications that should work without the bad side effects, but you've got to tell the doctor and ask for a change.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by up831 on Monday, May 18, 2015 6:21 AM

Good Morning Diners,

Flo, my usual, please.

Yesterday helped son and DIL move into their new place.  Move went fairly smoothly and all of the in-laws were involved except MOH who was attending a graduation.  I'm not as young and limber as I used to be and boy, did I feel it.  Afterwards, went home and straight to bed.  Even though I took an aspirin I'm still a little stiff this morning.

 Their new place is conveniently across the street from the old C&NW now UP mainline into the city.  About every 30-45 minutes there was a train going by.  If I lived there, I'd be in heaven, sort of.  Get myself a chaise lounge, cooler, reading material (of course, MR) and sit back and watch the parade.  Ok, that's not reality, but nice to dream about.

Well, have to hobble in to work.

i hope everyone is OK and safe.

Less is more,...more or less!

Jim (with a nod to Mies Van Der Rohe)

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Monday, May 18, 2015 5:31 AM

Good Morning

Going to be another warm muggy day here with the ever popular 40% of little dribblebits falling.

We might get a chance to carry off our May 24 weekend firework display as well as my bands two outdoor permitting, of course. Whistling

Chloe, I'll have the 12 egg special with 4lbs of bacon and hash browns please...I'll be at the RC for a bit. MischiefWhistling

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by "JaBear" on Monday, May 18, 2015 4:37 AM
Gidday Chloe, I see things have been rather quiet in here, I just hope Vinnie doesn’t look at laying off staff, though I guess Barrys snack would have kept the cook and chief potato peeler busy for a while, and with the warmer temperatures I would hope that everyone was out getting  a top up of vitamin D.
Todays visit is to the Feilding & District Steam Rail Society, the featured steam locomotives being F163, 0-6-0T, built 1881; X442, 4-8-2, built 1909, and Wab794, 4-6-4T, built 1927. The Wab, (pronounced Wob as in Bob) were tank versions of the Ab Pacifics, but with a four wheel trailing truck.
Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them.
Cheers, the Bear.Smile

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by cudaken on Sunday, May 17, 2015 6:46 PM

 Evening Dinners

 Flo, Beer Please

 Pretty Boring Day. Dave called off today thank goodness and he told me he is seeing a Doctor Monday! For his family sake, I hope they find out what is really wrong with him.

 Other than work beening real slow, nothing to type about tonight.



I hate Rust

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, May 17, 2015 6:00 PM

had a headache turn into a migraine.I think the nasty rainy weather we had.Took 2 of my script pills for it. That means it was bad enough to take them.

MOH's hip is bothersome too.

TOmorrow is counselling we will see how it goes. Maybe we WON'T be going away next weekend after all. we'll see.

Still planning on it. though.

we will see if we don't kill each other first. I guess.


Black Eye

-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, May 17, 2015 3:17 PM

Good Afternoon.

Back from running around the past few days doing the band thing...seems to be doing pretty good right now...

Sunny and warm for this afternoon...getting up to 77F feeling like 82F.

Chloe, I'll have a 64 oz. prime rib dinner with the wheelbarrow of mashed 'taters and veggies as well as a barrel full of RBF as well, please...oh, and I'll also have 6 SRP's too, please. Mischief Whistling Dinner

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, May 17, 2015 10:12 AM

Good morning .. 

Galaxy .. Oh. I get it. You are all thumbs.. LOL .. I'm a klutz myself.

Bear .... Thanks for this train ride too. Looks like you have something to do on weekends when you  can. 


Ken ... I have some coal hoppers to weather and will look at those in your photo as an example of how the insides should look. 




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Posted by "JaBear" on Sunday, May 17, 2015 5:58 AM
Just a quick visit tonight, early start tomorrow.
That’s a great photo for weathering inside hoppers Ken.

Heartland Division CB&Q
It would be fun to go to NZ and ride trains..........

Yes it is, and one day I hope to get the time to ride on some of them Garry.
Tonight’s or today’s, depending on where you are in relation to theInternational Date Line, visit is to the Silverstream Railway Museum.
Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them.
Cheers, the Bear.

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, May 17, 2015 4:31 AM


lissom or lissome




adjective: Agile; graceful.


Alteration of lithesome, from Old English lithe (flexible, mild) + -some (having a particular quality). Earliest documented use: 1800.




“Jorjie, still a comparatively lissom 13 stone, fills that niggling gap between lunch and dinner with two Mars Bars melted over a bowl of ice cream and Adam (19 stone) consumes 28 litres of fizzy drinks a week. Their parents, with one honourable exception, seem to regard these excesses as an intractable natural mystery.”
Thomas Sutcliffe; Last Night’s TV; The Independent (London, UK); Apr 5, 2007.

“Gyorgy Faludy dumped Eric for a lissom poetess more than 60 years his junior.”
Gyorgy Faludy; The Economist (London, UK); Sep 14, 2006.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, May 17, 2015 4:27 AM

Heartland Division CB&Q


Galaxy ... I would not think you would have to disable the pad to use a mouse. 

Garry, I don't HAVE to disable the falt mouse pad, I WANT to, I keep hitting it with mythumbs and causing weird things to happen to what I am typing or it get totally erased!


So, I want to disable it and use the cute red portable travel mouse, which self stores the usb wireless nub inside itself.

thats all


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by cudaken on Saturday, May 16, 2015 8:26 PM

 Evening Dinners

 Flo, Beer please and keep them coming!

 What a day working at the loney ben. Dave was there in body only, he was pretty much just a MEAT SACK! Twices today he feel a sleep while I had customers!  It not that he just node off, NO. He had his feet up on the desk, all the way leaned back in my offices chair and the customers could see him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bang Head

 I asked him the first time to please stay up right in the chair while I have customers and they had seen him asleep. Bam, off to the races! Dave first said he was not asleep and I was making the whole thing up because the customers did not buy! Then he started cussing me (Dave never swears), at that point I called the main offices.

 Nancy talked with Dave (I told Kamerain either he goes home or I do) and I handed the phone to Dave, that is when Nancy picked up and spoke to Dave. After the call, Dave said he was sorry (I never got to tell Nancy what happened) he blew up. I then stated "Dave, just stay a wake when I have a customer please. He then said "I was not a sleep so shut up"? Whistling

 Then he fell a sleep again when I was with yet another customer! Whistling This time he could not say he was not asleep, he woke up after I had to lean over him to get a ticket and my customer was standing right there with a Grin on her faces! Laugh

 After Dave got off, I called Nancy and asked her to do me a Favor. I told her I was really worried about Dave, something is wrong. I asked her to call Daves wife and get Dave some help. He is a mess, and if he loses this job, he will never keep a job with another company! Nancy did call and I hope to learn something in the next few day's.

 Later, Ken



I hate Rust

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, May 16, 2015 6:30 PM

Good evening. 

I can tell we are getting old. We had an invitation to go to our neices graduation on the kitchen counter for about three weeks. We intended to go but we forgot. It was in Tennessee today. We both feel badly for not going. 

Bear ... That is another nice video. I like the old train station, and the ride looks like a good one. It would be fun to go to NZ and ride trains evidently. 

Todd ... Watch out for bird droppings.

CN Charlie ... A little white glue sounds like a good way to make the "ropes" stiff. 

Galaxy ... I would not think you would have to disable the pad to use a mouse. 


Happy Model Railraoding, everybody.  





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Posted by CNCharlie on Saturday, May 16, 2015 10:36 AM

Good Morning,

A lovely day here with a high of about 70F but then it will be turning nasty with a lot of rain, cold and even a possibility of that white stuff. 

Todd, nice to see you in the diner. 

Galaxy, glad the tooth issue is resolved. My wife's grandfather did his own dentistry and when he needed a tooth pulled just grabbed a pair of pliers. I never met him but he was a large, very strong man. 

Well I got the mooring lines for the tug boat done and they turned out well. I used heavy thread that I rubbed with white glue to stiffen up an bit and make the loops in the lines. Been running trains a bit with the light mountain. Funny that it is now my oldest loco that I've had for just about 10 years. The new mike has arrived but not here. It was delivered to my friend in Minnesota yesterday. I likely won't get down to pick it up until July. 

Hope everyone is well.

CN Charlie

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Saturday, May 16, 2015 10:23 AM

Happy Saturday.  It means little to me these days.  We DVR everything we watch on TV to skip the commercials, so we don't even need to sync our clocks to the networks.

Rats.  My blood sugar was back up again, so I can't manage it with exercise alone.  Now I'm on Glyburide.  So far, much better than the Metformin.  The warning is that it's easy to go hypoglycemic (blood sugar too low) and I think I felt that yesterday morning.  Had some fruit and instantly felt better.  I can live with that.

Galaxy, there should be a way to disable your touchpad.  Google "disable laptop touchpad" and maybe add the brand of laptop as well.  I remember a laptop I had for work.  The touchpad wasn't a problem for me, but it also had a little mini-joystick thing nestled in between the G, H and B.  I was always brushing against it while typing, and it would move the cursor somewhere, which cause me to be a "curser" on more than one occasion.  I figured out how to disable it.

As for the tooth - we were watching "Americans" last night.  It's about a pair of Russian deep-cover spies in the 1980s, posing as a married couple with 2 kids who run a travel agency.  "Elizabeth" had a run in with the FBI and broke a couple of teeth, but they knew the FBI would be watching doctors and dentists, so "Philip" pulled the teeth, downstairs in the laundry room with a pair of pliers and a stiff drink for anesthetic.  Elizabeth, incidently, is a tough cookie and the two FBI guys fared worse than she did.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, May 16, 2015 10:22 AM

well, it is done, I am minus one tooth stub. I got ther just down the street for the clinic. had to wait form 6:45 to 10:45 to get in though.

Quick and easy yanking!

Now maybe the dull ache of a headache will go away. Hopefully I don't get  a dry socket!! Had one once NO FUN.

well, at least the pulling is "out of the way' WAS to be next friday just before going away, so gladd it has  a week to heal. Would be NO FUN haivng to eat only soup whilest awy.

Heaking for htose in need.

well, since i slept only 3 hours last night, I 'd bes t go nap now. Then again MOH will be home in about an hour from work and will wnat a nap as well. so maybe I wait.

Get laundry started instead



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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  • From: Williamsville, ILL
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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, May 16, 2015 9:28 AM
Gooooood Morning!!!
Coffee and some breakfast cake please. Thanks.
Wow. Times a flyin again.Surprise
Good to see Jim’s been in, glad things are looking up Jim, I know that last job just seemed to put you down in the dumps a lot. I hope this one works out better.
Welp, been digging around in the back yard and giving away the black raspberry bushesHmm…plants…glumps…twigs, whatever they’re called, and moving the bird poop blackberry plants over to make a nicer patch of blackberries. Been mowing a lot and some other yardwork, and springish home stuff. Brenda’s happy so so am I. Right now I am “on Jury Duty” We have this call and see if you’re needed tomorrow, then call at 11:15 to see if you’re needed in the afternoon, then call again after 5pm to see if you’re needed tomorrow, then repeat as necessary until we say tag, you’re it, or we don’t need any more so thanks for your service you fine American. You can also check online instead of over the phone, which I did this morning. I’ll be calling at 11:15 Monday to see if I have to be there at 1 pm. Kinda obnoxious, but it sure beats showing up every day for 3 or 4 days and sitting all day in a waiting room with 100 other irate people who are constantly running up to the poor person behind the desk who had NOTHING to do with us being there by the way, and complaining (loudly) because they are losing money from their jobs to just sit there waiting to see if you get called. Hey, we get $15 a day and all the free coffee they'll make. Had worse deals.
Looks like it may not get dry enough to mow today, may be wrong, so I might do something in the basement. Unless the wife decides otherwise of course.
Hope all who are feeling poorly feel better and glad those that were, are.


Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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