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Posted by herrinchoker on Thursday, May 21, 2015 9:58 PM

Wishing everyone a safe Decoration Day-- We will be cleaning some of the cemetaries here on the Island. There are over two dozen different family burial plots, several have men killed during the Civil War. The Eaton family lost two brothers at Getteysburg the last day of the battle.

We had Summer two weeks ago--three consecutive days over 70 deg. I have had a fire most nights, the damp from the water seems to soak into the bones and it is a chore to warm up when it does.

Wishing all a safe and pleasent summer, and to those in the other hemisphere--have a safe and pleasent winter.







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Posted by up831 on Thursday, May 21, 2015 6:50 PM

Good Evening Diners,

Brunhilda, I'll have a glass of what passes for wine, please.

YGW: You mention Sheridan burning for miles.  I knew about Sherman's March to the sea where his army went from Atlanta to Savannah and cut a path 60miles wide burning and destroying anything and everything along the way, but I was unaware that Sheridan did something similar in Virginia.  

Our brothers in Commonwealth countries may not know that in addition to collecting Civil War memorabilia, there's a whole big Civil War re-enactment thing going on here.  People get dressed up in exact replica uniforms, they go out and camp for the weekend in period style tents, etc.  it's kind of like model railroaders wanting to get every last detail Like the original.  They stage mock battles using black powder firearms.  It's really a big thing for some folks.  The major difference is that they all go home and get burgers or pizza and go back to work the next day, unlike the real Civil War.

Nothing else exciting to report today.  I'll check in tomorrow.

I hope everyone is OK and safe.

Less is more,...more or less!

Jim (with a nod to Mies Van Der Rohe)

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Posted by davidmurray on Thursday, May 21, 2015 3:35 PM

That is intersting information thanks for sharing that. What happens when a new person becomes King or Queen ? Do they pick a new day to celebrate the new birthday ?


The holiday in question is called VICTORIA DAY, because in celebrates the birthday of Victoria, Queen-Empress of the British Empire.  See died over 100  years ago.

Elizabeth, Queen of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britian and too many other places to mention, of course has a birthday but it is not officially celebrated in Canada. In Britian it is officially celebrated in June, but  that is not when she was born.

God Save the Queen


David Murray from Oshawa, Ontario Canada
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Posted by yougottawanta on Thursday, May 21, 2015 1:13 PM

That is intersting information thanks for sharing that. What happens when a new person becomes King or Queen ? Do they pick a new day to celebrate the new birthday ? Yes the Civil war here was very sad. I live in an area that has little changed from those days and you can still see the earthworks and the lone chimneys standing from The Northern aggressors - Sheridans ride - through the area where he burned a swath miles and miles wide. There is a large sub culture here who spend time relic hunting for civil war items. They find buttons, guns, swords, lots and lots of bullets etc...

Garry - Yes that is N&W

Ken - understand the thoughts on your coworker but he is still a human and thus worthy of compassion as you said in a different way.

Has anyone heard from Galaxy ?

Gotta run TTYL


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Posted by inch53 on Thursday, May 21, 2015 10:07 AM
Mornin, Zoe could I get some biscuit n gravy and a Irish coffee please dear. It downright chilly out, 45, cloudy, with a N wind at 10-15, plus a chance for a shower or 2; got the heat on again.
Got a bit of rowel going on in town after a high school English teacher took flag down and stepped on it, said he was demonstrating free speech. Needless to say it didn’t go over to well in a small town school.
Been busy here finishing thing up for the legions Memorial Day services Monday. Still gotta pickup a 100 borrowed chairs, 50 on the stage for city band, rest on the floor, with what we already have , it’ll have us 220, but they’ll still be folks standing. Also found out the commander wants me to MC it, said I talk betters than he does. Mother guessed that I do lot a talkin, but never much worth listen too. Course she’s been ignoring me for years.
Baseball’s started so me n mother will be busy helpin with that. She’s on the board here, so I got drafted. We have 1 playin in Paris n 3 here in town.
Trains,, been workin on a Proto, Mathers stockcar, down to grab irons, which is so much fun.
Had some other things ta say, but I best get back ta choirs, thought for those in need, n hope ya’ll has a gooden

DISCLAIMER-- This post does not clam anything posted here as fact or truth, but it may be just plain funny
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Posted by howmus on Thursday, May 21, 2015 9:48 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have the #2 this morning, over easy eggs, bacon, home fries, and a double order of Sour Dough toast to go along with my pot of Marrakesh Exprees dark roast coffee, please.

I think I hvae recovered nicely from last night....  Actually the Scholarship dinner went very well.  The Keynote Speaker was one of our recipients back in 2004.  He grew up right across the street from me.  His father worked for the local schools in several positions back when I was teaching and his mother was also a recipient of the MLK Scholarship when she graduated from High School.  This is the 40th. year of the Scholarships.  The speaker went to the University of Buffalo and is the only person to be the Drum Major of the "Thunder of the East" marching band for 4 years in a row!  His degree was not in Music, but he and his two brother's are all excellent (Professional) musicians locally.  He is now the Organist/Lead Musician at his church here.  I taught all three of the kids in Middle School and have to say I am very proud of the kind of caring, honest, and community minded young men they all became.  That is one of the goals of the MLK committee!  One of his Brothers played piano and sang a gospel tune right before the guy spoke to this years winners...  I welled up in tears listening to him....  The speach was entiltled "Be prepared for the Process" and was about how life often doesn't turn out the way you thought it would, and that's OK.  He was planning on teaching Language at a college....  His career is working with Handicapped people as a Community Habilitation Specialist with Happiness House (Cerebral Palsy Center) and as a Teacher Aide at the local BOCES.

I have an appointment at the hearing Center at 11:30 today to see what happened to the little wax screen that didn't come out of my ear attached to the hearing aid like it is supposed to be.....  Also a couple other things to be repaired and cleaned too.

While that deadlines are now passed for the many things I am part of, I still have to get busy with my garden.  No Model Railroading until after the weekend I guess...  Will be on Train Crew tonight for the Museum's monthly meeting.

Catch you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Thursday, May 21, 2015 8:49 AM

Good morning ... 

Frank .... Sorry to hear about Ken. Prayers for him. I spent a little of time in that forum and other ones Jeff particpated in when Jeff was fighting his illness. ... Thanks for commenting in my wheel cleaner thread. I suspect some people did not take time to read the easy instructions. 

Ken ... Glad your individual sales volume was good. Sounds like the company is not doing well. I think the overall economy is still sluggish, and that explains why sales are down in many businesses. 

YGW ... I assume that's a N&W locomotive you are talking about.

Bear ... Thanks for more videos. 

Mr. B .... I recall serving on a Jury when we lived in Michigan. It was a civil case pertaining to a car accident. 


Model Railroading.....  I'm busy getting two more Walthers CB&Q cabooses ready for the layout. Installing the tiny grab irons means drilling a lot of itty bitty holes. One of the two is completed. Just beginning the second. ... When done, I will have  total of six Walthers CB&Q cabooses. (Burlington called them "way cars".) 






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Posted by Packer on Thursday, May 21, 2015 8:42 AM

Morning Guys

Though I'd stop in since I have a fair amount of time today.

That old AHM 4-6-2 I got has a rather nasty hitch in it's get-along. I put in a motor from an IHC (direct swap), but that doesn't seem to help. Then I noticed some of the drivers weren't on the axles right. A friend said I should make bearings. I have an idea how to make bearings, but I don't have a puller though (never finised making one, have yet to lathe down the end of a bolt to like 1.5mm)

other than that, not a whole lot going on. Been too busy to do much else.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by zstripe on Thursday, May 21, 2015 6:31 AM

Starting to feel much better.....will just have a spot a tea and a slice of Chocolate Satin pie. Thanks Bear.....nice vid's.

Take Care All! Big Smile


PS. Maybe You guy's could light some candles and say a few prayer's for our friend at Jeffrey Wimberly's site...He is the guy that took over on Jeff's site ( Ken) after Jeff's passing....He is battling cancer and not doing well at all, He posted here a couple of times for Jeff. Thanks All!



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Posted by "JaBear" on Thursday, May 21, 2015 5:19 AM
Gidday All, cold and damp again tonight so typing this up in front of the fire.
Barry, what sort of music does your band play??
YGW, as a piece of totally useless information for you, New Zealand also has a very similar set up as CNCharlie described, regarding the having the Queen as head of state.
We celebrate the Queen’s Birthday on the first Monday in June each year, which is a paid holiday.
Have read a fair bit about the American Civil War and while no war is good,  civil wars seem to be particularly sad.
As I’m suffering from Ja withdrawal symptoms, and with the magic of the interweb, tonight we’re back in Dunedin.
Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them.
Cheers, the Bear.Smile
Edit. Seeing as I'm top I'll chase the spiders out of my wallet, dust off the credit card, so the eats and drinks are on me. "Of course the cards good Vinnie, it's Honest Bear you're taking to, I wasn't really sidling towards the exit!!!!"

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by cudaken on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 9:18 PM

 Evening Dinners

 Flo, a Beer Please

 Only real thing to talk about right now is work. I had a good day by the current standerds with a mer $2044.00 in sales. Sad part, I did $1,000.00 more than the rest of the company! That is really sad to me, $3000.00 a day will not keep this company a float.

 Dave Front. Dave is in the hospital, which is a good thing. I do hope they find out what the heck is wrong with him. While I hope for the best for him and his family I have mixed emotions. I personally hope not to see him back. I have never been impressed by him and even when I first meet him I was picking up after him all the time! I think the company would be better off if they replaced him, and let me do the training. I have been a trainer many of times in my carrer.

 What small up side there is, I have to work 6 days this week and will miss out on cutting the grass. I sure can use the over time, not that it is that much. Sigh

 YGW Sorry, no idea what the road names are.

 Later, Ken





I hate Rust

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 7:51 PM

Yay, I called in and they don't need any jurors tomorrow.  Here in Massachusetts, if you don't like the day they've assigned you, you can postpone it to any other valid day within a year.  They don't let you pick Fridays, so I intentionally picked the Thursday before Memorial Day weekend.  With luck, I will "age out" of the juror system before the next time I'm called.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by yougottawanta on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 12:13 PM

Richard - somje years ago I visited Gettysburg and the field where Pickets men charged across. I had no idea that the field was so small. I was blown away to think that men marched across there and that close to ten thousand men lost their lives in that small field. Picket blamed Lee for the rest of his life for losing his division.

Ken - Nice picture what road are they ? Good news on Sue. Hope your coworker is okay.

Blown out - that is a tough way to acquire trains but nice haul.

UP831 - You know it is amazing how mony people develop back problems when I invited them to help move ! Whistling

CNCharlie/UP831 -Thanks for teh info. I didnt know Canada was a commonwealth !

Garry - 2-6-6-4 I should receive in the near future. Let you know when I get it. Pretty excited. Did you know that a 2-6-6-4 had better steam at 50 MPH that the larger Y3 ?




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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 11:59 AM


Morning Gang,

I slept in a tad today.  must get hopping here as I have to be at work by 12:30.  So Chloe, when possible, I would like a Double Denver and an order of home fries with whole wheat toast and peanut butter and a HC to wash it down,, Thanks.

YGW,  CN Charlie is right on the Federal scene, but, the Queen also has representation in each of the Pronvinces and Territories.  In the Provinces they are called "Lieutenant Governors" and in the Territories they are called "Commissioners" They are mainly ceremonial but do open the sessions of the Legislator and read the "Speach from the Throne" They would also be called on to parogue the government if the Priemier so wished as if they were in a major stalemate. very rarily happens. They must give Royal assent to any new laws that are passed. Then they hold ceremonies for the many different awards that the Crown or Province or themselves issue.such as, RCMP or Municiple Police Long Service Awards, Volunteer Awards, Architectural Awards and the list goes on and on. They do have a very busy schedule, about 200 days a year they are flying on the Corporate Jet of the Province going everywhere even to the most remote areas where it is about the only contact those people have with us in the South as those communities are fly in only.  They are chosen by the Government in power at the time and are appointed by the Queen. They serve terms of 5 to 6 years, and can be  a man or woman.  Enough of the lesson for now.

Ya, all have a great day,  will check back later.

 johnboy out.....................for now

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 11:04 AM


Zoe, I'll have a breakfast sandwich today.  The one with egg and sausage please.  Oh, a large pot of Seneca Lake Blend Dark roast will nbe needed to wash it down and keep me awake!

I'm taking a break from folding programs for the Scholarship Dinner tonight.  I just got an email from the lady who has done most of the legwork for the dinner (she used to be a secretary at the college where we hold it and has a lot of contacts to get things done for us).  It seems that one person who is getting a special award there tonight has not sent in a choice for the  meal...  She wants to know if the person knows she is supposed to be there.  My reply was that I have never met the person, was not at the meeting where she was selected, and was not asked to contact that individual I have no idea...  Not my job!  I copied the President of the Committee in my response....




Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 9:58 AM

Good morning all.  I'm happy to report that I played another good, solid game of hockey last night.  I ws a bit concerned because it was my first action after starting a new medication last week.  The previous one made me feel overall bad, but this is not hitting me that way at all.  Score another one for being my own advocate and letting my doctor know when my body doesn't like what he's given me.

I've started working on the scenic cover for my staging tracks.  I'm using thin foamboard for this.  It works well for this sort of project, it's very light and adds very little height, which I can't afford to do beneath the angled roof if I want to leave room for the planned scenery above.

I've got jury duty tomorrow.  Hopefully, it will be a one-day affair.  I'd like it a lot better if they paid me $400 an hour and gave the lawyers $16 a day.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by CNCharlie on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 9:18 AM

Good Morning,

Dennis, nice to see you pop into the Diner as I too was wondering how you are doing. 

YGW,  the Queen is represented in Canada by the Governor General who is appointed by the government. The role is largely ceremonial but there are times when the GG might get involved if for instance, all parties elected to the Commons had the same number of seats, then the GG would have to ask one of them to form a government. Other than such a rare instance, the GG and hence the Queen, play no part in the law making of the land. 

Yard work on the agenda today and general house cleaning, so not too exciting. 

See you soon,

CN Charlie


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Posted by up831 on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 6:30 AM

Good Morning Diners,

Flo, I'll have my usual giant cup of coffee with lots of cream, please.

Richard:  Gettysburg is an interesting place.  3 days, 58,000 casualties.  That's as much as we lost in the entire Vietnam war.  If you have the time, Antietam is also worth visiting, and as I mentioned in another post, on the way to Harpers Ferry there are some very old tracks along the Potomac River.  These are  U shaped rails spiked to individual stones which served as ties.

YGW:  As near as I know, the Queen is head of state of all of the countries in the Commonwealth.  I think that was part of the deal for independence.  Perhaps some of our friends can shed more light on this.  As for helping you move, thank you for the kind offer, but I'm still a little sore from the other day.

Big Smile

For those in the frozen north, Dennis really isn't joking about putting on the heater at 60-70F.  When you live in a warm climate like that, your blood thins out and 50F is truly ski jacket weather.  The first winter when I moved to Chicago was the coldest I'd ever been in my life.  The only way I could get warm was to get in a hot shower.

 Well, have to run, perhaps I can check in later.

i hope everyone is OK and safe.

Less is more,...more or less!

Jim (with a nod to Mies Van Der Rohe)

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Posted by "JaBear" on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 4:13 AM
Gidday Chloe, a hot chocolate please. Well her-in-doors lit the fire tonight for the first time this winter. It was overcast and cool this morning but by lunch time it had cleared, the sun was out and it was t shirt and shorts weather but by afternoon smoko it had clouded over and the temperature dropped rapidly, hence tonight’s fire.

Heartland Division CB&Q
Thanks for more videos. 

I’m trying to vary them, just hope that they’re enjoyable and interesting enough.
Tonights visit is to Steam Incorporated, where we see their Da class diesel electric. An EMD G12, 1431 was introduced in 1957.
 Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them.
Cheers, the Bear.Smile

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by RideOnRoad on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 10:27 PM

My wife and I spent the day at Gettysburg. What an incredible experience. 


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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 8:07 PM

Garry: I think it was. He said the layout was in an outbuilding ....

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 7:18 PM

Canadian Dennis... I've been wondering where you were. Hope you are okay. Your post is a blank.

YGW.... Feel free to rtell more bout the 2664 .... " 2-6-6-4 ? "


Barry .... That must have bee na large layout. Atlas RS3's are great (if that is what is there) as well as all of the others. 




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Posted by chochowillie on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 6:36 PM


CDN Dennis 

Modeling the HO scale something or other RR in the shadow of the Canadian Rockies Alberta, Canada

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 6:27 PM

Good Evening

One finger hunt and pecking right along here. The little Spring is cuddled up on my other arm so here I be....typing weird.

It never got anywhere near 50F and stayed dull all day. Maybe tomorrow we will see 50F Whistling mmmmmm....just a coupla days ago we were at 80F and now this....Tongue Tied

Got a bunch of HO scale locomotives tossed at me this afternoon. A bunch of Atlas and Athearn RS's and F units and other such well as a bunch of HO scale buildings. A member of our diner gang had a friend of his die a week ago Angel and left him with his whole layout. This included over 300 lokes and 500 piecces of rolling stock. Tongue Tied A lot of this is going to end up on Eric's layout...once we remotor them and et cetera...

Ray: Well....Whistling it kinda went like this you see....3 wild boars, 200lbs of mashed potatoes and veggies and 35 SRP's....uummmm...Oops`Angel for your friend. Hope things work out for him.


Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...

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Posted by cudaken on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 6:17 PM

 Evening Dinners

 Flo, a Beer I V pleases.

 Not much of a day off.Sigh Sue had to have some test ran today and I was out the door at 8:30 AM and by the time I got her med's I was not home till 5:00 PM. Sue had a problem with her pankaties (Spell Check) year before last. She has some Pollopes (Spell Check From Here Forward) and they wanted make sure they where not cancer. So today she had the test ran. First they stuck a scoop down into her stomach. Looked around and next drew some fluids for the biggest pollope. We will know something in the net few weeks. Dr did say there is no cancer at this point.

 YGW I have not spoke to Dave senes Sunday when he called off. We where all worried that he would not show up to work today. 30 Minutes before closing his wife (Not Dave) said he would be there today. He is going in for more test Wednesday. She has all so noticed he cannot remember smiple things and seem's lost for words. Othere night he fell asleep in his van when he got home and his son had to wake him up.

 Well I am spent.



I hate Rust

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Posted by angelob6660 on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 12:58 PM

Apparently the website doesn't work. So I'll write them down for you.

Santa Fe Bx-37 

Scout: 141300-141700 & 143311-143510

Grand Canyon: 141701-142100 & 143511-143710

El Capitan: 142101-142500 & 143711-144110

Super Chief: 142501-142900 & 143911-144110

Chief: 142901-143310 & 144111-144310

National B-1 trucks on 141301-142300, 143311-143810, 145500-146499.

ASF self-aligning spring-plankers 132301-142910, 143811-144310,146500-147499.

Barber Stabilized S-2 trucks 142911-143310.5010

All boxcars were delivered with mineral brown paint with the white lettering and black roof, underbody trucks. Roof walk was plain wood.

Scout name was dropped in 1946. They added two additional names Texas Chief 1948 and San Francisco Chief 1954.

Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by angelob6660 on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 12:29 PM

Hey diners,

Wow Humbus it's one huge tab. Luckily my tab is under $200 dollars.

Nothing much is happening another than buying more freight cars. I was surprised when I bought a Micro-Trains ATSF XM it read Grand Canyon Line. So I researched this boxcar and found out on this website.

I hope this helps if someone is looking for 1941/42 passenger slogan boxcars.

Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 12:15 PM

Good afternoon.  Cloudy day with a few showers here.  I wouldn't call it significant rain, though, which is what we need.

Dennis, have you tried just power-cycling your router, or the laptop?  When you have these problems, does you wired-in computer still work?  I had an older wireless router that needed a power-cycle every month.  Something about the internal software.  They forgot to refresh IP addresses, which the network needs.  I bought a better router.  I've got a wireless printer, and find I need to power-cycle that occasionally when my wife wants it in the basement for her photo stuff.  It works fine in my office right next to the router, though.

I started the project of building the scenic cover for my staging tracks.  I've been putting this off because I just wasn't sure about how to build it, but I had an epiphany yesterday and now it's going to be easy.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by yougottawanta on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 11:56 AM

Johnboy - Geez that is some tough guys pulling thier own teeth! What is Boxing day ?

CN Charlie - That seems odd that the Queen is still "head of the state" how does that work ? Is she a figure head or does she play a role in the laws in Canada ?

Ray - How is your friend ? Are they going to do an MRI ? He should get one. An MRI is the only thing that will show any injuries to the brain. I was involved in a very serious car accident years ago and suffered head injuries ( yea I know that explains a lot ) and that is the only way they discovered why I was having speach, memory issues and a few other problems. Took three years of rehab to get me functional again.

Galaxy - hope everything is okay.

Ken - What is the news on Dave ?

Just purchased a 2664. Cant wait until it gets here.  On the move front down to one room and a large shed. Geez I will be soooo glad when this excercise is over ! Then it is on to setting up the new YGW Empire ! Cant wait.

Talk to you later


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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 10:16 AM

blownout cylinder


Chloe, I'll have an Earl Gray Breakfast Tea with toast and jam please...


Barry,  You will fade away to nothing on a diet like that. Similar to what has happened to me here.  Just a mere shadow of our former selves. Although, that is not to say I didn't need to lose a little weight.

You go right ahead and eat for the two of us, you have my blessing.   Bow  Dinner

Johnboy out.

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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