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Elliot's Trackside Diner, DECEMBER, 2012! Locked

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:47 AM

Good Morning!

It is a sunny, but icy cold day on this December 6th. We got about 2 inches of snow last night. Seems as if Winter is here to stay!

December 6th is St. Nicolaus Day in Germany or Sinter Klaas Day in The Netherlands. Kids hang up their stockings on the fireplace or put their boots up for St. Nicolaus to bring a little present. It is usually some sweets and/or a little toy, just to shorten the time they have to wait until Christmas. When my son was just a toddler, he crawled out of bed VERY early to see what St. Nicolaus had brought him.

Unlike in the US, children get their Christmas presents on Christmas Eve. As soon as it turns dark, Father Christmas (we don´t call the gentleman Santa) comes to each house, not to be seen by the children, who have to stay in their rooms.

December 24th has always been a special day in my family. In the morning, my father put up the Christmas tree, which was always some undertaking for him. After that was done, he prepared the candles for the tree. For years, we had real candles on our tree! After lunch, we kids had to go into our rooms and stay there! As you can imagine, tension was running high. The living room door was locked, and the keyhole was covered. After endless hours a little bell was rung, calling us to assemble in front of the living room door. We started to sing Christmas carols and the bell rang a second time - we were allowed to come in! The room was filled with the warm light of the candles on the tree, but we usually only had eyes for the presents. I took a lot of persuasion from my parents to make us sing a few more Christmas songs, before we were allowed to open the presents! In the meantime, my Mom had fixed dinner, a very special dinner, which was only served on Christmas Eve. It took two days to prepare! I have to admit I did not like it very much. After dinner, we took a last glance at the Christmas tree and were sent off to bed, while my parents went to attend the midnight mass at church. In later years, we went with them.

All of this is just fond memories today. We don´t have real candles on a tree, we don´t even have a tree. That special dinner cannot be prepared, as  the ingredients are not available anymore. And, instead of singing Christmas songs, we listen to a recording. How much I miss the old days...

Chloe, as it is shivering cold outside, I´ll go for a mug of hot chocolate and a sweet roll, please.

Have a good day!

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Posted by galaxy on Thursday, December 6, 2012 3:13 AM

Morning Coffee in the Diner


Today is, apparently, Thursday, December 6th, 2012!

Thank You  Sinter Klaas! {I'm not greedy, just Needy!}


Many send out Christmas cards by now, SO:

The Origin of Christmas Card sayings:

Self-made cards with goodwill verses have been sent, by hand or by post, for centuries. The first that's recognizable as what we now think of as a Christmas card, i.e. a printed card sent by post, was sent at Christmas 1843.

Sir Henry Cole, the founder of the London's Victoria and Albert Museum, had sent many handwritten cards previously but that year he commissioned John Calcott Horsley to paint a card showing the feeding and clothing of the poor.

"A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You" was printed on the first Christmas card.

Since then the billions of cards that have been sent almost all contain a printed verse. Many of these are culled from religious or sentimental texts, notably from Victorian authors such as Charles Dickens.

THere's a large selection of numerous classical verses and rhymes that have been used as source material by Christmas card writers - from the touching and profound to the comic and cynical.

{NOTE: There are too many to list here, and some are of strong religious nature which might violate the "no religion" clause here!} {and "clause"  does NOT refer to the Jolly old elf in the Red suit!}


The Prayer candles will remain lit for today! Angel

{Looks like prayers are doing some good for Jeffrey's mother.}



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, December 6, 2012 5:35 AM

Good morning. Still dark as sin here. It's 55° with 100% humidity and patchy fog. It'll be mostly cloudy and 70°. The wind will be changing to the south.

Couldn't get a bit of sleep all night. The alarm is set for 6am and that's about a half hour away so I'm not even going to try now. Darn meds keep me wound up so tight sometimes I can't relax at all.

I have to take my father to the dentist this morning. Maybe I can get some rest in the waiting room. With my luck some woman will have to bring her whole brood of screaming brats with her. Oh well. It is what it is.

I have the F unit Frankenlocos running right now. The double headlight of the A unit looks good in the dark.

See y'all later.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, December 6, 2012 6:40 AM

Good Morning

Weatherguessers have today being a mix of sun/cloud...high of 37F expected...

Well, typical day to get some stuff from Wally World and a few groceries as well...tomorrow is Audrey's doctor that takes Friday out of the picture...weekend looks a little wet....

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Posted by GMTRacing on Thursday, December 6, 2012 6:51 AM

Good Morning All,

     26F and breezy this morning. More of the same the next few days but no s**w forcast. Helped #2 son start his move out of the house last night - he's gotten his own apartment and wanted more space than the glorified porch we ceded when he returned from college. This will also be good since we'll get the music room back and I can set drums up again.

   No layout work last night. After banging knuckles on door frames whilst moving furnitiure I wasn't up for much.

    Funny thing about layout planning. I sketched out what I had for a space then what I wanted for benches. I added what I envisioned for features and then mixed it all together and made dimensioned sketches. Try as I might I couldn't get 3rd Plannit to function for me despite Ryans' interventions on my behalf and reverted to hand drawn prints of the areas. So far I haven't modified that much from the sketches with the exception of deciding to not finish the swing gate isle entry until my back gets worse. Guess I was lucky to have the years getting the house done inbetween planning and starting. Bottom line is if you don't like what you did so far, don't be afraid to start over as it won't get better for you otherwise.  Just sayin..... If anyone wants the 3rd Plannit disc it's available to a good home at a very reasonable price (like free) if I can find it again.

    Time to pick up tools and get to it out in the shop.   CUL, J.R.



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Posted by JeremyB on Thursday, December 6, 2012 7:25 AM

Great Story about Christmas Ulrich, you had me thinking about Christmas mornings when I was a kid. Your right things arent the same as when we were kids.I don't have kids so don't get to see that look on kids faces as they see a tree full of presents.

Well its my birthday this Sunday and I will be 31. Don't really have much planned probably just stay home and play some video games as its supposed to be lousy weather,lol.

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, December 6, 2012 7:54 AM

Jeremy - I guess when you have reached a certain age, life in the past appears to be a lot more glorious than it actually was. In those days, we lived in a little two bedroom flat, which was rather tight for the five of us. Money was always tight. I still wonder how my Mom managed to feed us and make ends meet.

I have done quite many things in my life, I have traveled a lot throughout the world. I guess the only place I had no chance to see is "Down under". But the only right thing I ever did is called Christian, aged 25 now, my son. No money can ever buy you what a smile in a child´s face can give you.

Gosh, I am getting sentimental ...

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Posted by galaxy on Thursday, December 6, 2012 8:02 AM


Well its my birthday this Sunday and I will be 31. Don't really have much planned probably just stay home and play some video games ...

Oh, MY! A young'un!!
Whats a V-i-d-e-o  g-a-m-e???
Well, WEll
I went to Wally WOrld to return wrong-sized slippers for MOH..and to get a few more fleece shirts and pants for boht of us. We like em and wearing them is cheaper than turning up the heat seeing as how that budget went up $264 a year! Hopefully HEAP will offset that ...
So that was what Sinter Klaas brought us..a few items of warm clothing!!!
Coal in the stockings will surely follow from Santa on Christmas Morning..but maybe we can heat the house with that???! {NOT becaues we were bad, but because SANTA is on a strict tight non-budget this year!}
Well, I have to clean up the kitchen, fishish off some laundry of new clothe,s and do can and bottles for a trip to the redemtption center,
Then I get to see what other trouble I can cause!
Later gatoers

-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by TMarsh on Thursday, December 6, 2012 8:22 AM

Good Morning!!!

Glad to hear Jeff’s Mom opened her eyes!

Coffee and vegetable Omelet please. Oh and hold the cilantro but I’ll take the salsa. Thanks.

J.R.- Nope, Ray’s on his own on that fish clearing thing. It was his idea, not mine. Hey, nobody stole his vehicles thoughLaugh. Probably leaves the keys in them tooLaugh. Hmm Not a bad idea come to think of it

Ray- Oh yes for you that would be a great car. I’d check into one too if I needed a vehicle. But for us though, not so good based on our driving ranges and areas. I’d also have to figure the usage cost of the old vehicle and the new based on our elect rates like you did to see. Buddy of mine bought one of those flex fuel vehicles a few years ago and found that it cost him more to use E-85 than regular gasoline. And not just a few dollars either. He was very careful to keep the driving conditions the same too. He drove E-85 for one year, then drove one year with regular gasoline, and yes he took into consideration gas/E-85 prices as well. Every fill up, he would write down the price of both type fuels and record them. He did not take into consideration weather temps, humidity or wind speed though. Laugh. He can be very….um….particular, yaaaah, let’s say “curiously particular” about some things. So, will the thing make it to the sisters cats and the various MR shows and back without having a charge? I see where it didn’t, but they may not have sent you off with a full charge either. Like gas vehicles. They (dealers) never seem to have a full tank in them. I know during the test runs no, but gee whiz when you buy the thing for $40 zillion you’d think they’d spring for the first tank of gas. But nooooo. They have power stations out there? Or does it charge off regular house plug.

Richard- If you think the layout is ill planned and you’re and you’re not the happiest with it AND you’re only 1/5th along….stop and start over. Truuuust me on this one. It’ll be cheaper and better in the long run than if you “try and fix it as you go” like I did. The thing still ended up coming down.Sigh

Well my lunch date went pretty good. Except for 1 thing. The food kinda sucked and was really expensive. $32 bucks for 2 people?!?!?!

Were'd you go? Arby's?Laugh  Just kidding.... I like Arby's food. At least here it's good. But it is a bit expensive.Pirate 

Welp the elevator’s party went ok. Guess I shouldn’t call it a party as all they do is go out to eat and the elevator buys. Food was on par with what I rememberNo. Though I was wrong about the taste. I had the lasagna and it reminded me of a Stauffers lasagna. Sooooo Stauffers. Not Ragu. Prices were less than I remember though, except for the $30 dollar tag on the steakIndifferent. Anyway, all went well for another year.

Lovin the new mouseLeft Hug.

Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, December 6, 2012 8:58 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have a nice big bowl of Raisin Bran Cereal with skim milk ans Sweet Leaf along with my mug of dark roast coffee in a R&GV RR Mug,  Please and Thank You Ma'am!

The bright yellow orb is shining in the sky for the moment this morning, I have a house to clean, a car to figure out how to charge (not difficult as the directions are straight forward), and all kinds of other items I must get done ASAP today.

Christmas Cards?  Haven't even had time to think about my usual sarcasm from the household yet...  I do include a good, old fashioned message though.

Ulrich, I like the old time notion that the next day starts at sundown, not when the clock strikes Midnight.  Midnight should be just that, half way through the night which comes before the day.  Just like Shakespeare's A Mid Summer's Night Dream was set on the Summer Solstice, half way through Summer.  I remember my Father telling me about experiences with candle lit trees...  They almost lost the farm house more than once.  LOL

Got to get moving!  Catch you all later...


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Burlington Northern #24 on Thursday, December 6, 2012 9:16 AM

I really hope the executive gets here today because it says "depart usps sort facility" in Anaheim. it has said that since yesterday. I''m getting worried, I really hope somebody didn't open the package, decide that they liked it, and walked off with it. 

SP&S modeler, 1960's give or take a decade or two for some equipment. 

Gary DuPrey

N scale model railroader 

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, December 6, 2012 9:16 AM

Ray - there was always a bucket of water and a big blanket next to the tree, but there is no doubt it being a great hazard. Stating from the mid- 60´s, we had electric lights on the tree, but it just wasn´t the same anymore.

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Posted by Cox 47 on Thursday, December 6, 2012 9:45 AM

Howdy All....Just a cup of coffee please...Thanks....I have engine slowly doing laps with a track cleaning car this morning..Railroad has taken back burner again...Sallie got home from nursing  Saturday but had to go back to Hospital sunday nite...She is pretty much out of it most of the time with pain and pain meds...Dr's can't seem to find out whats going on..I feel so helpless since I can't be there..You all please keep Her in your prayers..You all have a good one...Jerry

ILLinois and Southern...Serving the Coal belt of southern Illinois with a Smile...
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Posted by cudaken on Thursday, December 6, 2012 10:23 AM

 Morning Folks

 Flo, Coffee Pleases

 Jeffery, glad to hear your Mon is doing somewhat better. I like your engine bashing as well.

 Ulrich Good Christmas story. I as well was wondering about the candles in the tree.

 See the Surgeon today. Was not excepting that? But the more often I have the foot looked at the happier I am.

  Not sure if I am going to work today. They want me to work today, but I am do another day off. With me going to the Surgeon (you know they are going to cut on something) not sure if I can? Whistling Guess I will go to the VA in work uniform and see what the Surgeon says. I have to be honest, I rather have the day off, but it would be 6 hours of Over Time and I could use that this week!

  See you all later, Ken


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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Thursday, December 6, 2012 10:44 AM

Hello everybody ...

Jerry ..... I'm very sorry to hear about Sallie's condition. Prayers continue for her. You can always count on your good friends here in the diner, and it is good to see you here anytime you can do so. Also, model railroading is good for sanity breaks during tough times.

Ken .... I hope your surgeon appointment goes well.

JR .... I tried to us that software to design this layout, but I ended up using my old drafting tools. Of course, its been a while, and I would hope the software has improved since then to be more user friendly.

Thanks for sharing your Christmas memories. I like teh way Germans docelebrate Christmas. I recall being in Germany in early December years ago, and it was beautiful how they did Christmas.

Our cat here has become fond of the Lionel train under the tree. It's funny to see her. When I enter the living room she gets excited and runs toward the tree. If I also go toward the tree, she gets so excited she even stands on her hind legs and does sort of a dance. ...... As I turn on the power to teh train, she can hardly contain herself. Next, she hides behind a present to await the train as it comes around the curved track. .... Then she pounces on the track to challenge the approaching locomotive. Her head is close to the rails as she stairs at the engine with her rear end sticking up and her front end crouched down. It is a little like a game of chicken at that point, and then she jumps out of the way in the final instant before the locomotive could hit her. .... As soon as the train passes, she chases the caboose around the next curved track.  Then, she returns to her post behind the package and the routine is repeated.

It certainly is entertaining to watch all of that.  





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Posted by howmus on Thursday, December 6, 2012 11:16 AM

Afternoon folks!

Chloe, I'll have a turkey club sandwich and a cup of decaf for lunch.

Just taking a break from cleaning house and charging the car...  LOL  One nice thing about only cleaning once every couple of months is you can really see where you cleaned.

Todd, the Prius is a hybrid that can be plugged in to top off the battery  They had a full tank of gas and almost complete charge on the battery when I picked it up.  I can get on average 11 or 12 miles on just the electric before the little gas engine kicks in to assist it.  For about half of my driving miles I will be using just the battery.  In an emergency, when the gas pedal is put to the floor the gas engine immediately starts and gives a pretty good "kick in the pants".  Certainly nothing like Ken's Cuda, but as good as the Yaris was (meaning not much...Whistling). Should fit my needs well, but certainly wouldn't be a great fit for most people.  They do warn owners that gas should just sit in any vehicle for a long period of time as it will go bad.  They want me to burn at least 3.5 gallons of petrol every 6 months... Smile, Wink & Grin

Garry, funny about the cat playing with the Lionel... I haven't put up a tree in many years as I have no real reason to.  I enjoy my Sister's "Happy Holiday, Seasons Greetings, chop down the tree to celebrate the Solstice" tree and my son's Christmas Tree.  I have given my two sons most of the hand made decorations my late wife made for our tree also.  For several years after she died it was just to painful to enjoy my tree anymore so i decided to go without it.  

Time to feed the kitties...


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, December 6, 2012 12:18 PM

Got my father to the dentist this morning then back home. He has to go back next week to get more teeth pulled. His face looks like he got clipped by a high speed train. Now that I'm back home I'm gonna see if I can get some sleep. Didn't get ANY last night.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by JeremyB on Thursday, December 6, 2012 12:45 PM

Jerry - Good to see you back, sorry to hear how Sallie is feeling.

Jeff - Hopefully you can grab some shut eye this afternoon.

Well Im just getting ready for work, I wish it was Friday,lol. I can feel the onset of a cold coming on and with any luck I can sweat it out at work. I find I do much better with colds when I'm working and sweating as appose to just sitting around the house. Not much planned for this weekend as I was saying. Well, Im going to get going I might be back on later when I get home and have a shower but that wont be until around 11:20 or so. If Im not hope everybody has a good night.

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Posted by cudaken on Thursday, December 6, 2012 4:53 PM

 Evening Dinners!

 Flo, a Beer and some cap nip for Garey's cat.

 Gary You need to shoot a video and share it with us! Maybe I will try a cat the next time we need a pet, what the heck am I saying? Bang Head

 Surgeon Visit Dr was very pleased with the way the ulcer was healing, but I have heard that before and the wound is still there. They did some cutting so I called work and said I would not be in today and got a Dr note. I am still glad I am under the foot ulcer clinic care! 

  Boy I hope things work out with the possible promotion! Kenny needs one of theses!


 See you later, Ken

I hate Rust

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Posted by CNCharlie on Thursday, December 6, 2012 6:41 PM

Good Evening from Winterpeg!

Well the home town is living up to its namesake with temps falling to -20C.

Chloe, how about a couple of mince tarts and a coffee. Nice that you let little Robbie in here, not like most restaurants. Mind you in France your dog is welcome but often not your kids. What's that Robbie, you want a cheeseburger. Well ok, and one for Rerun, Missie and Sammie too.

Jerry, sorry to hear about Sallie. I sure hope she is better soon and back home. I know you are in a small town so I guess the hospital isn't nearby.  Anyway, thinking of you.

Jeff, nice to hear your mother is responding. It is always tough when the docs don't know the cause.

Not a lot new here. I finally finished the Water St. Freight Terminal and am now working on a Walthers store kit, Merchants RowII. That kit doesn't have seperate window frames so I have been painting them as molded in. A tedious job with a 5/0 paint brush. Nearly done though. It is strange bouncing from HO to N and back. In HO I  had been running the Northern for all of November but I did a time shift from 1954 to 1959 and am now giving a GP9 a little running time along with a SW8. December will be a diesel month on the Mortimer sub.

Well time to do a little more painting. Nearly done so I hope to get the building put together this weekend.

CN Charlie


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Posted by chochowillie on Thursday, December 6, 2012 7:52 PM

Well the home town is living up to its namesake with temps falling to -20C.

At least you have a reason to have the cold and the name CN Charlie. We are in the same boat here in Central Alberta with the temps hovering around the minus 20C. It's weird but what with getting a little order each year, I feel the cold worse each year. What's up with that?

Anyway, sounds like you are making good use of the Winterpeg weather an staying busy with your modeling.

With all the pre-silly season nonsense, it seems every time I think I'll get some quality üninterpted" time, something has to be done or I have to go to some stupid party. Bah Humbug is all I can say!!

Oh well, it will all be over in three long weeks from now Big Smile

CDN Dennis 

Modeling the HO scale something or other RR in the shadow of the Canadian Rockies Alberta, Canada

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, December 6, 2012 10:04 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie, just a decaf for me please.

Been a busy day around here.  Spent a couple hours trying to find the Lien release for the Dakota...  I found the last bill and the note that I wrote a check and the check #.  I'm wondering if I might have taken the lien release over to the insurance company and forgotten it was needed to be able to sell the thing...???  I will call them in the morning.  Got about half of the house cleaning I need to get done.  Did just enough to have a backache tonight.  Hopefully I will feel better in the morning.

Late morning I called an electrician who is the Scoutmaster of my old troop and was an asst. Scoutmaster back when I was still the Scoutmaster.  He came right over in the afternoon and put in the dedicated electrical box to the specs the Toyota manual said is needed to use for the charging.  One more item done!  Of course then he hung around the rest of the afternoon and filled me in on the troop and we both yakked until dark...  So much for getting everything else done.  My sone called tonight and told me I don't have to babysit for him tomorrow afternoon so that will give me a bit of time to complete all that has to get done before Saturday.

Guess I will call it a night.  need top get up a bit early tomorrow to make it to a Meeting with one of my units and the District Executive...

Prayers for all in need!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by BamaCSX83 on Thursday, December 6, 2012 11:11 PM

Good evening all.  Long time no see, but alas, I've returned.  Lots have happened around my neck of the woods, some good, some bad.  Really too much to say easily here, so I'll leave it at that, but I will say that I'm now working at a different job, which is a plus because its better pay, much, much less stress, and a better working schedule for me. 

I haven't been able to do a whole lot of MRR'ing in the past few months (I think it was march-ish last time I was in here), but I do intend to get back into it.  So far, I've been cataloging industries along the CSX Dothan Subdivision, so that I can figure out what all I'm going to need (other than a whole heap of room!)  My thoughts and prayers have been with all y'all during my absence and I'm glad to have gotten back!

I think I'll have a RBF in celebration, then off to bed for me as I have to be up at 0530 to get Heather (whom is now 5 and in kindergarten) up and on the bus to school by 0600.

Goodnight, sleep tight, and y'all don't let the bed bugs bite!

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, December 7, 2012 12:54 AM

Good Morning!

Friday, December 7th, 2012

To this date

- 177 years ago: Grand opening of the first railroad line between Nuremberg and Fuerth in the Kingdom of Bavaria.

- 86 years ago: My Dad was born.

71 years ago: The "Day of Infamy" - Japanese Imperial Forces raid Pearl Harbor.

Chloe, lots of coffee, please. I did not sleep well. Something kept me awake last night. Some critter moved into the attic, making a heck of a noise. I guess it´s one of these:

and not this one:

(That´s a "Marder" tank).

Bama - good to see you´re back! How are the little ones?

Jeff - continuing prayers for your Mom!

The night´s been utterly cold, but no more snow. Probably to cold for it at 20 F! That´s the coldest night ever recoded at this time of the year for our neck of the woods. The weather guessers are predicting lots of that white stuff to come down in the next days. I hope we can make it to my parent´s place.

Have a good day!

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Posted by wetidlerjr on Friday, December 7, 2012 3:00 AM

Good Morning! from Tipton IN.

Friday, December 7, 2012

December 7, 1941

Lest We Forget!


Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by galaxy on Friday, December 7, 2012 3:25 AM

Morning Coffee with Friends in the diner!


Today is the day of "this Day shall live in infamy" anniversary, December 7th, 2012!! {HOPEFULLY today will be a better day!}

Only 15 more days till the world ends according to the Mayans!!!


In the same military vein {thanks for your service}, and in

 looking for MRRing bargains on the locos we want, we often look for "more bang for our buck", so:

Meaning: More for your money


Generals and political leaders have argued over the costs of the military since Adam was a lad. Their conversations have probably not changed much:

General: "Caesar/My Liege/Mr President, we need more triremes/cannons/nuclear weapons."     Emperor/King/President:     "The people need more olives/bread/iPads. Can't you manage with what you've got?"

Dwight D. Eisenhower faced something of a dilemma in 1953. He was a military man to his socks and was inclined to augment defence  in the face of the perceived 'reds under the bed' threat, but he was also a Republican US president and, as such, politically wedded to cutting state spending. His solution was simple - increase the armed forces but decrease their budget. In ordinary circumstances that circle would be difficult to square. The solution that the US Joint Chiefs of Staff came up with, which they titled the 'New Look', was a policy of using nuclear weapons in any conflict bigger than what they called 'a brush-fire war'. That allowed them to radically reduce the numbers of servicemen and replace them with the comparatively inexpensive atomic bombs.

All of the above was described in a story in The Winona Republican Heraldon 21st December 1953. The story also reports Admiral Arthur Radford as describing the policy as the 'bigger bang for your buck' theory. This was  an adaptation of Pepsi-Cola's 'More Bounce to the Ounce' slogan, which was introduced in 1950.

Most sources credit US Defense Secretary Charles Wilson as the source of the expression 'a bigger bang for your buck'. These invariably point to him having used the phrase in 1954. Wilson could be the person who coined the phrase but 1954 is clearly too late and, until a pre-December 1953 source is found, the phrase has to be logged as 'coined by Anonymous'.

The current form of the phrase, in which  has lost its nuclear connotations, is 'more bang for your buck'.

Just in passing, I ought to mention that a theory that this phrase originated as a reference to prostitution is  suggested by some. There's no truth whatever in that notion.

The prayer candles will be lit all day for those in need Angel

Have a GREAT day!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by mononguy63 on Friday, December 7, 2012 5:10 AM

Morning all.

Here's today's Pearl Harbor Fun Fact: Of the eight US battleships present during the Japanese attack, only five were actually sunk. Of those five, three were later raised and eventually put back into action. So six of the eight old battleagons (they were all WWI-vintage and obsolescent at the time) actually survived the war. What's more, some of the survivors, which had been modernized after the attack, participated in histoy's last battleship-on-battleship engagement, defeating a Japanses force in the Phillipines campaign.


"I am lapidary but not eristic when I use big words." - William F. Buckley

I haven't been sleeping. I'm afraid I'll dream I'm in a coma and then wake up unconscious.  -Stephen Wright

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Posted by BamaCSX83 on Friday, December 7, 2012 6:24 AM

Morning all.  glad to see everyone up, hale, and hearty.  I think I'm going to have an order of biscuits and gravy, side of sausage, and a large glass of chocolate milk to wash it down.  Today is the day that brought the United States officially into World War II with the Japanese attack on the US Navy installation at Pearl Harbor and coinciding attack at Hickam Army Air Base.  My grandfather on my mom's side was actually at Pearl that fateful morning as an MP and was on duty when the attack started.  May we never forget that act of aggression, and remember to be forever watchful. 

Ulrich, they are all doing fine.  Heather is 5 now and in kindergarten, Mikayla is 3 and, well, being a 3 year old, and Michael is a healthy 8 months old attempting to stand on his own and furniture surfing (holding onto furniture and walking that way for balance). 

Today is going to be a fun day for me, first I have w**k, but that's all right because I really love where I'm at (so much so that my boss thinks I'm on something and keeps saying he's going to get me drug tested because no one should be that happy while w**king).  After that, its rush home, do the three S's (stuff, shower, shave) then spruce up for our church Christmas party tonight.  Of course after that its come home and crawl in bed so I can go to w**k on Saturday.

Well, I'm going to mosey along here, got a few more things to check out before I get myself ready to head out the door for another exciting day working on people's vehicles.

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Posted by LSWrr on Friday, December 7, 2012 6:32 AM

Good Morning all,

V8Vega, we have 5 days of rain in the forecast with a high of a blistering 48 degrees then day 6 it will snow with a high of a sweltering 32 degrees.  Enjoy your shorts weather, LOL.

JeremyB, I was down and out yesterday with a cold, I wish you luck in avoiding it!

Starting January 1st they will be taxing me for rain fall.  The county will measure the square footage of my roof and driveway then calculate how much rainfall those two areas receive every 3 months then charge me appropriately. Fresh air is still tax free until they can determine how to measure my usage.

Jeff, that’s good news (Wednesday) about your mom opening her eyes, that’s a good start.  Did they ever figure out what happened??

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, December 7, 2012 7:00 AM

Good Morning

Kinda cold and dull again...

Got some runnin' 'roun' doin' stuff to do, more family members showing up for Xmas...that makes 10 around the table now...Confused Wondering what else will fall out of the woodwork now...Confused

Gotta start some time I guess...have a good day!!Big Smile

Lee:  uuummmm....a rainfall tax? Alien

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...

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