"Being misunderstood is the fate of all true geniuses"
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
QUOTE: Originally posted by Fergmiester Mehano (IHC) makes a good Steam Engine providing you're not overly concerned with accuracy
QUOTE: Originally posted by Roadtrp You mean some people model in something other than 'N' scale? Whodathunkit?
QUOTE: Originally posted by BRAKIE Let me call your attention to this shop.I have dealt with this company when I started my short but ill fated trip back into N scale. http://www.buynscale.com/Locomotives.htm
QUOTE: Originally posted by t3488g [br Are we talking about N or HO? Bigboy: Bachmann steam engines are god are they?[:p]lol
QUOTE: Originally posted by bill mathewson Model Power made a couple of decent low cost diesels a while back-very smooth running and powerful Alco FAs and Baldwin Sharks-and at a time when FAs weren't available from anyone except in brass, and Sharks still aren't.